K-12 Teaching Academy | Bringing Our Humanity to the TK-5 Classroom Through an Ethnic Studies Stance


  • Leah Aguilera | 2nd grade teacher | Oakland USD
  • Katy Felsinger | TK teacher | San Leandro USD
  • Hannah Swernoff | 5th grade teacher | Piedmont USD
  • Wanda Watson, EdD | Associate Professor | SJSU Lurie College of Education | Twitter: @wawatty


This session explores how TK-5th grade teachers launch the school year with three main interrelated goals at the forefront: Building a classroom community that humanizes students and values their intersectional racialized identities, particularly those from Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and Asian backgrounds; Learning about students’ strengths, interests, experiences, and barriers to learning; Integrating students’ funds of knowledge and community cultural wealth into Ethnic Studies and Anti-racist curricular and pedagogical practices to facilitate liberatory student learning.

Access additional resources and all of our K-12 Teaching Academy webinars at sjsu.edu/education/community/k12-academy

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