August Accounting Period Close

For employees who track or manage department budgets, please note that the month of August 2023 is now closed in CFS.

This means the General Ledger (GL) system will not accept any more entries with a August journal date. August transactions can still be entered into the GL system, but the journal date must be 9/1/23 or later. The current period open is September 2023.

Update – Travel to Banned States Repealed

Update 9/27/2023: For clarification, departments no longer need to submit the Travel to Banned States Form for any domestic travel for trips that occurred on or after September 14, 2023.


Governor Newsom signed SB 447 on September 13, 2023 repealing AB 1887, the state travel ban.

Effective immediately, state funds may be used for travel to all states. If the travel occurred prior to September 13, 2023, departments will need to ensure that non-state funds are used for reimbursement. However, if the travel occurred September 14th or later, state funds may be used. Please share this message with any staff or faculty you feel may benefit from this information. 

If you have any questions, please contact FinanceConnect at or Payment Services, An Le at or 408-924-1572.

AB 1887 – SB447 Amendment

CA State Legislature Page for SB447


SB447 – PDF