Fall 2021 Assigned Time Reporting

This message is for Department Admins, Chairs, Deans, and Associate Deans.

We have had some recent setbacks with Faculty Planner that has forced us to put the platform on hold for the time being. Two key people who worked closely with department users have left Blue Sail Data, and the key programmer in India recently passed away from the COVID-19 virus. Our campus partners in the Budget Office and Contracts have been very supportive during the process, but with the key staff losses at Blue Sail Data, we no longer have the critical support we need to move Faculty Planner forward at this time.  Given the circumstances, the assigned time reporting will have to be done through the regular Assigned Time Data Entry System until further notice.

Institutional Research has responded quickly to prepare the portal for fall 2021 reporting and the system is now open for entry.  To log in, please visit http://www.iea.sjsu.edu/Faculty/assignedtime.php

Departments should refer to their dean’s office for internal reporting deadlines.  Please note that all assigned time entries must be entered and approved by the dean no later than Wednesday, September 8, 2021.

Please contact abso@sjsu.edu for questions and concerns.


Important Dates

August 19……………………………First Day of Instruction
August 31……………………………Last Day to Drop Courses
September 8……………………….Last Day to Add Courses
September 16……………………..Enrollment Census Date