PaymentWorks in FTS

We are experiencing a technical issue with PaymentWorks. This problem impacts users who have selected Supplier NEW as the supplier in their Requisition or Direct Payment in FTS. Campus users can create and save a Requisition and Direct Payment, but are unable to access the form to invite a supplier to register in PaymentWorks or to check the status of a supplier’s
onboarding process. We will update you when the matter is resolved.

FTS/PaymentWorks Supplier Onboarding Overview

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Finance webinar overview of the new FTS/PaymentWorks supplier onboarding which was held on April 28 and May 1, 2020.

We have posted the presentation and FAQs from the event for your reference. Please contact FinanceConnect at or 4-1558 with any questions.

Reminder: New Supplier Request Process

A big thank you to all of our early adopters of our new supplier request process! We’re sending a quick reminder that SUGGESTED VENDOR is no longer available for selection in FTS. Alternatively, please utilize one of the following supplier IDs created for specific use cases:

  • Supplier NEW: Select this supplier ID when you’ve identified a supplier you intend to do business with or that you want to pay but the supplier ID does not exist in FTS.
  • Supplier TO BID: Select this supplier ID when submitting a requisition for goods/services that meet or exceed CSU bid thresholds and require a competitive bid process. This can translate to informal or formal bidding, OR instances where  you have requested the Procurement team to assist you in sourcing or identifying a supplier for a good or service.
  • Supplier NO $ VALUE: Select this supplier when submitting a requisition for a contract or a document that requires the signature of the University, but it has no dollar value. Please note anything that requires a signature must be signed by the Procurement or Contracts staff. Examples include but are not limited to, Student Placement Agreements (SPA), freeware, Memorandums of Understanding (MOU), hack-a-thons, etc.

Our next walk through session is scheduled this Friday, May 1, 2020 at 9:30 AM. Please Register! Not able to join us? Take a look at the Supplier Request Process FTS and PaymentWorks tutorial!