We shared with you the exciting news last month about a change taking place in Campus Marketplace. The implementation to login to Campus Marketplace using SJSUOne sign on is finally completed!
Starting today, Campus Marketplace users will now access the system through our campus portal, much like SJSU Email, FTS, and MySJSU. Users will use their SJSUOne account and will no longer need to create or maintain a separate name and password for the Campus Marketplace.
To log in:
- Click the following link: https://eprocurement.esmsolutions.com:443/Shibboleth.sso/Login?id=https%3a%2f%2fidp.cpp.edu%2fidp%2fshibboleth . (If you bookmarked the Campus Marketplace URL, please delete it from your web browser as it is no longer valid.)
- Select San Jose State University on the InCommon page and click Next.
- Login to our campus portal using your SJSOne account (Employee ID and password).
- The Campus Marketplace page displays.
- Start shopping!
For more information about Campus Marketplace or to request access, please visit Campus Marketplace. Contact Finance Support with any question you may have at financeconnect@sjsu.edu or 4-1538.