“Suggested Vendor” No Longer Available for Direct Payment Requests

Effective February 4, 2015, “Suggested Vendor” will no longer be available for users to select in the Supplier field for Direct Payment requests in FTS. (Labels in FTS formerly referencing “VENDOR” have now been changed to “SUPPLIER”). Supplier ID#’s created in advance help to reduce delays in processing payments and when reviewing your voucher history in FTS, you will see the supplier’s name and not just a blank space.

“Suggested Vendor” will continue to be available for FTS Requisitions.

To determine if a supplier is available for a Direct Payment, use the look-up feature. If it does not exist, please send an email to vendor-request@sjsu.edu to have the new supplier set up in our system, as many of you are already doing.  Please follow the instructions below and allow at least 3-5 business days to process requests. You will receive an email notification when your supplier setup is complete and is available in FTS.

 Direct Payment to Suppliers

  • When requesting goods/services from a new supplier, have them complete the Vendor Data Record Std. 204 form.
  • Before creating the Direct Payment request, send the Vendor Data Record Std. 204 form to vendor-request@sjsu.edu along with the following information:

Supplier Name
Remittance Address
Description of Payment

For more information, go to:

Direct Payment Process and Guidelines: http://www.sjsu.edu/finance/financeconnect/resources/pathways/direct_pay/index.html

Vendor Create Instructions:  https://blogs.sjsu.edu/financeconnect/tag/vendorsstudentemployee-create-and-update-in-fts/

Please contact FinanceConnect at 4-1558, or by email, if you have any questions.  We appreciate your patience regarding any confusion caused by the discrepancies between the use of supplier and vendor as we transition over to the new terminology.

January Accounting Period Close

For employees who track or manage department budgets, please note that the month of January 2014 is now closed in the CFS Finance System. This means that the General Ledger (GL) system will not accept any more entries with a January Journal Date. January transactions can still be entered into the GL system, but the Journal Date must be 2/1/2014 or later. Periods currently open are February 2014 through June 2014.


Accounts Payable strongly encourages the campus to submit Purchase Order invoices through the e-Invoice portal. Save yourself some time and refrain from sending PO invoices through campus mail or emailing them to the Accounts Payable staff.

e-Invoice is a quick and convenient method to submit purchase order invoices to Accounts Payable for payment processing. Users can upload PO invoices in a dedicated portal located in the Accounts Payable section of the Finance website.

Some benefits to using e-Invoice are:

  • reduce paper usage which is better for the environment
  • efficient processing for payment by Accounts Payable
  • and most of all, invoices will be viewable via FTS on the requisition**

*  e-Invoice payment processing often generates Action Required notifications for Approval to Pay or CFS Receipt. Accounts Payable now has a dedicated email address to handle your responses. When you are ready to send  your Approval to Pay or CFS Receipt #, forward the Action Required notification email to reply-to-accounts-payable@sjsu.edu.

This will allow all of the Accounts Payable Technicians access to your responses in order to move your PO invoices through the payment process, helping to avoid unnecessary 2nd or 3rd notifications.

** An e-Invoice link appears on all requisitions, but only invoices submitted through e-Invoice will be available to view.

e-Invoice Instructions

To start using e-Invoice, follow these steps when you receive a PO invoice and have determined that the goods or services have been provided to your satisfaction:

  1.  The invoice should reference a valid and active Purchase Order Number. If not, then write the appropriate PO # on the invoice.
  2.  a)  For purchase orders that do not require receiving, please write on the invoice “Approved to Pay” or “OK  to Pay”  and include your name.
    b)  For purchase orders that require receiving, please write the CFS PO Receipt Number(s) on the invoice.
    c)  Additional details or other info regarding the payment can also be written on the invoice.
  3. Scan invoice (multiple-page invoices can be included in one file) and save it for uploading. Acceptable file types for upload are PDF, DOC, DOCX, JPG, and JPEG.
  4. Go to www.sjsu.edu/finance/einvoice.
  5. At the website, enter the full 10-digit PO #, the Invoice #, and the Invoice Date (one invoice at a time).
  6. Upload the invoice file and submit.