SJSU Travel Guide – Revisions Released September 20, 2017

The current revisions to the Travel Guide are intended to further clarify trip information required to facilitate and to help ensure, the proper review and approval of university business travel expenses.

The revised requirements are effective as of the release date, September 20, 2017, however, Accounts Payable will not begin enforcing the changes until October 1st.  Please use this time to begin sharing this information with travelers, requestors, reviewers, approvers, and any others who would be interested in these changes, as summarized in the following table:

Section(s) Revised Summary of Revision(s) Travel Document Type Revision Date

Page 5 – Responsibilities

Traveler Responsibilities

Additional requirements or clarification:

  • Clearly state business purpose and inclusive trip date range.
  • Conference/meeting agenda.
  • “Business meeting” must identify who with and for what purpose.
  • Personal time added onto a business trip must be identified.

Travel Authorization


Travel Reimbursement



Page 12 – Rental Cars


Text added to require business justification for any rental vehicle upgrades. Travel Reimbursement



Page 25 -Appendix E

Out of State Domestic Travel Restriction

Text added to address effective date when states are added to the DOJ restricted list; current list of states shown alphabetically.




Sales Tax Rate Changes, Again

Effective April 1, 2017, the sales tax rate for the city of San Jose will increase from 8.75% to 9.25% due to a new local district tax of .5% for the county of Santa Clara. The .5% increase was approved by voters with the passage of Measure B on Santa Clara County ballots to provide more than $6 billion for road and transit improvements.  The sales tax rate for the city of Campbell will also be 9.25% whereas the rest of the county will be an even 9%.

February LCD Processing

To personnel with Labor Cost Distribution (LCD) responsibilities, this is the monthly reminder to confirm your salary information by running your LCD Setup Audit.

Any changes to the distribution of funding for payroll expenses that you would like made for February 2017 payroll must be received by Finance Support no later than Monday, February 20th at 5:00 p.m.

For temporary appointment funding changes, all requests can be emailed directly to Finance Support at .

For faculty who are on release time and/or any split funding changes, employee profile requests must be approved by the Dean’s Office prior to submittal to our office. The Release Time Authorization (RTA) form for faculty on release time with the Research Foundation should be sent to Faculty Affairs – please do not send the RTA form to Finance Support.

We cannot guarantee that requests for changes received after the deadline will be captured for the February payroll cycle.

Reminder: Payroll expenditures for Fiscal Year 2016/17 will reflect regular/negative pay for the months of July 2016 through June 2017; positive pay salary expenditures (e.g. student salary and overtime) will represent the months of June 2016 through May 2017. Positive pay for Fiscal Year 2017/18 will reflect expenditures for the twelve month period of June 2017 through May 2018.

Please refer to Labor Cost Distribution for information regarding the LCD process and Temporary Appointment Funding Changes for instructions on completing the Employee Profile form. If you have any questions about LCD processing, please contact FinanceConnect at or 4-1558.