Save the Date- Spring 2015 Finance What’s Up?

It’s back:  The Finance What’s Up? event!!

The Spring 2015 presentation will be held on Friday, May 1, 2015 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the Student Union Theater.

Finance What’s Up? is held twice a year and it gives us the opportunity to keep the campus updated on the latest news, projects, and goals for departments within the Finance Service Group.

All members of the campus community with procurement, accounting, or budget responsibilities are encouraged to attend. Past What’s Up? presentations can be found in Finance Presentations.

Please forward this message to any staff or faculty you feel should be notified. We look forward to seeing you there!

February Accounting Period Close

For employees who track or manage department budgets, please note that the month of February 2015 is now closed in CFS.

This means that the General Ledger (GL) system will not accept any more entries with a February journal date. February transactions can still be entered into the GL system, but the journal date must be 3/1/2015 or later. The current period open is March 2015.

Followup Re: Special Audit/Justice Studies #11

Finance would like to remind all account owners that it is the account owner’s responsibility to pro-actively notify their account contact in Finance of any change in authorized signers or authorized user/approver of the account. Please include the new information: Name, position title, and effective date for the change. This condition is now added to the Trust Funds Administration webpage of the Finance website.

Please forward this message to any staff or faculty you feel should be notified.