Finance Data Warehouse Phase II

The original CFS Data Warehouse 11G will be retired on December 31, 2015 and replaced with a newly redesigned data warehouse known as Finance Data Warehouse Phase II.  The two data warehouse versions are currently available and users already have access to both.   All links to the original data warehouse will be removed from CSYou on January 4, 2016.

We encourage current users to prepare themselves to switch over completely to FDW-P2 by enrolling in the Overview of Finance Data Warehouse (Course No.: FIN013), or obtaining assistance during a Finance Open Lab.  These sessions will provide you the perfect time to recreate your DW-11G saved reports in the new environment.

Finance Data Warehouse Phase II is very different from the current version. The dashboard content has been consolidated and reorganized, and the layout has been rearranged.  A wider range of filters and new formatting options are available to provide increased flexibility in creating reports which could be more meaningful for you and your departments.  Some of the enhancements include:

  • Manage My Budget, Operations, and Management Reporting dashboards have been consolidated into two dashboards: Financial Reporting and Transaction Inquiry.
  • Removal of 220 reports and a streamlined report structure.
  • More report filter options available such as the Not fields (Not Fund, Not DeptID, Not Account…)
  • Reports in the Financial Reporting dashboard now come in a standard six column format. A new feature has been added to allow users to hide or unhide columns as needed for reporting requirements. This eliminates the need to create reports with different column versions (2, 3, 4, and 5 columns).

Current DW users will have access to FDW-P2 so there is no need to submit a System Access Request form; however, due to the consolidation and reorganization of the dashboards, users will have to recreate any DW-11G saved reports in the new environment.

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