Leaders of Lurie College | Ana

Meet Ana, SJSU staff member and one of the leaders of Lurie College!

“My passion for education was modeled to me by my grandfather, who helped raise me. A former farmworker with a fifth grade education, my grandfather had a hunger for learning and reading that inspired me to take advantage of every resource possible in college, graduate school, and my career. I’m grateful to be working for SJSU and the College of Education because I see a genuine passion for learning all around me and a strong commitment to expand educational opportunities for others.”

SJSU Lurie College of Education EdD Leadership Program Staff Ana Paz-Rangel

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.

Leaders of Lurie College | Angelie

Meet Angelie, recently graduated SJSU grad student and one of the leaders of Lurie College!

“As an educator I want to help empower the students I work with so they can help their communities thrive. I am a strong believer that education has the power to create sustainable growth from within our communities. I hope to play a small role in dismantling systems of oppression by helping students plan and achieve their academic goals. The students I work with daily have inspired me to continue my development and pursue a Masters degree in Education to help make higher education accessible.”

SJSU Lurie College of Education Counselor Education Department Graduate Student Angelie López

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.

Leaders of Lurie College | Radha

Meet Radha, recently graduated SJSU doctoral student and one of the leaders of Lurie College!

“The Ed.D program experience has enriched and helped me evolve in ways that I never imagined. The incredible faculty and my cohort members in the Ed.D. program have made a significant contribution to my research and critical thinking skills. In three years of the program, I have learned more about myself as a person and as a leader. I now feel confident and prepared to apply the knowledge, skills and perspectives I have gained through the program to be a passionate and transformative leader.”

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.

Leaders of Lurie College | Angela

Meet Angela, SJSU graduate student and one of the leaders of Lurie College!

“Navigating the higher education system as a first-generation student has been a stressful, and at times, discouraging journey. Through all of the obstacles, I have stayed determined and focused on continuing my education because my educational achievements do not solely belong to me. They belong to my family, my ancestor’s, my community, and all of the individuals who have believed in me and invested in me along my journey.”

SJSU Lurie College of Education Counselor Education Department Student Angela Serrano

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.

Leaders of Lurie College | Michele

Meet Michele, SJSU faculty member and one of the leaders of Lurie College! Also, congratulations to Michele for recently achieving the standing of Associate Professional Clinical Counselor with the Board of Behavioral Sciences!

“Education has been a safe haven over the years, leaving me with fond memories from kindergarten through graduate school. In addition to classes; sports, student government and Work Study enhanced my experience by connecting me to positive role models and mentors – preparing me for the world of work, where learning never ceases. Therefore, as an instructor, I am passionate about engaging students in their learning process so they can also develop a love for learning and become a lifelong learner.”

SJSU Lurie College of Education Counselor Education Faculty Michele Burns

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.

Leaders of Lurie College | Justine

Meet Justine, recently graduated SJSU undergrad, current grad student, and one of the leaders of Lurie College!

“As the daughter of an immigrant woman, the youngest of six children, and the first to attend college, I feel immense gratitude to receive the privilege that is education. Although the road to get here has been far from easy, what I’ve found is that persistence and hard work always wins. By adopting a growth mindset, I began to grow academically, professionally, and personally in ways I never imagined. So no matter where you are in your journey, know that determination will get you far.”

SJSU Lurie College of Education Child Development Alumni and Teacher Education Student Justine Vuong

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.

Leaders of Lurie College | Sharon

Meet Sharon, recently graduated SJSU grad student and one of the leaders of Lurie College!

“One of the greatest days of your life is when you discover your why. Student development is my why. My vision is to empower individuals through career decision self-efficacy so they can discover a purposeful life. As an aspiring higher education professional, my mission is to identify the students’ aspirations along with their unique strengths. I want students to know they have the potential in themselves to maximize their social mobility despite the perceived limitations they may encounter.”

SJSU Lurie College of Education Counselor Education Department Alumni Sharon Quach

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.

Leaders of Lurie College | Heidi

Meet Heidi, SJSU student / faculty member and one of the leaders of Lurie College!

“I got an MBA in my 20’s and worked for 25+ years in marketing and management roles. Education has been woven throughout my vocational journey. I am now 51, and a proud member of EdD cohort four, slated to graduate May 2020. I recently got hired by SJSU’s Lucas College of Business as an adjunct lecturer in marketing and business analytics. I also work in SJSU’s Writing Center. My research and teaching is focused on student voice and student success, both in and out of the classroom.”

SJSU Lurie College of Education EdD Leadership Program Doctoral Student Heidi Livingston Eisips

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.

Leaders of Lurie College | Amy

Meet Amy, SJSU alumni / faculty member and one of the leaders of Lurie College!

“Growing up as a fifth-generation resident of a small town in Michigan, my only adventures came from reading books. Being the first in my family to attend college was a huge step, filled with fear and uncertainty. Surprisingly, I discovered my adventurous spirit and sought out opportunities to continue learning and growing. I student taught in Australia and then accepted a teaching job in Japan. I now use my adventurous spirit to encourage my students to trust themselves and to take risks.”

SJSU Lurie College of Education Counselor Education Department Alumni and Faculty Amy Gutierrez

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.

Leaders of Lurie College | Kim

Meet Kim, SJSU undergraduate student and one of the leaders of Lurie College!

“It took me a really long time to get into a four-year university. But I did it, I’m at SJSU and I am very grateful that I am here. I finally accomplished what I wanted for so long. So remember to never give up & to keep pushing through no matter how long it takes. Believe in yourself that you can do it & stay positive!”

SJSU Lurie College of Education Child and Adolescent Development Department Student Kim Tayaotao

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.

Leaders of Lurie College | Rayna

Meet Rayna, SJSU faculty member and one of the leaders of Lurie College!

“When I was a student, I often felt overwhelmed when trying to balance all of my coursework and career decisions. By joining peer groups and attending many workshops on campus, I connected with fantastic mentors who were critical in helping me build professional skills and knowledge, much of which were not covered in my courses. This inspired me to focus on becoming a mentor myself, passing along the advice I have picked up throughout my education journey and encouraging others to do the same!”

SJSU Lurie College of Education Child and Adolescent Development Department Faculty Rayna Friendly

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.

Leaders of Lurie College | Nicole

Meet Nicole, SJSU graduate student in the Department of Counselor Education and one of the leaders of the Lurie College of Education!

“In the summer before my senior year of undergrad, I had an amazing internship in Japan, where I got to mentor and teach Japanese high school students through an empowerment-focused program. After this experience, I realized that I was passionate about working with students and wanted to pursue a career in education, where I would have the opportunity to empower students daily.”

SJSU Lurie College of Education Counselor Education Graduate Student Nicole Ellis

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.

Leaders of Lurie College | Isabel

Meet Isabel, SJSU staff member and one of the leaders of Lurie College!

“During my graduate studies, I taught ESL classes at institutions in the US-Mexico border. The students I met then, have been a great source of inspiration. From the students that crossed the border to attend college with little or no English proficiency to the sixty-five-year-old grandmother who wanted to learn English to communicate with her grandchildren, I learned there are no barriers to what one can do and that it is never too late to learn something new.”

SJSU Lurie College of Education Staff Member Isabel Vallejo

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.

Leaders of Lurie College | Sydney

Meet Sydney, recently graduated SJSU grad student and one of the leaders of Lurie College!

“Working with children is a strong passion of mine, and something I have loved to do in all phases of my life.  During my undergraduate degree, I worked at a preschool and realized that I wanted to become a teacher because every time I saw a students’ “lightbulb” moment, it was a fulfilling moment for me as well.  Going through my credential program, I have had many moments that confirmed that teaching is a passion for me and I am excited to continue this passion as I start my career as a teacher!”

SJSU Lurie College of Education Teacher Education Department Graduate Student and Alumni Sydney Matthews

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.

Leaders of Lurie College | Jewel

Meet Jewel, SJSU alumni / faculty and one of the leaders of Lurie College!

“San Jose State University was always my first choice for colleges because of its stellar teacher preparation program and affordability. I always had a dream to someday work at SJSU and enrolled again to complete my M.A. at the age of 57. After retiring after 38 years of teaching, I am now able to share my passion of teaching with aspiring individuals who understand the importance of equity in education to allow every student to be successful to pursue their own dreams.”

SJSU Lurie College of Education Teacher Education Department Faculty Jewel Knofler

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.

Leaders of Lurie College | Liz

Meet Liz, SJSU undergraduate student and one of the leaders of Lurie College!

“I became a first-time college student at 31. With such a large gap in my education, I feared I’d fail. Thankfully, I was wrong. My life experiences had changed my priorities, values, and motivations. Knowing the risks involved if I didn’t fully commit to my education, I became the best version of a student i’d ever been. I went from not knowing if I could hack it, to getting A’s and exceeding my own expectations. I’m proud to be a nontraditional student, because I know now just how capable I am.”

Learn about more Leaders of Lurie College and learn more about the SJSU Lurie College of Education!

SJSU Lurie College of Education Communicative Disorders and Sciences Department Undergraduate Student Liz Kidd

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.

Leaders of Lurie College | Claudio

Meet Claudio, SJSU graduate student and one of the leaders of Lurie College!

“Growing up, my mother always pushed education. From an early-age, I knew that higher education was the vehicle I would use to enhance my life. As a leader in our public schools, I hope to share this message to our youth.”

Learn about more Leaders of Lurie College and learn more about the SJSU Lurie College of Education!

SJSU Lurie College of Education Counselor Education Department Graduate Student Claudio Soria

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.

Leaders of Lurie College | Michelle

Meet Michelle, SJSU undergraduate student and one of the leaders of Lurie College!

“I came from a dysfunctional home; my parents never went to college. We lived off food stamps, welfare, section 8, and school food programs. I obtained my AA degree and transferred to SJSU. Graduating in December 2019 is not something I thought I would ever be able to achieve. I hope to become an inspiration to all the future students and their families that nothing can keep you from catching a star. It may have taken me 10 years to get here but I AM HERE!”

Learn about more Leaders of Lurie College and learn more about the SJSU Lurie College of Education!

SJSU Lurie College of Education Child & Adolescent Development Department Undergraduate Student Michelle Del Real

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.

Leaders of Lurie College | Victoria

Meet Victoria, SJSU graduate student and one of the leaders of Lurie College!

“I was constantly told I should become a teacher, and I thought about it; however, when I finished my bachelor’s I was over school. I went through a series of effortless jobs to find that I needed more out of life. It was then I realized that I was ready to become a teacher to make a difference and be challenged.”

Learn about more Leaders of Lurie College and learn more about the SJSU Lurie College of Education!

SJSU Lurie College of Education Teacher Education Department Graduate Student Victoria Guinnane

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.

Leaders of Lurie College | Corina

Meet Corina, recently graduated SJSU grad student and one of the leaders of Lurie College!

“I came to SJSU as a transfer student and moving to a new city and school was a challenge but I was able to overcome my obstacles by the support and motivation from my professors and my fellow peers here. The Lurie College of Education provided me with opportunities to collaborate with others and grow as a person and educator. I am grateful to have been part of positive learning environment. The Lurie College of Education became a second home for me where I was able to make life long connections.”

Learn about more Leaders of Lurie College and learn more about the SJSU Lurie College of Education!

SJSU Lurie College of Education Teacher Education Department Graduate Student Corina Mora

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.

Leaders of Lurie College | Ashley

Meet Ashley, SJSU undergraduate student and one of the leaders of Lurie College!

“My journey to college was rough from the very beginning. I am the first one in my family to graduate from a university and I had to do all by myself. During my four years I faced numerous setbacks – I was involved in a sexual assault case, my mother and father both had surgery, my dad had two strokes, and I was diagnosed with endometriosis. Despite all of these setbacks I was able to maintain a positive outlook and I will be graduating in the fall.”

Learn about more Leaders of Lurie College and learn more about the SJSU Lurie College of Education!

SJSU Lurie College of Education Child and Adolescent Development Undergraduate Student Ashley Lamboley

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.

Leaders of Lurie College | Rose

Meet Rose, SJSU alumni / staff and one of the leaders of Lurie College!

“As single mom of two with a full-time career, the thought of college was overwhelming, yet I wanted so much to earn my degree. I justified why I shouldn’t pursue it. “I’m too old, I wouldn’t fit in, I’m scared” were my thoughts. My head told me no, but my heart told me otherwise. So I began my journey. I attended part-time, stayed consistent, and earned my BA and my MA. I encourage anyone in this position to listen to your heart if it speaks to you. If we are not challenging ourselves, we are not growing.”

Learn about more Leaders of Lurie College and learn more about the SJSU Lurie College of Education!

SJSU Lurie College of Education Counselor Education Department Alumni Rose Hunter

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.

Leaders of Lurie College | Melissa

Meet Melissa, SJSU undergraduate student and one of the leaders of Lurie College!

“Through a Child Development academy from Foothill College in their Family Engagement Institute (FEI), I found that my passion was being in the educational field by working with families and children in the academy. I later worked for FEI and found myself advising high school students and adults into pursing their higher education. I then received my AS in Early Childhood Development and transferred to SJSU!”

Learn about more Leaders of Lurie College and learn more about the SJSU Lurie College of Education!

SJSU Lurie College of Education Child and Adolescent Development Undergraduate Student Melissa Hernandez

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.

Leaders of Lurie College | Kahlie

Meet Kahlie, recently graduated SJSU grad student and one of the leaders of Lurie College!

“Graduate school was a chance to do all of the things I regretted not taking advantage of in my undergraduate program. Activities I missed out on in undergrad that I took advantage of this time around included, working on campus, connecting with my peers, going on an SJSU outdoor adventures trip, and participating in many other campus events. Graduate school was one of the most rewarding challenges of my life and I am so glad I took the risk. I am courageously ready for a career in education.”

Learn about more Leaders of Lurie College and learn more about the SJSU Lurie College of Education!

SJSU Lurie College of Education Counselor Edcuation Graduate Student Kahlie Koehler

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.

Leaders of Lurie College | Eduardo

Meet Eduardo, SJSU faculty member and one of the leaders of Lurie College!

“When I hear our students talk, just talk, around us I feel a thrill that reminds me of the joy of being a learner and a teacher, back in my origins in Spain and Oakland. Just the other day I was going down the stairs at Sweeney Hall and I heard three students lively communicating with gestures, in English, in Spanish… all of the above. I want a future rich in living culture, experiences, creative languaging, hybrid identities where all our children can thrive. Language without limits.”

Learn about more Leaders of Lurie College and learn more about the SJSU Lurie College of Education!

SJSU Lurie College of Education Teacher Education Department Faculty Eduardo Munoz-Munoz

The Leaders of Lurie College series has been curated by Brian Cheung Dooley.