Extended Suspension of Business Travel and New State Added to Restricted List

Business Travel Suspended Through June 2021 Due to COVID-19

The CSU Chancellor’s Office recently announced that non-essential international and domestic travel will be suspended through June 30, 2021. For more information, please view the FY2020-21 Systemwide Meetings and Conferences memo.

In response to the extension, SJSU will continue to follow the travel guidelines established due to COVID-19 and as explained in our blog last March. The noticeable change to the original guideline is the President (or their designee) now maintain final approval for essential travel. Essential travel is not authorized until President approval is obtained.

For information on the university’s plan to continue campus operation, please refer to SJSU Adapt.

Update- New State Added to the Restricted Travel List

With the effective date July 1, 2020, Idaho has been added to Assembly Bill 1887, the law restricting the funding or sponsoring of state business travel to states with discriminatory laws.

The current list of restricted states are as follows:

North Carolina
South Carolina
South Dakota

For the background and guidelines regarding Restricted Travel, please refer to the Travel Guide.

July LCD Processing

To personnel with Labor Cost Distribution (LCD) responsibilities, this is the monthly reminder to confirm your salary information by running your LCD Setup Audit.

Any changes to the distribution of funding for payroll expenses that you would like made for July 2020 payroll must be received by Finance Support no later than Thursday, July 16th at 5:00 p.m.

For temporary appointment funding changes, all requests can be emailed directly to Finance Support at finance-support@sjsu.edu .

We cannot guarantee that requests for changes received after the deadline will be captured for the July payroll cycle.

Important Reminders:

  • For faculty who are on release time, please review the Reimbursed Time Authorizations guidelines.
  • Payroll expenditures for Fiscal Year 2020/21 will reflect regular/negative pay for the months of July 2020 through June 2021; positive pay salary expenditures (e.g. student salary and overtime) will represent the months of June 2020 through May 2021. Positive pay for Fiscal Year 2021/22 will reflect expenditures for the twelve month period of June 2021 through May 2022.

Please refer to Labor Cost Distribution for information regarding the LCD process and Temporary Appointment Funding Changes for instructions on completing the Employee Profile form. If you have any questions about LCD processing, please contact Finance Support at finance-support@sjsu.edu or 4-1558.