Travel Reimbursement Supporting Documentation- Protection of Personal Information

With the implementation of our online Travel Authorization and Reimbursement component of Financial Transaction Services (FTS), we also transitioned to a paperless submission of supporting documentation (receipts, etc.); uploaded documents as opposed to hard copy.

To ensure the protection of your personal information, please note the following when preparing supporting documentation for submission:
  • The FTS Travel Component only displays a home address to the TRAVELER; it cannot be viewed by Requesters (entering transactions on your behalf), Reviewers, or Approvers.
  • Receipts, hotel invoices, etc. only reference the last 4 digits of a credit card information.
  • For documents containing personal finance information (credit card statements, bank transaction statements, etc), please black out account numbers, balances, and other personal information.
Please forward this message to staff/faculty in your department as you feel necessary. Please contact FinanceConnect with any questions or concerns.

FTS Travel Authorization/Reimbursement Email Notifications

To help end users better identify email notifications triggered by Financial Transaction Services (FTS) Travel Authorizations and Reimbursements, we have improved the subject line description in email messages that once contained the generic header of “FTS Email”.  The new subject line description will appear for emails delivered to:

  • The Traveler when authorization or reimbursement is approved.
  • The Approver when authorization or reimbursement needs approval.
  • The Requester when authorization or reimbursement is returned.

Please forward this message to staff/faculty in your area as you feel appropriate.

CFS Data Warehouse Replacing Cognos July 1, 2012

REMINDER: On July 1, 2012, the CFS Data Warehouse will become SJSU’s tool for financial reporting, replacing Cognos.

The Cognos system will remain available to access historical data, but transactions dated July 1, 2012 and after will only be reflected in the CFS Data Warehouse.

If you have any questions, please contact CMS Help Desk at  .