LCD Monthly Paycheck Report

This message is intended for LCD users and is shared via the ABSO Blog instead of Finance Connect Blog because the issue affects mostly AAD.  

Finance is in the midst of cleaning up some LCD funding chartfield issues.  There could be mismatch between the fund and account code on the Monthly Pay Check Report.  Example:

Please note that these discrepancies do not affect the other LCD reports nor the data warehouse and are temporary in nature. Finance expects the clean-up to complete before the end of this fiscal year.

Please contact or if there are any questions.

Summer 2020 Teach Online Professional Development Grant Expenditure Deadline

Please be advised that the Summer 2020 Teach Online Professional Development Grant will expire on May 15, 2021. Travel Reimbursements, Direct Payment, Employee Reimbursement, PO invoices, journal transfers (including HR Expense Adjustment) must be fully approved by that day.  Student Assistant hours must be entered by May 2021.  

Because this program is a part of CARES Act and the funding expires this fiscal year, extension requests will be not accepted.  

To get a list of faculty who have received a Summer 2020 Teach Online Professional Development Grant, please visit the Teach Online College Dashboard.


Reference: Hub > Budget & Finance > Other > CARES

CARES Act Round 1 Expenditure Deadlines

For those units that have received CARES Act allocations in the fall, please note the following expenditure deadlines:

All expenses must be reflected as Actuals in the data warehouse by March 31, 2021 in order to qualify.  For those who have open PO’s, please encourage the vendor to invoice as soon as possible. 

Student Assistant
All Student hours must be reported in the system by March 31, 2021.  

Special Consultant
All special consultant payments must be posted and reflected on the April 2021 LCD.  Please work closely with UP to get the payment forms processed in a timely fashion.

Important: Consult with your college as they may have their own internal processes that must first be met.


Reimbursements for qualified expenses will be deposited in Op Fund.

As previously mentioned, departments must apply class code 4738 to all OE&E and payroll transactions related to these CARES Act activities.  Transactions without the proper code will not be considered. 


Please contact if there are any questions.


Reference: Hub > Budget & Finance > Other > CARES