Student Assistant Information, AY23-24 Tenure Track Faculty Start-Up, and Expired Start-Up & RSCA

Student Assistant (SA) Dashboard Deactivation

The SA Dashboard on the Hub was established to identify faculty-specific and funding-specific positions related to Start-Up and RSCA funds. The Active Position List (APL) was recently upgraded by HRIS and now displays chart field information including class and program codes. This advancement in funding visibility and real-time information eliminates the need for the SA Dashboard, which is manually updated and was last refreshed on August 13, 2023. This was the final update to the SA Dashboard and the APL should be used from now on. 

Running reports at the college level is available on the SA dashboard, but is not yet available in the APL. HRIS is in the process of adding this functionality. When this feature is included, the SA Dashboard will be completely removed from the Hub. This is anticipated to occur within the next week or two.


SA Positions

ABSO creates 1870 and 1874 SA positions for new Start-Up and RSCA. In the past, 1150 positions were created by ABSO. Additional SA positions only should be requested by departments if it is for other job codes. Check if a position already exists by running the APL prior to submitting a PMAF for a new position.  When requesting new positions, be sure to include the information below on the PMAF. After the position is created, run the APL and review the chart field information. If any information is missing, please email

Required Chart Field Information

  1. Pool ID
  2. Funding level
  3. Fund
  4. Class Code
  5. Program Code (if RSCA)

View detailed instructions on the Hub


New Tenure Track Academic Year 23-24 Cohort

  • Locate their Class Code
  • Start-Up funds have been transferred to the faculty’s DeptID and can be seen in Data Warehouse.
    Budgets include OE , and as applicable: research equipment, and computer
  • Student assistant positions 1870 and 1874 have been created. 


Expired RSCA and Start-Up

There is a grace period of two months for expenses to post against expired RSCA and Start-Up funds. Funds expiring on June 31, 2023 will not be deallocated earlier than August 31, 2023. College-issued funds that expired before the end of fiscal year 22-23 will be returned and journal confirmations will be sent out next week.  


Student Assistants for Employment Accommodations

In an effort to realign resources and streamline processes, the Employment Accommodations Resource Center (EARC) will directly appoint student assistants for the AAD employees who need accommodations beginning July 1, 2021. The center will also take over the responsibility of approving hours and paying the students.  AAD departments are no longer required to track those payroll expenses nor report balances.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact

Virtual Travel for Students

This message is for employees who process student travel and is meant to offer clarity to the process.

Students are not required to submit a Travel Authorization for virtual conferences/events.  However, if the event changes from virtual to in-person, authorizations are required:

  • If the student is an SJSU employee, submit an authorization request in FTS before the event.
  • If the student is NOT an SJSU employee, fill out the Travel Approval Request form and obtain the necessary approval.

To reimburse a student for out-of-pocket expenses:

Please note that Finance encourages departments to use their GoCard to pay for registration to avoid putting an economical strain on the student.

For more information, please refer to the Virtual Meetings/Conferences FAQs.