Update to Employee Reimbursement Electronic (EFT) Payment Notifications

Have you noticed a new look and feel to your reimbursement notification? SJSU has migrated to PeopleSoft delivered electronic payment notifications, a CSU wide change as the current custom functionality in CFS will be retired at the end of this calendar year.

A snapshot of the updates is provided below. If you have any questions, please reach out to financeconnect@sjsu.edu.


New Old
Sender Email Address: financeconnect@sjsu.edu Accounts@cunprd924.sldc.calstate.edu
Subject Line: Payment Advice Notification Employee Reimbursement
Payment Details:

Payment advice provided as an attachment to the message

Included in the message body










Mileage Reimbursement Rate Effective July 1, 2022

The CSU adjusted its mileage reimbursement rates to reflect the new IRS rates. The mileage rate changes are as follows and apply to business travel occurring on or after July 1, 2022:

  • The standard mileage rate has increased to 62.5 cents per mile for
    business travel, an increase from 58.5 cents per mile.
  • Miles driven for moving purposes will be reimbursed at 22 cents per mile, increased from 18 cents per mile.

The FTS Travel module reflects the standard mileage rate appropriate to the date(s) the mileage was incurred. If you have any questions, please contact FinanceConnect at ext. 4-1558 or financeconnect@sjsu.edu.

Strategic Sourcing- Payment Services: Friendly Reminders

Your Strategic Sourcing team has a few friendly reminders to help you have a successful Fiscal Year End!

Current & Fast Approaching Deadlines:

June 3rd

  • Final Day to submit Travel Reimbursement
  • Final Day to submit Non-Employee Travel Reimbursement
  • Final Day to submit Direct Payment
  • Final Day to submit Employee Reimbursement
  • Final Day to submit e-Invoices

June 27th

  • Final Check Run day

June 28th

  • Final Day for ACH processing from the June 27th check run.

Full list of 2022 FYE Deadlines

Please share this message with any staff or faculty you feel should be notified. Feel free to reach out to our Strategic Sourcing team for any questions at strategicsourcing-c-ps@sjsu.edu.

Wishing you all a great and successful month!