Assigned Time Data Entry System Currently Down

The Assigned Time Data Entry System is currently experiencing issues. IESA & IT are currently working on troubleshooting the issue(s). IESA will provide an update as soon as they have more information (IESA blog link).

For technical issues, please contact IR directly,

For other questions and concerns, please contact

Fall 2022 Assigned Time Reporting

The Assigned Time Data Entry System is now open for Fall 2022. Employees responsible for entering and approving time may log in via the Institutional Research Assigned Time webpage.  For those who are responsible for assigned time reporting but cannot access the system, please request access by filling out the Access Request Form.

Departments should refer to their dean’s office for any internal reporting deadlines. Please note that all assigned time entries must be entered and approved by the dean no later than Friday, September 9, 2022.


Updates to Assigned Time Codes

The descriptions of several assigned time codes have been updated for clarity.

Please visit the Assigned Time Codes and Instructions for more details.

For questions and concerns, please contact

Faculty Research Expenditure Tracking

To align with SJSU’s strategic goal to enhance faculty research, all divisions are required to track research expenditures for reporting purposes. Academic Affairs Division implemented two new fund numbers -70026 Faculty start-Up and 70031 RSCA Programs- intended to separate start-up and select RSCA expenditures from our ordinary operating budget and introduced the systematic use of faculty class code for expenditure tracking. In the last phase of this transition, departments are asked to track all other research-related expenditures in a similar manner.

Just-in-time Research Expenditures

Effective immediately, please use Program Code R07 with your primary department ID and fund number for any transactions related to research. This includes all just-in-time research expenses that are covered by a department’s CSU Operating Fund budget and/or PaCE funds. The use of faculty class codes is optional.

College and Department-Wide RSCA Programs

Colleges may deposit CSU Operating Funds into Fund 70031 for any organized college- or department-wide RSCA programs, travel and professional development grants, and retention grants offered to their faculty. As with all other RSCA grants in 70031, grant award deadlines may cross fiscal years, and award funds may be carried forward without year-end restrictions. Grant activities will be tracked using Program Code R07 and faculty class codes.

Any questions and concerns should be directed to your college Director of Resources and Operations and college resource and financial analysts.

Vacant Rate Increase

University Vacant Rate is a budgeted salary range for the cost of hiring temporary faculty to cover instruction normally assigned to a tenure track faculty who have been released from instructional assignments.  The current rate of $6,578 for a 3 WTU (or 0.2 FTEF/semester) will increase to $6,838 in light of the recent contractual salary increases effective July 1, 2022.

Please refer to the Provost’s Office website for additional information.

If you have any questions, please contact

New Change Management Tools

ABSO is pleased to announce new change management tools to assist our departments with the onboarding and offboarding process for employees as well as organizational changes. These checklists are available in the AA Resource Hub on the Organizational Change page

Onboarding/Offboarding Checklists

The onboarding and offboarding checklist is a tool designed to assist departments complete tasks that are essential to ensure a smooth transition for employees. For both processes, there are separate checklists for staff, managers, department chairs, and student assistants. Some departments have already used these checklists and we are pleased to receive positive feedback.

As a reminder, the removal of system access is an important step in the offboarding process, including when employees transfer to another department on campus and when access to certain DeptIDS should not be carried to their new role. This can now easily be done using the Finance Systems Access form. Finance has made a slight upgrade to the form to allow for removal requests. The “Remove Access” option is now listed under Request Type:

AAD Organizational Change Checklist

Lastly, the AAD Organizational Change checklist has been in the works and is now officially launched on the AA Resource Hub. This internal checklist is designed to assist campus departments when there are movements with departments, programs, and/or units; and for department mergers, separations, or dissolutions. Note that this checklist complements the FABS Org Change checklist and includes tasks that are specific to AAD departments with a clear delineation of the parties involved.

We hope you will find these checklists helpful and we welcome your feedback. Please reach out to if you have any questions at all.