Login Problem with CSUBUY and CFS Data Warehouse

Due to a technical problem, we are experiencing a login issue with CSUBUY and CFS Data Warehouse. However, CFS is available and users can access CFS Data Warehouse through that system.  The matter has been reported to our campus IT Support and we will update you when it has been resolved. Please refer to the screenshots for instructions to login to CFS Data Warehouse through CFS.

If you have any questions, please contact FinanceConnect at financeconnect@sjsu.edu or 4-1558.

Click on the image to enlarge.

1:  To get into Data Warehouse, click on the Common Finance System (CFS) tile at One.SJSU.edu.

CFS tile










2:  In CFS, go to the CFS 9.2 dashboard and click on the Finance Data Warehouse (PRD) tile.

CFS 9.2 Dashboard

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