Reminder: Fall 2015 Finance What’s Up?

Finance What’s Up? is happening tomorrow.

What’s Up? is a biannual event where the Finance Service Group updates the campus of the latest news, projects, and goals from our area.

The Fall presentation will be held on Oct. 20, 2015 in King Library 225. Doors open at 9 a.m. and event commences at 9:30 a.m. 

All members of the campus community with procurement, accounting, or budget responsibilities are encouraged to attend.  If you have any questions, please contact FinanceConnect at or 4-1558.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Previous announcement:


New Fixtures, Furniture & Equipment Procurement Requirements

Campus Purchase Approvers:

In response to requests to clarify the regulatory requirements for accessibility and fire life safety and; in an effort to expedite Fixtures, Furniture and Equipment (FF&E) purchasing, a new policy has been developed by Facilities Development & Operations for FF&E permits.  The policy is based on the 2013 California Building Code and should be used to determine if a permit is required  by Facilities Development & Operations prior to submitting a requisition to Contracts & Purchasing  Services for the procurement of such FF&E items.

Fixtures, Furniture and Equipment Permits are required for the following:

  • items weighing over 400 pounds
  • items over 5 feet, 9 inches in height
  • systems and modular furniture regardless of height
  • items being installed or placed in a hallway or other area of egress
  • items such as, fume hoods, portable generators, portable kilns
  • items which require alteration to existing electrical, mechanical, plumbing or structural design
  • items which are intended to alter the usage or occupancy of a classroom, lab or offices

The full procedure further identifies items for which permits are “not required, but strongly recommended for review” and those items that do not require FF&E permits prior to purchase.  It is recommended that campus requestors utilize the criteria to determine the need to submit a Work Order with iService for FD&O review prior to sending a requisition for purchase to Contracts & Purchasing Services.  This will minimize potential delays.

Once a permit is approved, it should be attached to the requisition and forwarded for purchase.

The new procedure can be viewed in its entirety at:

October LCD Processing

To personnel with Labor Cost Distribution (LCD) responsibilities, this is the monthly reminder to confirm your salary information by running your LCD Setup Audit.

Any changes to the distribution of funding for payroll expenses that you would like made for October 2015 payroll must be received by Finance Support no later than Wednesday, October 21st at 5:00 p.m.

For temporary appointment funding changes, all requests can be emailed directly to Finance Support at .

For faculty who are on release time and/or any split funding changes, employee profile requests must be approved by the Dean’s Office prior to submittal to our office. The Release Time Authorization (RTA) form for faculty on release time with the Research Foundation should be sent to Faculty Affairs – please do not send the RTA form to Finance Support.

We cannot guarantee that requests for changes received after the deadline will be captured for the October payroll cycle.