2021/22 Fiscal Year-End Deadlines

The 2021/22 Year-end deadlines are now available and posted on the Finance and Business Services website.

These deadlines enable the campus to meet financial reporting and audit requirements of the State Controller’s Office, CSU Chancellor’s Office and various other agencies. Please do your part to ensure transactions are recorded in the proper fiscal year by meeting these deadlines. The Finance and Business Services team will review the established deadlines in our Spring 2022 What’s Up event. A Save the Date will be sent soon!

ProCard/GoCard Workshop Zoom Session

We are having a ProCard/GoCard Workshop on Friday, February 25th from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. via Zoom.

New and current cardholders are encouraged to attend when they need assistance or have questions about the ProCard/GoCard. If you are interested in joining the session, you’ll need to register by 5pm on Thursday, February 24th. Please keep in mind the first 30 minutes of the workshop will provide an overview of the reconciliation. After the overview, the workshop is opened for cardholders to ask questions or seek assistance in completing their reconciliation.

Reminder: Finance & Business Services Open Lab Today

Come join our Finance & Business Services Open Lab today!

Brought to you virtually, our first session in 2022 is today at 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. More sessions will be scheduled in the coming weeks. No reservation is needed, just login and join us (details below) with your questions. From there, you will connect with qualified FABS staff, providing guidance and support on Finance & Business Services applications, processes and policy.

Come to an open lab for help on a number of topics:

  • Understanding procurement and finance policies and guidelines
  • Entering Requisitions or Travel Authorizations/Reimbursements in FTS
  • Ordering from CSUBUY
  • Running or reviewing CFS Data Warehouse reports
  • Managing PO encumbrances
  • Completing a PO Change Order Request
  • Recording receipts and inspections
  • Uploading Purchase Order invoices in e-Invoice
  • Reviewing PO/requisition information in CFS
  • Checking the payment status for a PO invoice, Direct Payment or Reimbursement

Open Lab does not substitute the required training to get access to our Finance systems (CFS, FTS, and CFS Data Warehouse) or getting access to the ProCard/GoCard. For information regarding formal training, please visit the Training and Tutorial site.

*** Meeting Details ***

You are invited to a Zoom meeting now.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://sjsu.zoom.us/j/88196312432

Or iPhone one-tap:
US: +16699006833,,88196312432# or +12532158782,,88196312432#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 876 9923 or +1 301 715 8592
Meeting ID: 881 9631 2432
International numbers available: https://sjsu.zoom.us/u/kBtFdeRIG

Or an H.323/SIP room system:
Meeting ID: 881 9631 2432

SIP: 88196312432@vip2.zoomcrc.com