New Change Management Tools

ABSO is pleased to announce new change management tools to assist our departments with the onboarding and offboarding process for employees as well as organizational changes. These checklists are available in the AA Resource Hub on the Organizational Change page

Onboarding/Offboarding Checklists

The onboarding and offboarding checklist is a tool designed to assist departments complete tasks that are essential to ensure a smooth transition for employees. For both processes, there are separate checklists for staff, managers, department chairs, and student assistants. Some departments have already used these checklists and we are pleased to receive positive feedback.

As a reminder, the removal of system access is an important step in the offboarding process, including when employees transfer to another department on campus and when access to certain DeptIDS should not be carried to their new role. This can now easily be done using the Finance Systems Access form. Finance has made a slight upgrade to the form to allow for removal requests. The “Remove Access” option is now listed under Request Type:

AAD Organizational Change Checklist

Lastly, the AAD Organizational Change checklist has been in the works and is now officially launched on the AA Resource Hub. This internal checklist is designed to assist campus departments when there are movements with departments, programs, and/or units; and for department mergers, separations, or dissolutions. Note that this checklist complements the FABS Org Change checklist and includes tasks that are specific to AAD departments with a clear delineation of the parties involved.

We hope you will find these checklists helpful and we welcome your feedback. Please reach out to if you have any questions at all.

Spring 2022 Admin Q&A for Faculty RSCA, Start-Up, and Professional Development Funds

Thank you to those who attended our Spring 2022 Admin Q&A for Faculty RSCA, Start-Up, and Professional Development Funds yesterday.  We hope you find the information helpful.

A copy of the presentation is now live on the Hub.  You can find it in the Tools & Resources section in Budget & Finance or access it here.

Please feel free to share the presentation with colleagues who may not have been able to attend.

Clarification: Spring 2022 Q&A Session for Faculty RSCA, Start-Up, and Professional Development Funds

We have received inquiries regarding the Spring 2022 Q&A Session and would like to offer clarity.

This Q&A session is for the administrative staff who manage RSCA, start-up, and professional development funds with their faculty.

Separate Q&A sessions will be held for faculty only.  The faculty will be notified accordingly via the Office of Research, Faculty Success, and their Associate Deans of Research.

Please feel free to reach out to if there are any questions.

Spring 2022 Q&A Session for Faculty RSCA, Start-Up, and Professional Development Funds

ABSO will be partnering with the Office of Research to host a one-hour RSCA and Start-Up Q&A session on Wednesday, March 23, at 2 pm.

Please come and join us as we discuss topics including:

  • The types of state-side funding for faculty research and development
  • The management of those funds
  • Tools and dashboards on the Hub and how to use them

If you would like to attend, please register here. You are welcome to submit questions ahead of time as well.