Direct Payment Limit Increased for Guest Artists and Guest Speakers

Strategic Sourcing – Procurement to Payment Services has increased the Direct Payment limit for guest artists and guest speakers. Services by guest artists/speakers are allowed through Direct Payment pathway if it’s under $1500, instead of the previous limit of $1000. Please submit a Requisition if services is over $1500 and/or if there is a contract to sign.

New Class Code for Coronavirus-Related Expenses

Due to the continued Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we anticipate being asked, at some point, to report the cost of SJSU’s response to the outbreak. Depending on how the outbreak unfolds, we might also need to file incident claims with our insurance provider or FEMA. Our initial goal is to track and report these costs.

To facilitate this reporting, a new class code has been established: 4716 Coronavirus COVID-19 Incident. Please use this class code with your primary department ID and fund number for any special purchases directly related to SJSU’s COVID-19 response. As the situation unfolds, we will monitor financial impacts and work with units that incur significant costs.

2020 Mileage Reimbursement Rate

The CSU adjusted its mileage reimbursement rates to reflect the new IRS rates. The mileage rate changes are as follows and apply to business travel occurring on or after January 1, 2020:

  • The standard mileage rate decreased from 58 cents per mile to 57.5 cents per mile.
  • Miles driven for moving purposes will be reimbursed at 17 cents per mile, decreased from 20 cents per mile.

The FTS Travel module reflects the standard mileage rate appropriate to the date(s) the mileage was incurred. If you have any questions, please contact FinanceConnect at ext. 4-1558 or

Please forward this message to any staff or faculty you feel should be notified.