Academic Scheduling & Space Management Process Updates for Fall 2024

Lecture Rooms Assignments

Effective Fall 2024, all college-managed teaching spaces that can serve as general-purpose lecture spaces are re-assigned as College Managed Lecture (CLEC) Rooms in MySJSU (PeopleSoft) and our Academic Space Planning (Ad Astra) tool. Colleges or their departments will continue to manage these rooms. Please review the CLEC Guidelines describing the processes, a CLEC Rooms List, and FAQs. 

Academic Scheduling OnBase Forms 

Currently, only two approval steps are required for Academic Scheduling OnBase Forms: (1) the Department Chair/School Director and (2) a College Approver. Starting with the publication of the Fall 2024 Class Schedule on April 16, 2024, all forms will be updated to require four steps after submission:

  1. Department Chair/School Director Approval
  2. College Level Reviewer
  3. Dean/Associate Dean Approval
  4. Provost’s Office Designee Approval

To implement these form updates, the Academic Scheduling OnBase Forms will not be available from April 8-15, 2024.

Fall 2024 Class Schedule Timeline

  • March 25-28, 2024: Departments submit Academic Scheduling OnBase Forms to process final changes, adds, or cancellations to be included in the publication of the class schedule. 
  • March 29, 2024: AS&SM starts processing submitted forms and running various reports to validate the class schedule data for accuracy. 
  • April 11, 2024: AS&SM completes the class schedule by 5 p.m. On April 12 and 15, departments are encouraged to access the MySJSU Department Scheduler Extract or Ad Astra’s Academic Course Planning tool to review the schedule.  
  • April 16, 2024: Enrollment Appointments Viewable on MySJSU for Continuing Students. Class schedule available on MySJSU and
    • Departments can begin submitting additional class schedule requests using the updated Academic Scheduling OnBase Forms. 
  • April 23, 2024: Advance Registration for Continuing Students period begins.


Email Sarah Schraeder Cisneros, Associate Director, Academic Scheduling and Space Management.

Spring 2024 Assigned Time Reporting

The Assigned Time Data Entry System is now open for Spring 2024. Employees responsible for entering and approving time may log in through the IRSA Assigned Time portal. For those who are responsible for assigned time reporting but cannot access the system, please request access by filling out the Access Request Form.

Please note that all assigned time entries must be entered and approved by the dean no later than Wednesday, February 21, 2024. Departments should refer to their dean’s office for any internal reporting deadlines.

For technical issues, such as a missing appointment or department, contact
For login issues, contact
For questions regarding Assigned Time codes and usage, contact


Fall 2023 Assigned Time Reporting

The Assigned Time Data Entry System is now open for Fall 2023. Employees responsible for entering and approving time may log in through the IRSA Assigned Time webpage. For those who are responsible for assigned time reporting but cannot access the system, please request access by filling out the Access Request Form.


  • All Chair approval must be completed prior to college-level approval.
  • All assigned time must be approved at the department and college levels to advance to division approval

Updates to Assigned Time Codes

To comport with the EP&R 76-36: Faculty Workload: Policies and Procedures, the Weighted Teaching Unit (WTU) assignable for excess enrollment has been updated.  Effective Fall 2023, Assigned Time Codes EXENR1 (Excess Enrollment: Between 75-120) and EXENR2 (Excess Enrollment: 120 and above) have been retired; a new code, EXENR, is created for classes with census date enrollment of over 120.

Please refer to the Assigned Time System and Assigned Time Guidelines and Instructions for details.


Please note that all assigned time entries must be entered and approved by the dean no later than Tuesday, September 19, 2023.  Departments should refer to their dean’s office for any internal reporting deadlines.



2023-24 Vacant Rate

University Vacant Rate is a budgeted salary range for the cost of hiring temporary faculty to cover instruction normally assigned to a tenure track faculty who have been released from instructional assignments.  The current rate of $6,838 for 3 WTU (or 0.2 FTEF/semester) will remain unchanged for FY 2023-24.

Please refer to the Provost’s Office website for additional information.

If you have any questions, please contact

ABSO training workshop series – Introduction to Budget Management Starts Tomorrow!

This is your friendly reminder to join ABSO this month for an opportunity to learn the basics of budget management. Our first of three training workshops starts tomorrow Friday, 4/14!

This workshop series offers an overview of the commonly used fund types, expense tracking, and reconciliation.  Come and learn how to track all of your financial details on one spreadsheet!  This workshop series will take place virtually over three days – April 14, 21, and 28 between 10 – 11 am.

All department admins new to Academic Affairs or interested in getting a refresher are encouraged to attend.  Please register if you haven’t yet done so using the link provided below before 4/14.