Trust Fund Agreement Form Now in DocuSign!

The Trust Fund Agreement Form is now available on DocuSign! This form is used to establish, update, or inactivate a trust fund, which allows departments to collect revenue for a service or activity.

We have partnered with Finance Advisory Council division representatives to identify appropriate reviewers and approvers for their colleges/departments. This has allowed us to simplify the initiation process for the form and facilitate an enhanced user experience. By using the DocuSign Conditional Routing feature, we can automatically route the form based on drop-down menus in the DocuSign form. You will only need to enter the Requester and Trust Fund Owner. All other signatures will be determined during the routing process.

This is a screenshot of the Conditional Routing Drop-Down Fields on the form.  You will need to select a Division and a College/Department to trigger conditional routing.

To learn more about trust funds, please refer to Establishing a New Trust Fund. If you have any issues or questions, please contact FinanceConnect at 408-924-1558 or

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