February LCD Processing

To personnel with Labor Cost Distribution (LCD) responsibilities, this is the monthly reminder to confirm your salary information by running your LCD Setup Audit.


Any changes to the distribution of funding for payroll expenses that you would like made for February 2013 payroll must be received in the University Budget Office no later than Wednesday, February 27, at 5:00 p.m.


For staff member changes, all requests can be submitted directly to the University Budget Office:

Alicia Wagner
University Budget Office, CL 500
Extended Zip 0004


For faculty who are on release time and/or any split funding changes, employee profile requests must be approved by the Dean’s Office prior to submittal to the University Budget Office. The Release Time Authorization (RTA) form for faculty on release time with the Research Foundation should be sent to Faculty Affairs – please do not send the RTA form to the University Budget Office.


We cannot guarantee that requests for changes received after the deadline will be captured for the February payroll cycle.


Reminder: Payroll expenditures for Fiscal Year 2012/13 will reflect regular/negative pay for the months of July 2012 through June 2013; positive pay salary expenditures (e.g. student salary and overtime) will represent the months of June 2012 through May 2013. Positive pay for Fiscal Year 2013/14 will reflect expenditures for the twelve month period of June 2013 through May 2014. If you have any questions, please contact Alicia Wagner at university.budget.office@sjsu.edu or 4-1555.

Important Notice – Telecom Billing Change Effective February 2013

As part of the Next Gen Technology Project, telephone service billings for most campus units
will be changing beginning with February 2013 bills. These changes will occur as follows:

February 2013 – June 2013

State-support and Self-Support Campus Units

State-support and self-support campus units will be charged a static amount for telecom services. The static amount will be based on actual January 2013 charges for line fees and long distance calls. For February – June, departments can expect to be billed the same amount for these services each month. Add, moves, and changes will continue to be charged through June.


Auxiliaries will not experience a change in billing methods until they are converted to the new telephone system. At that time, a simplified new rate structure that includes both telephone and network services will go into effect. Information about the new rate structure will be provided in early Spring.

July 1, 2013 forward

State-support Campus Units

State-support campus units will no longer be billed for telecom or network services that are identified as “baseline” services. The menu of baseline services is available at: http://
its.sjsu.edu/services/. Only services above and beyond baseline services will result in charges to a state-support unit. However, these instances are expected to be limited. Units will not experience a budget reduction associated with these changes. In order to provide budgetary relief to units, the University will use new funds anticipated in 2013/14 to fund the shifted costs.

Self-Support Campus Units and Auxiliaries

Self-support campus units and auxiliaries will continue to be billed for baseline telephone service, consistent with CSU Executive Order 1000. The simplified, combined telephone/network rate structure described above will be used.

January Accounting Period Close


For employees who track or manage department budgets, the month of January 2013 is now closed in the CFS system.This means that the General Ledger (GL) system will not accept any more entries with a January Journal Date. (Jauuary transactions can still be entered into the GL, but the Journal Date must be changed to 2/1/2013 or later.)  For that reason, we do not close the month until most transactions, in particular payroll and billings, have fed to the GL.   Periods currently open are February 2013 through June 2013.