A big thank you to all of our early adopters of our new supplier request process! We’re sending a quick reminder that SUGGESTED VENDOR is no longer available for selection in FTS. Alternatively, please utilize one of the following supplier IDs created for specific use cases:
- Supplier NEW: Select this supplier ID when you’ve identified a supplier you intend to do business with or that you want to pay but the supplier ID does not exist in FTS.
- Supplier TO BID: Select this supplier ID when submitting a requisition for goods/services that meet or exceed CSU bid thresholds and require a competitive bid process. This can translate to informal or formal bidding, OR instances where you have requested the Procurement team to assist you in sourcing or identifying a supplier for a good or service.
- Supplier NO $ VALUE: Select this supplier when submitting a requisition for a contract or a document that requires the signature of the University, but it has no dollar value. Please note anything that requires a signature must be signed by the Procurement or Contracts staff. Examples include but are not limited to, Student Placement Agreements (SPA), freeware, Memorandums of Understanding (MOU), hack-a-thons, etc.
Our next walk through session is scheduled this Friday, May 1, 2020 at 9:30 AM. Please Register! Not able to join us? Take a look at the Supplier Request Process FTS and PaymentWorks tutorial!