UPS CampusShip Now Paid Through ProCard

We are happy to announce that UPS CampusShip charges will now be paid by University ProCard. Effective immediately, Distribution Services will end the practice of billing departments monthly for UPS mailings, which includes a 13% surcharge. Instead, all charges to UPS CampusShip accounts will be paid through the account holder’s ProCard.
This change is being implemented for a number of reasons:
  • Saves campus departments money by eliminating the 13% surcharge applied to all Distribution Services billings.
  • Provides more detailed information on mailing expenses – Approving Officials will see charges for each mailing rather than one lump sum.
  • Helps streamline the payment process, eliminating inefficiencies.
FinanceConnect will send a separate message to UPS CampusShip account holders which will include instruction on:
  • Setting up their account to bill to a ProCard
  • Reconciling UPS CampusShip charges on their ProCard Reconciliation Report
  • How to handle situations where the UPS CampusShip account holder does not have a ProCard

At this time, payment through University ProCard is only available for UPS CampusShip, not at UPS Stores or for FEDEX. If you are a FEDEX User and would like to establish a UPS CampusShip account, please contact Distribution Services at (408) 924-1590.