Lurie College Student and Faculty Published in Multilingual Educator Journal

Congratulations to Teacher Education Department graduate student Danielle Patenaude and faculty member Eduardo Muñoz-Muñoz, whose respective articles “Classroom Translanguaging: Building Identity and Agency” and “¿Qué español debo enseñar en mi clase? Permanezcamos en silencio, escuchemos, apreciemos y aprendamos” were recently published in the spring issue of the California Association for Bilingual Education’s (CABE) Multilingual Educator.  Give the articles a read at

SJSU Lurie College of Education Teacher Education Graduate Student Danielle Patenaude

SJSU Lurie College of Education Teacher Education Faculty Eduardo Munoz-Munoz

SJSU Faces of Learning Project | Meet Co-Researcher Octavio

The Lurie College Faces of Learning Project shines a light on SJSU students’ learning experiences – huge thanks to undergraduate student Octavio Martinez for sharing his experience with us! When asked about what motivated him to participate, he said, “I love getting to know people and understanding what makes them function the way they do. What at their core makes them, them. This project opens the opportunity for that.”

Visit to view the student-curated photo exhibition and RSVP to attend our student panel on Thu., Apr. 30, at 12pm.

SJSU Faces of Learning Octavio Martinez

– Name: Octavio Martinez
– Year and Major / Minor: Senior, Design Studies major, Human Systems Integration minor
– Hobby: A fun hobby that I like to partake in is Muay-Thai fighting
– What motivated you to participate in this project? I love getting to know people and understanding what makes them function the
way they do. What at their core makes them, them. This project opens the opportunity for that.

Connect with Lurie College at to receive more news about academic and student life.  Audio edited by Brian Cheung Dooley. “Upbeat party” by Scott Holmes provided royalty free by

Lurie College Alumni Featured After Enduring COVID-19

Department of Counselor Education alumni, Alejandra Oseguera, was recently featured on Somos En Escrito, The Latino Literary Online Magazine, after she turned to art while she was diagnosed with Coronavirus in March 2020.  Read the full feature and view some of her works from the series “Just a Breath / Solo un Suspiro” on the Somos En Escrito website.

"Just a Breath / Solo un Suspiro" by Alejandra Oseguera

Attend the Lurie College NSSLHA Virtual Happy Hours

The SJSU Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA) Chapter is hosting a series of virtual happy hours for the remainder of the semester!  If you are a Communicative Disorders & Sciences students, you should have received the links to participate in these events in your email.

  • Fri., Apr. 17, 4pm | Crafty Happy Hour
  • Wed., Apr. 22, 3pm | Grad Application Panel
  • Fri., May 1, 4pm | Yoga & Pets Happy Hour
  • Fri., May 15, 4pm | QuaranTEA Party & Trivia

SJSU Lurie College NSSLHA Happy Hour Series

SJSU Faces of Learning Project | Meet Co-Researcher Dalia

The Lurie College Faces of Learning Project shines a light on SJSU students’ learning experiences – huge thanks to undergraduate student Dalia Hernandez for sharing her experience with us!  When asked what she learned from this project, she said, “What I learned from this project is how diverse everyone’s experience is.  Whether it’s because of their background or because of their major, everybody had a different experience here [at San Jose State University].”

Visit to view the student-curated photo exhibition and RSVP to attend our student panel on Thu., Apr. 30, at 12pm.

SJSU Faces of Learning Dalia Hernandez

– Name: Dalia Hernandez
– Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
– Year and Major / Minor: Senior, Behavioral Science major, Applied
Computing for Behavioral and Social Science (ACBSS) minor
– Fun Fact / Hobby: Fun fact is that I visited two new states last year which were Tennessee and New York.
– What motivated you to participate in this project? What motivated me was an eagerness to gain research experience and participate in advocating for student voices. This project gave me the chance to learn about different perspectives that each student has and gave me a chance to capture and share it.

Connect with Lurie College at to receive more news about academic and student life.  Audio edited by Brian Cheung Dooley. “Upbeat party” by Scott Holmes provided royalty free by

Watch the Lurie College Faculty Research Symposium

Watch the recording from our Faculty Research Symposium, which took place on Friday, April 10, and showcased SJSU Lurie College faculty and the impact of their research! Presenters in this symposium included:

  • Eduardo Muñoz-Muñoz, PhD | Assistant Professor, Department of Teacher Education | “Targeting linguistic targets: Academic English, Standard English, and ideologies among preservice teachers” | Presentation starts at 5:34
  • Nadia Sorkhabi, PhD | Professor, Department of Child & Adolescent Development | “Mothers’ and Fathers’ Parenting Style and Emerging Adults’ Academic Achievement: Self-construal, Self-esteem, and Parental Psychological Control as Mediators” | Presentation starts at 32:19
  • Shawn Vecellio, PhD | Lecturer, Department of Teacher Education | “Using Clearness Committees to Address Teacher Candidates’ Critical Incidents” | Presentation starts at 1:05:39

Lurie College Student Opinion Piece Published in Mercury News

Shoutout to Single Subject Credential Program Elizabeth Unpingco, whose letter to the editor “Homeland security means taking care of our own first” was recently published in the Mercury News.  Give it a read below or by visiting the Mercury News at

SJSU Lurie College of Education Teacher Education Department Student Elizabeth Unpingco

It is up to us to prime the pump of recovery

Homeland security means taking care of our own — first and foremost. If we learn anything from the horrific experience we find ourselves in now, it is that without a strong, cohesive and healthy foundation — supporting essential health care, food industry, education and government workers on the front lines — we are all in danger of succumbing to collapse.

We must reevaluate our priorities — care for one another and the environment and not consider wasteful military spending as essential to the survival of our way of life.

Let’s let our elected leaders hear that we demand the reallocation of billions of dollars currently budgeted for military spending toward real security.

It is up to us to prime the pump of recovery and human survival.  The world is watching the USA as a leader and we must be a better model of action by the people for the people.

Upcoming ChAD Club Events

The Lurie College Child and Adolescent Development (ChAD) Club is organizing some events over the remainder of the spring semester for students to connect with one another over Zoom.  Please provide your input on the types of events you’d like to have and when you’re available by filling out this brief Google form by Tuesday, April 14.

SJSU Lurie College of Education Child and Adolescent Development Department ChAD Student Club

Sensemaking During COVID-19 | Melissa Hernandez: Episode 2

We asked a couple of our SJSU Lurie College of Education student leaders to practice sensemaking – the process of making sense of or giving meaning to something, especially new developments and experiences – in our new environment as a result of COVID-19. This week, Melissa Hernandez shares her reflections on getting herself organized. What have you been doing to organize yourself?

Video and audio edited by Brian Cheung Dooley. “Little Idea” by Scott Holmes provided royalty free by

#IBelongAtLurieCollege | Luz Nicacio

What provides you with a sense of belonging at Lurie College?  Is it your drive to become a transformative educator, counselor, therapist, school or community leader?  A faculty member, advisor, your friends or student groups?  The events and culture?  Share with us on Instagram by tagging @sjsulurie and using the hashtag #IBelongAtLurieCollege in your caption or email us at so we can share uplifting stories from our community.  Learn about Luz Nicacio, Department of Child and Adolescent Development undergraduate student, and what provides her with a sense of belonging!

“Being a part of the Lurie College of Education means you are a part of a family.  We have amazing faculty, staff, and professors who go above and beyond to get to know you which makes you feel like you matter and that they genuinely care, which is an important thing to have in a college.  The Lurie College family wants their students to be successful and it shows by the amount of support it provides for their students and their future students.  Once you become a part of the College of Education you won’t want to leave.”

SJSU Lurie College of Education Child and Adolescent Development Student Luz Nicacio

#IBelongAtLurieCollege | Henry Fan

What provides you with a sense of belonging at Lurie College?  Is it your drive to become a transformative educator, counselor, therapist, school or community leader?  A faculty member, advisor, your friends or student groups?  The events and culture?  Share with us on Instagram by tagging @sjsulurie and using the hashtag #IBelongAtLurieCollege in your caption or email us at so we can share uplifting stories from our community.  Learn about undergraduate student Henry Fan and what provides him with a sense of belonging!

“When I reflect on the relationships I’ve built during my time here at Lurie College, I feel a large sense of gratitude.  The relationships I have created with faculty members, advisors, mentors, student groups are largely what keeps me motivated and inspired to become a better version of myself each and every day.  At Lurie College, I have found people who align with my deepest values such as innovation, collaboration, and scholarship.  These people are the driving force that keeps me honest and focused on my aspirations of becoming a future educator.  If I can create these powerful relationships, I trust that you can too, in your own style.  Start with a genuine and curious ‘Hi, how are you?’”

SJSU Student and Lurie College of Education Ambassador Henry Fan

Lurie College Students Creating Virtual Educational Content

Lurie College Hardship Fund Requests and Contributions

Lurie College has a limited amount of grant funds available to support its students who have experienced an unforeseen financial hardship that will prevent them from continuing their enrollment at Lurie College and SJSU. Awards are processed fall and spring semesters only, but advisors are available year-round. If you are a currently-enrolled Lurie College undergraduate, graduate, credential, or doctoral student who has experienced this type of hardship, please complete this brief Google form so that a Lurie College advisor can contact you.

We’ve recently had two donors who have agreed to match additional contributions to the Lurie College Hardship Fund.  If you have the means to contribute to the fund, you can do so by visiting the Lurie College Giving webpage and indicating “Student Financial Hardship Grant” in the special instructions section.  Contributions of any size are greatly appreciated since they will become tripled after matching – $10 will become $30, $25 will become $75, $50 will become $150, etc.

SJSU Lurie College of Education Hardship Fund

Join us at the Lurie College Faculty Research Symposium

SJSU Lurie College of Education faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends are invited to attend our Faculty Research Symposium on Friday, April 10, from 12:30-2pm, which will showcase several Lurie College faculty and the impact of their research!  Join the Zoom webinar at Presenters include:

  • Eduardo Muñoz-Muñoz, PhD | Assistant Professor, Department of Teacher Education
    • Presentation: “Targeting linguistic targets: Academic English, Standard English, and ideologies among preservice teachers”
  • Nadia Sorkhabi, PhD | Professor, Department of Child & Adolescent Development
    • Presentation: “Mothers’ and Fathers’ Parenting Style and Emerging Adults’ Academic Achievement: Self-construal, Self-esteem, and Parental Psychological Control as Mediators”
  • Shawn Vecellio, PhD | Lecturer, Department of Teacher Education
    • Presentation: “Using Clearness Committees to Address Teacher Candidates’ Critical Incidents”

SJSU Lurie College of Education Spring 2020 Faculty Research Symposium

Andrea Golloher Chosen to Spearhead the Use of DEC Recommended Practices for Young Children with Disabilities

SJSU Lurie College of Education Special Education Department Faculty Andrea Golloher

­­­­­Andrea Golloher will serve as a statewide “ambassador” to spearhead use of the DEC Recommended Practices for the care and education of young children with disabilities. Andrea Golloher, Assistant Professor of Special Education and the Associate Director of the Early Childhood Institute at San José State University’s Connie L. Lurie College of Education, is among 22 newly selected aPRy Ambassadors chosen to bring awareness and support to the dissemination and use of the DEC Recommended Practices (RPs) and the associated resources and tools. Ambassadors now reside in 24 states.

Andrea says, “As a faculty member preparing early childhood special education and training early childhood educators to support inclusive programs, I am very excited to be a part of the aRPy Ambassador Initiative. I look forward to learning more about the tools that have been developed and establishing a plan to promote the Recommended Practices in California”.

Continue Reading…

Attend the SJSU Education and Public Service Virtual Job Fair

The SJSU Education and Public Service Job/Internship Fair has gone virtual and will take place on Thursday, April 23, from 3-6pm.   Registered employers include:

  • Continuing Development/Child Development Centers’
  • iMentor
  • Internal Revenue Service
  • King City Union School District
  • San Benito High School District
  • San Francisco Unified School District
  • San Leandro Unified School District
  • The Primary School
  • and more!

Visit the SJSU Handshake portal to view the list of employers and apply to their opportunities from Thursday, April 2 – Thursday, April 9.  Selected students will be invited for a 10 to 15 minute video chat with reps from school districts, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations regarding their anticipated full-time, part-time, volunteer and internship opportunities. This event is open to all current SJSU students and registered alumni members.  If you have any questions, please contact the SJSU Lurie College of Education Career Counselor, Christine Bautista, at

Spring 2020 SJSU Virtual Education and Public Service Job Fair


Student Spotlight | Grace Shefcik

The SJSU Lurie College of Education provides a range of grants to students to support their academic endeavors to become transformative educators, counselors, therapists, and leaders.  We spoke with SJSU Lurie College of Education Communicative Disorders and Sciences student Grace Shefcik, who has been conducting research on and developed the first questionnaire that assesses non-binary individuals’ self-perception of voice and voice-related concerns for the purposes of speech-language pathology.  Listen to Grace’s insights below!

SJSU Lurie College of Education Communicative Disorders and Sciences Student Grace Shefcik

“Many trans people report a desire to modify their voice, and some receive services from a speech-language pathologist, or SLP. During this initial assessment, the SLP will typically have the client report their self-perception of voice and voice-related concerns through a questionnaire measure. There currently exist two questionnaire measures that are widely used for this, but neither of these were developed for non-binary clients, so it would be inappropriate to use them for this population. In my research, I developed and validated the first questionnaire that assesses non-binary individuals’ self-perception of voice and voice-related concerns. I wanted to pursue this research to address a gap in resources available for this population.”

Continue Reading…

Sensemaking During COVID-19 | Melissa Hernandez: Episode 1

We asked a couple of our SJSU Lurie College of Education student leaders to practice sensemaking – the process of making sense of or giving meaning to something, especially new developments and experiences – in our new environment as a result of COVID-19. This week, Melissa Hernandez shares her reflections on gratitude. What have you been grateful for recently?

Video and audio edited by Brian Cheung Dooley. “Little Idea” by Scott Holmes provided royalty free by

#IBelongAtLurieCollege | Edith Urbano

What provides you with a sense of belonging at Lurie College?  Is it your drive to become a transformative educator, counselor, therapist, school or community leader?  A faculty member, advisor, your friends or student groups?  The events and culture?  Share with us on Instagram by tagging @sjsulurie and using the hashtag #IBelongAtLurieCollege in your caption or email us at so we can share uplifting stories from our community.  Learn about Edith Urbano, Department of Child and Adolescent Development undergraduate student, and what provides her with a sense of belonging!

“Being involved on campus and participating in events that the college puts on has provided me with a sense of belonging.  I have been able to meet many faculty members, advisors, and friends through that.  I know each and every one of them are there to support me so it’s nice knowing I found a community at the Lurie College.”

SJSU Lurie College of Education Child and Adolescent Development Undergraduate Student Edith Urbano

Sensemaking During COVID-19 | Henry Fan: Episode 1

We asked a couple of our SJSU Lurie College of Education student leaders to practice sensemaking – the process of making sense of or giving meaning to something, especially new developments and experiences – in our new environment as a result of COVID-19. This week, Henry Fan shares his reflections on values and how they can shape our trajectory. What are some of your deepest values?

Video and audio edited by Brian Cheung Dooley. “Little Idea” by Scott Holmes provided royalty free by

#IBelongAtLurieCollege | Katelyn Mora

What provides you with a sense of belonging at Lurie College?  Is it your drive to become a transformative educator, counselor, therapist, school or community leader?  A faculty member, advisor, your friends or student groups?  The opportunities, events, and culture?  Share with us on Instagram by tagging @sjsulurie and using the hashtag #IBelongAtLurieCollege in your caption or email us at so we can share uplifting stories from our community.  Learn about Katelyn Mora, Department of Child and Adolescent Development undergraduate student, and what provides her with a sense of belonging!

“I have found my sense of belonging in Lurie College by joining the Promise Group.  The Promise Group allows you to build community and receive support through your undergrad education.  Promise Group has provided opportunities for me to get closer to my peers and build relationships with the faculty and staff.”

SJSU Lurie College of Education Child and Adolescent Development Student Katelyn Mora

#IBelongAtLurieCollege | Charline Tenorio

What provides you with a sense of belonging at Lurie College?  Is it your drive to become a transformative educator, counselor, therapist, school or community leader?  A faculty member, advisor, your friends or student groups?  The opportunities, events, and culture?  Share with us on Instagram by tagging @sjsulurie and using the hashtag #IBelongAtLurieCollege in your caption or email us at so we can share uplifting stories from our community.  Learn about Charline Tenorio, Department of Communicative Disorders and Sciences alumni and graduate student, and what provides her with a sense of belonging!

“The overall environment of interdisciplinary collaboration and upward mobility of supporting each other is what really provides me with a sense of belonging here at Lurie College.  I had entered the college as a shy freshman and really got the opportunity to get out of my comfort zone by interacting with my peers.  Everyone in the college definitely upholds the idea of supporting one another in good times and bad; academically, professionally, and socially.  There is definitely something at the college for you, whether it be in student-run organizations with peers, project-based learning with faculty, or opportunities beyond the classroom with administrators.”

SJSU Lurie College of Education Communicative Disorders and Sciences Department Student Charline Tenorio

Lurie College Student Grants

Lurie College is pleased to offer several grant awards for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester and the 2020-2021 academic year to support our students!  Awards include:

  • Student-Research Awards:  Supports students to be mentored by a faculty mentor on a student-initiated research project.  Students can receive an award of $2,000 per semester and $4,000 a year.  The deadline to apply for these awards for the 2020-2021 academic year is Thursday, April 30, 2020, at 4pm via this Google form.  Learn about research projects by Department of Special Education graduate student Monica Gonzalez and Department of Communicative Disorders and Sciences student James Chow who each received a student-research award for the 2019-2020 academic year.
  • Conference Travel Grant:  Provides financial support to its students who are presenting their research at conferences.  Undergraduate, graduate, credential, and doctoral students are eligible to apply for up to one $500 grant per fiscal year (July 1 – May 31) towards expenses for registration fees, travel, lodging, and meals.  A limited amount of funding is available.  To apply for a Lurie College Student Conference Travel Grant, please download and complete this brief form (PDF).  Learn from Lurie College Department of Communicative Disorders and Sciences students Ali Murueta, Liz Cagle, and Michelle Ballou, who received a conference travel grant for the 2019-2020 academic year.  If your conference has recently been shifted to a virtual environment, you should still apply for this grant.
  • Student Research Supplies Grant:  Provides financial support to our students who are in need of supplies to conduct their academic research.  Undergraduate, graduate, credential, and doctoral students are eligible to apply for up to one $200 grant per fiscal year (July 1 – May 31) towards expenses for research supplies.  A limited amount of funding is available.  To apply for a Lurie College Student Research Supplies Grant, please download and complete this brief form (PDF).
  • Hardship Grant: Lurie College has a limited amount of grant funds available to support its students who have experienced an unforeseen financial hardship that will prevent them from continuing their enrollment at Lurie College and SJSU. If you are a Lurie College undergraduate, graduate, credential, or doctoral student who has experienced this type of hardship, please complete this brief Google form so that a Lurie College advisor can contact you to discuss this option as well as other possible campus resources.


SJSU Lurie College of Education Financial Aid Opportunities Spring 2020

Crowdsourced Resources for Educators

SJSU Lurie College of Education Communicative Disorders and Sciences Clinic

The SJSU Lurie College of Education faculty members have been crowdsourcing and sharing resources with one another as we’ve transitioned into a remote, virtual teaching and learning environment.  We would like to share these resources with Lurie College of Education students, alumni, and partners who may find them useful in their work.  The list below is in no particular order and are not necessarily endorsed by the Lurie College of Education.

Participate in the Lurie College 10-2-1 Challenge

We’re building community at the SJSU Lurie College of Education while sheltering-in-place. Challenge a friend, classmate, professors, advisors, or colleague to answer 10 questions in 2 minutes using 1 take. You choose the questions (nothing designed to embarrass please). If you record a video of the responses and share it on social media, tag us @sjsulurie and then pass on the challenge. If you’ve already been interviewed, it’s your turn to interview someone else.  Watch Briettny Curtner, graduate student in the Department of Counselor Education, interview Dean Heather Lattimer, and then Dean Heather Lattimer interview Associate Dean Marcos Pizarro in the videos below.