New DocuSign Template: Special Event Insurance Request

The Special Event Insurance Request form is now available in DocuSign, and we’ve redesigned the form to simplify the process! You can use this form to inform Risk Management about the details of your special event and to determine any risks that may need special consideration.
Thank you for your continued partnership in helping to make SJSU events enjoyable and safe!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Risk Management for assistance.

New DocuSign Template: Campus Zip Code Extension Request

The Campus Zip Code Extension Request form is now available in DocuSign as a template! Use it to request a zip code extension for a new department, update the department name, location or billing information for an existing zip code or to delete an unneeded zip code.

If you have any issues or questions, please contact the Distribution Services Manager, Sonja Bowsky, at 408-924-1592 or