K-12 Teaching Academy | Freedom Dreaming: Ethnic Studies Teaching in the Secondary Grades


  • Julia Duggs | Ethnic Studies teaching candidate | SJSU Lurie College of Education
  • Victoria Durán, PhD | Social Science teacher | Overfelt High School
  • Marcos Pizarro, PhD | Associate Dean | SJSU Lurie College of Education | Twitter: @sjsulurie
  • Luis Poza, PhD | Assistant Professor, Teacher Education | SJSU Lurie College of Education | Twitter: @luisepoza


This presentation brings together SJSU faculty and practicing Ethnic Studies teachers to deepen participants’ understandings of the purposes and core principles of Ethnic Studies teaching alongside examples from classroom practice. Webinar participants will have the opportunity to learn about the documented benefits of Ethnic Studies for students (regardless of racial and ethnic background) as well as specific culturally responsive curriculum activities that afford student agency, community engagement, and meaningful social analysis as part of students’ academic and personal development. Such activities include Youth Participatory Action Research, student counterstories and testimonios, and an in-depth look at a multi-faceted unit of instruction implemented in the 2020-21 academic year that fostered healing, home and community connections, and students’ “freedom dreaming” — collective envisioning of a more just society.

Access additional resources and all of our K-12 Teaching Academy webinars at sjsu.edu/education/community/k12-academy

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