Student Assistant Information, AY23-24 Tenure Track Faculty Start-Up, and Expired Start-Up & RSCA

Student Assistant (SA) Dashboard Deactivation

The SA Dashboard on the Hub was established to identify faculty-specific and funding-specific positions related to Start-Up and RSCA funds. The Active Position List (APL) was recently upgraded by HRIS and now displays chart field information including class and program codes. This advancement in funding visibility and real-time information eliminates the need for the SA Dashboard, which is manually updated and was last refreshed on August 13, 2023. This was the final update to the SA Dashboard and the APL should be used from now on. 

Running reports at the college level is available on the SA dashboard, but is not yet available in the APL. HRIS is in the process of adding this functionality. When this feature is included, the SA Dashboard will be completely removed from the Hub. This is anticipated to occur within the next week or two.


SA Positions

ABSO creates 1870 and 1874 SA positions for new Start-Up and RSCA. In the past, 1150 positions were created by ABSO. Additional SA positions only should be requested by departments if it is for other job codes. Check if a position already exists by running the APL prior to submitting a PMAF for a new position.  When requesting new positions, be sure to include the information below on the PMAF. After the position is created, run the APL and review the chart field information. If any information is missing, please email

Required Chart Field Information

  1. Pool ID
  2. Funding level
  3. Fund
  4. Class Code
  5. Program Code (if RSCA)

View detailed instructions on the Hub


New Tenure Track Academic Year 23-24 Cohort

  • Locate their Class Code
  • Start-Up funds have been transferred to the faculty’s DeptID and can be seen in Data Warehouse.
    Budgets include OE , and as applicable: research equipment, and computer
  • Student assistant positions 1870 and 1874 have been created. 


Expired RSCA and Start-Up

There is a grace period of two months for expenses to post against expired RSCA and Start-Up funds. Funds expiring on June 31, 2023 will not be deallocated earlier than August 31, 2023. College-issued funds that expired before the end of fiscal year 22-23 will be returned and journal confirmations will be sent out next week.  


Allocating Start-Up or RSCA funds to faculty from your college or department budgets

If you’d like to allocate Start-Up or RSCA funds to faculty from your college or department budgets, a transfer can be requested using a new quick and easy method.  To make a request, use the College or Dept. Issued Start-Up, RSCA, or Professional Development Funds Google Form on the AA Resource Hub


  • Department-level requests should be coordinated with Dean’s office prior to submission. 
  • If funds will be transferred, factor it into your 2022-23 year-end reporting. Please submit requests by June 16, 2023 which allows for two-weeks of processing time by the fiscal year-end. 
  • This form will accept single or multiple requests.  If submitting multiple requests, please use the template that is linked in the Google form. 

This form is available under the Budget and Finance menu, under the RSCA or Faculty Start-Up categories:


If you have questions, please contact Connie Kim at


The AA Resource Hub now has a new Faculty Start-Up Summary dashboard!

 To help colleges and departments manage their faculty’s start-up funds, ABSO is introducing a new dashboard, where start-up account information can easily be retrieved by DeptID, Department, College, Faculty Name, or Class Code.

What does the new Start-Up Summary dashboard show?

  • General faculty information
  • Original spend deadline date; possible values include:
    • Absolute date = date given in offer letter
    • N/A = not specified.  For more information, consult your Dean’s office. 
    • End of Probation = funds are available until the end of the faculty’s probation period
  • Extended spend deadline date; possible values include:
    • Absolute date = approved extension date 
    • Blank = no request for an extension was submitted, or an extension was not approved
  • Expired/Depleted status – “No” or “Yes”

By design, start-up fund balances are not displayed in this dashboard. To find the balance, use Data Warehouse.

When is the dashboard updated?

  • When new start up accounts are established
  • When the expired status changes from No to Yes

New start-up accounts shown in the dashboard may take an additional day or two to show in Data Warehouse.

How to navigate there:

  1. On the AA Resource Hub, on the top menu bar, select “Budget and Finance”.
  2. Under Faculty Start-Up, select “Faculty Start-Up Expiration Dates”.

Did you know…?

Earlier this week, ABSO announced a new DocuSign template to facilitate the approval process for extending faculty start-up funds.  Please refer to the Faculty Startup page on the Hub for more information. 

For questions about start-up funds, please contact  Connie Kim at  For other questions or issues, please contact

Extension Request for Faculty Startup

To streamline the way startup extension is granted, ABSO has created a DocuSign template to facilitate the approval process.  Faculty who wish to request to request an extension of time to expend against their startup funds should complete the form at least 30 days before the expiration date.  Please be reminded that startup funds cannot be extended beyond the end of a faculty member’s probationary period except for a compelling reason.  In addition, expenditures that exceed the startup budget will be the responsibility of the faculty member’s home department.  Refer to the AAD Startup Funds Guidelines for additional information.


The Extension Request form has embedded conditional routing.  It will be routed to the designated reviewers and approvers based on the faculty’s home college.  Users will only need to enter the name and email of their Department Chair and Admin when initiating the form.


To learn more about the management of startup funds, please refer to the Faculty Startup page on the Hub.  If you have any issues or questions, please contact


Please feel free to share this information with any staff or faculty as appropriate.

Spring 2022 Admin Q&A for Faculty RSCA, Start-Up, and Professional Development Funds

Thank you to those who attended our Spring 2022 Admin Q&A for Faculty RSCA, Start-Up, and Professional Development Funds yesterday.  We hope you find the information helpful.

A copy of the presentation is now live on the Hub.  You can find it in the Tools & Resources section in Budget & Finance or access it here.

Please feel free to share the presentation with colleagues who may not have been able to attend.