Finance & Business Services – Friendly Reminders

As we are in the home stretch of Fiscal Year 2023-2024, your FABS team has some friendly reminders.

June Deadlines

June 7: Last day to submit Interagency Financial Transactions (IFT) to Accounting Services.

June 14:

  • Last day to approve HR Expense Adjustments in FTS.
    • This module will be turned off after this date and made available again on July 1. All adjustments requested after the deadline will require justification and approval from a division’s Finance Advisory Council representative.
  • Last day to submit department chargebacks and billing requests to outside customers to Accounting Services.
  • Last date to submit Petty Cash reimbursements to the Bursar’s Office.

June 26: Last day to approve Budget and Expense Journal Transfers in FTS.

June 28: Cash and check deposits must be submitted to the Bursar’s Office by noon. Deposits received after this date will be processed in the next fiscal year.

Though the deadlines to submit purchase/payment requests for the current fiscal year has passed, FTS remains available to users for submitting Requisition, Direct Payment, Reimbursement, and Travel Authorization/Travel Reimbursement requests. These expenses will be processed and charged in the next Fiscal Year 2024-25.

Refer to Fiscal Year End 2023-2024 Deadlines for details.

Please share this message with any staff or faculty you feel should be notified. Feel free to reach out to FinanceConnect with any questions at

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