FY2021/22 HEERF Expenditure Reports

As mentioned in the AART Meeting this morning, we have been asked to submit a projected expense report of the FY2021/22 Higher Education Emergency Relief Funding (HEERF) support we were allocated. In order to comply with the request, ABSO has emailed out a template with instructions to the colleges that have been awarded HEERF funds (Business, Education, Engineering, and Science). Academic Support Units who have also received HEERF allocations have also been asked to provide expense projections.

Please make sure to move any HEERF expenses currently in Fund 70000 – CSU Operating Fund to Fund 70602 – HEERF II Institutional with Class Code 4716 – Coronavirus COVID-19 Incident and the corresponding Project Code before 12/22/2021. You also need to project future expenses that will be incurred and will be posted in the system by February 28, 2022. Please note: Encumbrance of funds will not count as an expense. We strongly recommend that you submit your requisitions as soon as possible and work with the vendors to process invoices for payment.  

Student Assistants and Instructional Student Assistants (ISAs) will need to report all of their hours by January 31, 2022, in order for their payroll to be posted in the month of February. 

Any HEERF expenses being paid via the ProCard and/or GoCard need to be posted by the dates listed below to ensure the transactions are posted in time for the statement reconciliation process and for Accounts Payable to post the transactions to CFS in February. Note, these are the new dates provided by A/P after our meeting this morning.

  • GoCard: January 12, 2022
  • ProCard: January 18, 2022

The HEERF expense projections are due to our office by Thursday, January 6, 2022

Thank you for your assistance.

Please contact our office if you have questions.

SJSU Teach Online Certificate Summer 2021 Program

The SJSU Teach Online Certificate Program is returning the second year!  The faculty members who have completed this three-week program will receive a stipend payment. Departments may refer to the Teach Online Payment dashboard to review the list of faculty who joined the program as well as the stipend payment status.  Please note that the option to receive professional development funds in lieu of a stipend is NOT offered this year.

Please also be reminded that the entire payment process, from workload review, ESS/Payroll review, to check issuance, could take as long as four weeks.

Teach Online Payment Dashboard:

Select “Summer 21” from the Session filter:


Path on Hub: Budget & Finance > Start-Up & Professional Development > Teach Online Certificate Program > College/Department Dashboard

HEERF First Priority Funding

This message is for the colleges and unis that have received HEERF funding from the division.

The Hub has been updated to include information on the HEERF funding commitments. With the campus opening up access to the HEERF Fund 70602 and encouraging direct expenditures against it, it is important for department users to follow the guidelines when processing HEERF-related transactions.


  • Each project is assigned a unique project number; this number must be used on all transactions.
  • Class code 4716 is also required.
  • POs and PCard charges should be posted directly in HEERF 70602.
  • Continue using CARES Act positions created last year for consultants and student assistants.

Please contact abso@sjsu.edu for questions and concerns.


Summer 2020 Teach Online Professional Development Grant Expenditure Deadline

Please be advised that the Summer 2020 Teach Online Professional Development Grant will expire on May 15, 2021. Travel Reimbursements, Direct Payment, Employee Reimbursement, PO invoices, journal transfers (including HR Expense Adjustment) must be fully approved by that day.  Student Assistant hours must be entered by May 2021.  

Because this program is a part of CARES Act and the funding expires this fiscal year, extension requests will be not accepted.  

To get a list of faculty who have received a Summer 2020 Teach Online Professional Development Grant, please visit the Teach Online College Dashboard.


Reference: Hub > Budget & Finance > Other > CARES

CARES Act Round 1 Expenditure Deadlines

For those units that have received CARES Act allocations in the fall, please note the following expenditure deadlines:

All expenses must be reflected as Actuals in the data warehouse by March 31, 2021 in order to qualify.  For those who have open PO’s, please encourage the vendor to invoice as soon as possible. 

Student Assistant
All Student hours must be reported in the system by March 31, 2021.  

Special Consultant
All special consultant payments must be posted and reflected on the April 2021 LCD.  Please work closely with UP to get the payment forms processed in a timely fashion.

Important: Consult with your college as they may have their own internal processes that must first be met.


Reimbursements for qualified expenses will be deposited in Op Fund.

As previously mentioned, departments must apply class code 4738 to all OE&E and payroll transactions related to these CARES Act activities.  Transactions without the proper code will not be considered. 


Please contact abso@sjsu.edu if there are any questions.


Reference: Hub > Budget & Finance > Other > CARES