Apply for funding for conferences you are presenting at! Applicants must be presenting at a conference and have proof of their acceptance to the conference. This is for graduate, credential, or undergraduate students in the Lurie College of Education, you will be eligible for one conference travel award per fiscal year. These applications are due by May 1st, 2023.
Do you know a graduate student who would benefit from getting involved with ASCA and its leadership? Encourage applicants to apply for the Presidential or Bracewell Conference Graduate Assistantships!
For more information:
The time to become a transformative educator, counselor, therapist, school, or community leader is now! The SJSU Lurie College of Education is hosting several upcoming info sessions for prospective students to learn more about our academic opportunities and the details for our Spring 2022 and Summer 2022 application cycles. Select any of the links below to learn more about how to join the Zoom session for each session and please help spread the word to anyone who you think will find these opportunities of interest.
Sign up for Soci 180, which is an internship course that will teach you about today’s athletes’ work to support social justice. You will learn how to raise awareness about social issues by creating social media campaigns, organizing and participating in educational events, and conducting independent research projects. There are only 10 spaces left!! FOr more information and an add code email
We hope you’re having a great summer! The Lurie College Dean’s Office is still open from 9 to 4:30pm everyday! We are excited to see you in the Fall! Enjoy the break!
San Jose State is partnering with the Northern California Hub and CSU Long Beach to host an interdisciplinary panel on youth experiencing homelessness, child welfare, & juvenile justice featuring the speakers above! Join them on July 29th from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM at CSU Long Beach, virtual options are also available. RSVP here! If you have a proposal for a speaker, please fill out this form here!
Are you interested in a new minor? Join the Transformative Leadership Minor. If you want to learn how to be a transformative leader in all spaces you are consider this minor. They are having information session every Thursday for the rest of May. Register for the Information session HERE!
Come out to the Lurie Colleges End of Semester Kickback and enter in a chance to win some raffle prizes! Join us on Tuesday May 17th from 4-6 pm in the Sweeney Hall Courtyard! We are so excited to see you and celebrate what a year we have had.
Students, faculty, staff, and alumni are invited to this end-of-semester celebration with food, music, prizes, and games! This will be a great opportunity to connect and relax after a busy semester. Graduating students will especially be encouraged to attend and to take pictures with faculty and their classmates with commencement one week away. Please be sure to confirm your attendance on this invitation. If you have any dietary restrictions, let us know at Thank you!
Join and learn about Creating an Inclusive Climate: Queering Our Classrooms and Our Campus on Friday, March 25th from 10am-12pm. This training will provide information about gender and sexuality, best practices for creating affirming and supportive classrooms and extracurricular spaces, and insight gained from surveys and interviews with SJSU students about their experiences on campus and in the classrooms. This will be hosted by Kyoung Mi Choi and Robert Marx along with SJSU students! Register here!
Come and join in a conversation as the Pride Center and Lurie College team up to talk about how to be an ally, actionable steps to be an ally, how to support Trans and Nonbinary People, and Polyamory and Ethical Non-Monogamy. Join us on April 22nd, from 10-12pm. Register here!
The SJSU Center for Community Learning and Leadership is now hiring for the CaliforniansForAll College Corps. Apply now to join a fun, innovative, and creative team of fellow students to provide computer programming enrichment for underserved third through sixth graders attending after-school programs. No programming experience
necessary! Learn more on how to apply here! Applications will be open until all spaces are filled.
Students are encouraged to apply for Lurie College Strategic Plan Seed Grants for 2022-23. These grants are designed to advance the priorities articulated in our strategic plan. We are also seeking 4 students to participate on the strategic plan steering committee to review and help award grant funding. This is the committee will meet via zoom during April and May. The total time commitment is approx. 10-15 hours. There is a $250 stipend for student steering committee members. Please contact Ana Paz-Rangel if you are interested in joining. Please join us!
Thinking about a new minor? Learn more about the Transformative Leadership Minor! Join their upcoming informational session on Wednesday, March 16th from 4:30pm-5:30pm! There will be more dates to come as well!
Talking to our children can be so hard sometimes! Join the Healthy Development Clinic about Communicating With Your Child About Tough Stuff. They will be hosting these workshops on February 28th, March 1st in Spanish, and March 2nd in Vietnamese.
Join our Intersectional Disbaility Studies Speaker Series on Monday, March 14 from 4-5pm on Zoom! Learn from 12-year old Helena Lourdes Donato-Sapp, self-declared “Black Girl Scholar”‘ who uses her art and voice for social, economic, and environmental justice. To learn more about Helena Lourdes Donato-Sapp click here!
Come and use the study rooms in the Lurie College building! If you need a study area or to do your online classes there are open to students in the Lurie College. All the rooms will have wifi.
Join the Institute of Emancipatory Education in their Pedagogies of Community Cultural Wealth Workshop Series. Join Dr. Lori D. Patton with Drs. Rivers, Farmer-Hinton, Lewis, Haynes, Jenkins, and High School Scholar Dallas Watson as they speak on Black Women Scholars Deconstructing What it Means to Educate and Be Educated in Urban Educational Environments. It will be on Wednesday, February 9th at 4 PM on Zoom. Click here to register.
The Intersectional Disability Studies Strand (IDSS), under the SJSU Lurie College of Education’s Institute for Emancipatory Education (IEE), serves as a community-engaged, culturally sustaining space that centers disability visibility and disability as an intersectional identity. Our strand provides specific resources and support to engage intersectional disability studies and accessibility in education.
Join us on Thursday, December 2, from 4:30-5:30pm PST on Zoom to learn from Alice Wong, disabled activist, writer, editor, media maker, consultant, and founder and director of the Disability Visibility Project. Live captions will be available at both events and ASL interpreters will be available at Alice’s event. If you are in need of additional accommodations, email
As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, our SJSU Lurie College of Education is positioned to lead. Our faculty, staff, and students have done remarkable work during this past year. We’ve grown enrollments in our traditional programs and launched exciting new programs that extend our reach to new student populations. We’ve strengthened our commitment to educational equity and racial justice by investing resources in bold emancipatory initiatives and tackling structural challenges within the college. We’ve amplified the impact of faculty-led research by strengthening our community partnerships and growing our media engagement. These achievements position Lurie College to lead our regional P-20 educational ecosystem and to be a model nationally of what it means to be a truly transformative college of education.
We’ve developed our new BA in Interdisciplinary Studies online degree completion program for individuals who have accrued some college credits with a flexible and engaging opportunity to complete their bachelor’s degree. The curriculum is entirely online and brings together a variety of academic disciplines including education and the social sciences with a focus on leadership skills and promoting social justice to support career advancement. Learn more about what this means for a few of our students – Doris, Jeff, Mona Lisa, and Ruby – by watching the full video above or by using the links below!
ESAN creates an interdisciplinary network of current San José State University students interested in working with young children with alumni currently in the field. The group is intended to respond to the needs of students, with activities based on student interest. This hub of student activity may engage in a variety of professional development activities under the guidance of a faculty advisor. For example, students may be interested in learning more about professional practices across the field to inform their knowledge and interaction with young children. This group may also engage in career exploration, with alumni returning to share insights from their own professional paths.
Welcome (back) to SJSU and Lurie College! As we transition into the Fall 2021 semester, we wanted to provide you with the updated locations and hours of our Lurie College of Education spaces.
Stay connected to helpful online resources as we head into the Fall 2021 semester! Here are some initial Lurie College of Education and SJSU resources:
The newly-established Rapid Education Prototyping (REP4) Alliance is a powerful network of regional and national education, industry, and technology leaders, led by the six founding higher education partners, including the SJSU Lurie College of Education / Institute for Emancipatory Education. This alliance will create opportunities to bring together diverse learners to codesign new ideas for education using liberatory design principles.
In Summer 2021, we will launch this network with a free Learner Design Summit, which is a leadership development opportunity designed to bring together rising 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students, recent high school graduates, community college students, and SJSU undergraduate students to collaborate and design creative proposals to address existing challenges in the higher education system.
Learn more and apply to participate in the summit – which will take place Monday, July 19 – Thursday, July 22, 9am-1pm – at