Hospitality Guide and Expense Justification Form Updated

Effective immediately, the campus Hospitality Expense Justification form and Hospitality Guide have been updated, specifically for adding our employee meal limit requirement which follows the CSU Hospitality Policy.

The SJSU Hospitality Guide was reorganized for clarity, purpose and to effectively address hospitality-related purchase questions. Hospitality expenses [e.g., food, light refreshments, promotional items] can be incurred for events and activities that support the university’s mission and goals. View the updated matrix for funding guidance. Please refer to the SJSU Hospitality Guide for detailed information on such expenses.   

A completed Hospitality Expense Justification form must be included as backup documentation for all hospitality-related payment and purchase requests [Requisition, Direct Payment, ProCard, Employee/Student Reimbursement, and Petty Cash]. Hospitality Payment requests cannot be processed without the form.

Maintaining Employee Addresses for Reimbursement

To better assist our employees during the reimbursement process, we’re adding a pop-out window in FTS that explains how to update your address in our systems.  This primarily impacts users who receive paper reimbursement checks.  If you still receive paper checks, we highly recommend you sign up for Employee Reimbursement Direct Deposit (not the same as Payroll Direct Deposit) as it is more efficient for receiving payment for your reimbursement requests.

For employees that have signed up for Employee Reimbursement Direct Deposit, the mailing address will not have an impact on their reimbursement, but an outdated address may inadvertently cause confusion. In these cases, you must contact the Supplier Maintenance Coordinator to manually update your address.

Moving forward, you will now see a hyperlink – “Need to update this address?” – under Employee/Student Reimbursements and Travel Authorizations/Reimbursements. This hyperlink will generate a pop-out window with instructions on how to update your address in our systems.  Changes will be reflected in FTS within 3 days.

(Click on images to enlarge)

Figure 1: New Hyperlink on Employee/Student Reimbursement

Screenshot of the Employee Reimbursement Module

Figure 2: New Hyperlink on Travel Authorizations/Reimbursements 

Screenshot of the Travel Authorization Module

Figure 3: New Message for SJSU Address Change

Screenshot of the FTS Pop Out Window

Update to Employee Reimbursement Electronic (EFT) Payment Notifications

Have you noticed a new look and feel to your reimbursement notification? SJSU has migrated to PeopleSoft delivered electronic payment notifications, a CSU wide change as the current custom functionality in CFS will be retired at the end of this calendar year.

A snapshot of the updates is provided below. If you have any questions, please reach out to


New Old
Sender Email Address:
Subject Line: Payment Advice Notification Employee Reimbursement
Payment Details:

Payment advice provided as an attachment to the message

Included in the message body