Travel Reimbursement Supporting Documentation- Protection of Personal Information

With the implementation of our online Travel Authorization and Reimbursement component of Financial Transaction Services (FTS), we also transitioned to a paperless submission of supporting documentation (receipts, etc.); uploaded documents as opposed to hard copy.

To ensure the protection of your personal information, please note the following when preparing supporting documentation for submission:
  • The FTS Travel Component only displays a home address to the TRAVELER; it cannot be viewed by Requesters (entering transactions on your behalf), Reviewers, or Approvers.
  • Receipts, hotel invoices, etc. only reference the last 4 digits of a credit card information.
  • For documents containing personal finance information (credit card statements, bank transaction statements, etc), please black out account numbers, balances, and other personal information.
Please forward this message to staff/faculty in your department as you feel necessary. Please contact FinanceConnect with any questions or concerns.

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