Lurie College Alumni Named Superintendent of the Year

Congratulations to EdD Leadership Program alumni and Portola Valley School District Superintendent Roberta Zarea, who was recently named Superintendent of the Year for San Mateo and San Francisco counties!

“Superintendent Zarea leads the District with integrity, passion, and fortitude. Zarea is beloved by her colleagues and by her partners in the community.” the press release on the Portola Valley School District website states.  Read the full press release at

SJSU Lurie College of Education EdD Leadership Program Alumni Roberta Zarea

Photo by Magali Gauthier.

Join the Lurie College Discord!

Join the Lurie College Discord! Chat with current, former, and future students of SJSU’s Lurie College of Education!
Be able to connect and collaborate with one another! You can also participate in or host fun voice or video calls with anyone who wants to join!

Join our Lurie College Discord at


Join Our Faculty Research Symposium

Join our SJSU Lurie College of Education faculty at our upcoming Faculty Research Symposium on Thurs., Nov. 18, from 11am-12pm,, as they present their research related to university-community partnerships and first-generation faculty!
Presenters include:
– María Ledesma – Associate Professor, Department of Educational Leadership – “Towards a Tenure-Attaining Culture: Creating and Supporting Socialization Models for First-Generation Academicians”
– Danielle Mead – Assistant Professor, Department of Child & Adolescent Development – “Establishing a University-Community Partnership with the San Jose Public Library”

Watch Our EdD Leadership Alumni’s Documentary

According to a popular study, 95% of adolescents own a cell phone and 45% are online almost constantly. When Cellphones Come To School, a new very timely, informative and provocative one hour documentary from high school teacher and EdD Leadership Program alumni Anne Tran, shows what happens when these phones predictably end up in classrooms and the impact on learning that results. Featuring interviews with a diverse range of students, teachers and experts, When Cellphones Come To School, highlights both positive and negative outcomes and points the way toward creating a better understanding of the national debate around the role cellphones might and do play in classroom education settings.

Attend the Lurie College Student Open Forum

SJSU Lurie College of Education Student Forum

Join Dean Heather Lattimer and Associate Dean Marcos Pizarro on Friday, November 5, from 9-10am on Zoom for an informal discussion about your student priorities!  The information to join the Zoom discussion was sent to Lurie College students via a Google Calendar email invitaiton.

Fall 2021 Ed.D. Leadership Program Dissertations

SJSU Lurie College of Education EdD Leadership Program Cohort 4

Two students from our SJSU Lurie College Ed.D. Leadership program will defend their dissertations during the Fall 2021 semester!  Learn more about each of their dissertations below. If you would like to attend an upcoming dissertation defense, please email your request to

Upcoming Dissertation Defenses

Kevin Wan | Mon., Nov. 1, 4pm

  • Dissertation: “Effects of Extra-Curricular Project-Based Learning Experiences on Self-Efficacy and Interest in STEM Fields in High School”
  • Committee: Dr. Roxana Marachi, Dr. Grinell Smith, and Dr. Joseph Heffernan

Amalia Guzman | Fri., Nov. 5, 10am

  • Dissertation: “Spanish-Speaking Parent Perceptions of their Elementary Children’s English Language Proficiency”
  • Committee: Dr. Noni Reis, Dr. Rosalinda Quintanar, Dr. Roxanne Regules

Read our 2020-2021 Lurie College Impact Report

As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, our SJSU Lurie College of Education is positioned to lead.  Our faculty, staff, and students have done remarkable work during this past year.  We’ve grown enrollments in our traditional programs and launched exciting new programs that extend our reach to new student populations.  We’ve strengthened our commitment to educational equity and racial justice by investing resources in bold emancipatory initiatives and tackling structural challenges within the college.  We’ve amplified the impact of faculty-led research by strengthening our community partnerships and growing our media engagement.  These achievements position Lurie College to lead our regional P-20 educational ecosystem and to be a model nationally of what it means to be a truly transformative college of education.

Read our 2020-2021 Impact Report above or at

Apply for our Lurie College Student Research Grants

Lurie College is proud to provide financial support to its students who are presenting their research at conferences. Undergraduate, graduate, credential, and doctoral students are eligible to apply for up to one $500 grant per fiscal year (July 1 – May 20) towards expenses for registration fees, travel, lodging, and meals.

Lurie College is also proud to provide financial support to its students who are in need of supplies to conduct their academic research. Undergraduate, graduate, credential, and doctoral students are eligible to apply for up to one $200 grant per fiscal year (July 1 – May 20) towards expenses for research supplies. A limited amount of funding is available.

To apply for either of these awards, visit

SJSU Lurie College of Education 2021-2022 Student Research Grants

Save the Date: Fall 2021 In-Person Commencement

SJSU Lurie College of Education Commencement Graduation Counselor Education Department New Alumni

On September 2, President Papazian announced that after nearly two years, San José State University is finally able to safely host in-person commencement ceremonies!

That means that this December our Fall 2021 graduating students will be invited to attend their college commencement ceremony, and our Spring 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021 graduated students will be invited to attend a makeup ceremony of their choice.

More information is available at and

Updated Fall 2021 Lurie College Office Hours

Welcome (back) to SJSU and Lurie College!  As we transition into the Fall 2021 semester, we wanted to provide you with the updated locations and hours of our Lurie College of Education spaces.

Communicative Disorders & Sciences Department | Sweeney Hall (SH) 116

  • Mondays: 8am-12pm, 1-5pm
  • Tuesdays: 8am-12pm, 1-5pm
  • Wednesdays: 8am-12pm, 1-5pm
  • Thursdays: Available by phone or email
  • Fridays: 8am-12pm, 1-5pm

Child and Adolescent Development Department | SH 201

  • Mondays: 8am-12pm, 1-5pm
  • Tuesdays: 8:30am-12pm, 1-5pm
  • Wednesdays: 8am-12pm, 1-5pm
  • Thursdays: 8:30am-12pm, 1-5pm
  • Fridays: Available by phone or email
  • Virtual office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11am-12pm, Zoom

Credentials Services Office | SH 445

  • Mondays: 8am-4pm
  • Tuesdays: 7:30am-4:30pm
  • Wednesdays: 8am-4pm
  • Thursdays: 7:30am-4:30pm
  • Fridays: Available by phone or email

Counselor Education Department | SH 404

  • Mondays: 8am-12pm, 1-5pm
  • Tuesdays: Available by phone or email
  • Wednesdays: 8am-12pm, 1-5pm
  • Thursdays: Available by phone or email
  • Fridays: Available by phone or email

Dean’s Office | SH 103

  • Mondays: 8am-5pm
  • Tuesdays: 8am-5pm
  • Wednesdays: 8am-5pm
  • Thursdays: 8am-5pm
  • Fridays: 8am-5pm

Ed.D. Leadership Program | SH 401

  • Mondays: Available by phone or email
  • Tuesdays: 9am-12pm, 1-5pm
  • Wednesdays: Available by phone or email
  • Thursdays: 9am-12pm, 1-5pm
  • Fridays: Available by phone or email

Educational Leadership Department | SH 219

  • Mondays: Available by phone or email
  • Tuesdays: 8am-12pm, 1-5pm
  • Wednesdays: 9am-2pm
  • Thursdays: 8am-12pm, 1-5pm
  • Fridays: Available by phone or email

Special Education Department | SH 204

  • Mondays: 8am-12pm, 1-5pm
  • Tuesdays: 8am-12pm, 1-5pm
  • Wednesdays: 8am-12pm, 1-5pm
  • Thursdays: 8am-12pm, 1-5pm
  • Fridays: Available by phone or email

Student Success Center | SH 106

  • Mondays: 8am-6pm
  • Tuesdays: 8am-5pm
  • Wednesdays: 8am-6pm
  • Thursdays: 8am-6pm
  • Fridays: Available by phone or email

Study & Collaboration Room | SH 446

  • Mondays: 8am-6pm
  • Tuesdays: 8am-6pm
  • Wednesdays: 8am-6pm
  • Thursdays: 8am-6pm
  • Fridays: –

Teacher Education Department | SH 305

  • Mondays: 9am-12pm, 1-6pm
  • Tuesdays: 8am-12pm, 1-5pm
  • Wednesdays: 9am-12pm, 1-6pm
  • Thursdays: 8am-12pm, 1-5pm
  • Fridays: Available by phone and email

Attend the Lurie College Student Open Forum

SJSU Lurie College of Education Student Forum

Join Dean Heather Lattimer and Associate Dean Marcos Pizarro on Wednesday, September 1, from 3-4pm on Zoom for an informal discussion about your student priorities!  The information to join the Zoom discussion was sent to Lurie College students via a Google Calendar email invitaiton.

Fall 2021 Welcome Message from Dean Lattimer

Welcome to the Fall 2021 semester at SJSU’s Lurie College of Education. We are so excited to be back on campus this fall and very much look forward to connecting with you in person. Our faculty, staff, and student leaders have been working hard to prepare engaging and meaningful in person and virtual experiences that are designed to support you on your educational journey.

The past year and a half has repeatedly demonstrated the importance of the academic and professional fields housed in our college. As our society has grappled with the overlapping pandemics of COVID 19, economic inequality, racial injustice, and environmental degradation, it is our teachers, counselors, therapists, school and community leaders who are providing possibility and hope to children, families, and communities.

As a college, we are committed to preparing you to be transformative leaders in your fields. In your classes this semester you’ll be challenged to explore new ideas and dig deep into critical questions. You’ll also have opportunities to connect to faculty and advisors outside of class, work on faculty-led research projects, and pursue initiatives connected to our college strategic plan. Our student-led clubs offer academic enrichment, advocacy, and social activities. And I encourage you to make time to go to your professors’ office hours, drop by our Student Success Center, and just hang out with other students in your program – this human connection is something that we’ve all been craving during the past year and a half. And it is in these informal interactions that life-long connections are made and some of the best, most transformative learning takes place.

As we navigate the coming semester, I encourage you to be patient with yourselves and others as we all adapt to the evolving dynamics of the pandemic. Please take care of yourselves and prioritize your physical, mental, and emotional health. Look out for members of our larger community by remembering to wear your mask, stay home, and get tested if you have any COVID symptoms, and – if you haven’t already, please get vaccinated. Our faculty and staff are working to ensure the safest conditions possible. Stay in close communication with your professors and program advisors, ask questions if you need clarification, and reach out if you have a physical or mental health concern. More information about SJSU health policies and additional resources can be found on the SJSU Adapt website. These are challenging times and we all need to prioritize kindness and generosity in our community and remember to give grace to yourselves and one another.

My hope for you is that you will find joy this semester. In the midst of multiple pressures and sometimes overwhelming challenges, I hope that you find joy in your classes, in our Lurie College community, and in the purpose and passion that brought you to SJSU. Our faculty, staff, and leadership team are here to support you and champion your success at every step along your journey.

Take good care and have a fantastic Fall semester!

Lurie College Black Graduate Student Support Group

Hello!  I’m Desirae McNeil.  I am a Graduate Student Ambassador for Lurie College.  It was on my heart to start a community with other Black-identifying grad students together.  If you are interested in joining me in creating a space to regularly meet for networking and support, please complete the interest form at

SJSU Lurie College of Education Counselor Education Graduate Student Desirae McNeil

Lurie College Career Center Support

SJSU Lurie College of Education Career Center Support Fall 2021

Get support from our SJSU Lurie College Career Center Counselor, Christine Bautista, during the Fall 2021 semester!

Welcome Back, Lurie College Students!

We hope you have a great Fall 2021 semester 💙💛

@sjsulurieWelcome back, ##SJSU ##LurieCollege family! We hope you have a great Fall 2021 semester💙💛 @sanjosestateuniversity♬ Lofi – Domknowz

Lurie College Student Selected for CCREE Fellowship

SJSU Lurie College of Education EdD Leadership Program Student Sofia Fojas

For Immediate Release
From the San José State University (SJSU) Center for Collaborative Research Excellence in Education (CCREE)

SAN JOSÉ STATE UNIVERSITY – CENTER FOR COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION (CCREE) has awarded a 3-year Doctoral Fellowship to Sofia Fojas through partnership funding provided by the SJSU Ed.D. Leadership Program and the Connie L. Lurie College of Education.

Dr. Brent Duckor, Director of SJSU’s CCREE says the goal of the multi-year fellowship is to engage in applied research that addresses and advances equitable outcomes for students in foster care and students experiencing homelessness in the K-12 population. He notes that this fellowship will provide advanced training in quantitative and qualitative research methods and opportunities for engagement in education policy with a focus on moving research into spheres of professional training and practice. We are extremely pleased and honored to have Ms. Sofia Fojas with us, said Duckor.

“I look forward to serving as a doctoral fellow at San José State University and studying policy for students experiencing homelessness and youth receiving foster care services. I am ready to step into the next phase of my life. I chose to pursue my doctoral studies in the Ed.D. Leadership program here among many other programs because here I see an opportunity for serving as a catalyst for large-scale change at the policy level for the most disenfranchised students in our education system” says Ms. Fojas.

Sofia Fojas was born in Hawaii to immigrant parents and moved with her family in the 1970’s to San Jose, California where she graduated from high school and returned to Hawaii to earn a degree in anthropology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Ms. Fojas has served as a music educator for twenty-seven years, a public school music teacher (grades 2-12) and an administrator for the arts in two school districts in Northern California.
Sofia is currently serving as the Arts Coordinator for Santa Clara County of Education. She is the regional Arts lead at the state level in California, and also serves as a board member of a national arts education organization.

Sofia is a professional violinist and performs with San Francisco Bay Area local and regional ensembles. Sofia has performed with Los Cenzontles and recorded with them on an album of the Chieftains. She has played in backup orchestras behind Natalie Cole, Dionne Warwick, Andy Williams, Smokey Robinson, and Johnny Mathis. Passionate about the role of art and music in transforming lives, Sofia Fojas brings a powerful lens to the study of policy change that puts the whole curriculum back into focus, say her doctoral advisors, Dr. Brent Duckor and Dr. Lorri Capizzi. After a long fascination with STEAM education, “Her vision of La cultura cura – culturally specific arts can be the foundation of authentic interventions for students experiencing homelessness and youth in foster care, each of whom need our support and connection now more than ever,” says Dr. Capizzi.

As Sofia notes, “The success of any effective academic intervention is rooted in connecting with the heart, not only the head. The arts can make that emotional connection that I believe is critical to effectively addressing and bridging the opportunity gap for our most vulnerable youth. I have combined my love for and commitment to culturally responsive arts education my whole life. This fellowship will help me bring to life even deeper arts education work aimed at diversity, equity, inclusion, and most importantly, access for our most underserved students across the state.”

Connect with Lurie College and SJSU

Connect with the SJSU Lurie College of Education @sjsulurie

Stay connected to helpful online resources as we head into the Fall 2021 semester!  Here are some initial Lurie College of Education and SJSU resources:

Spring and Summer 2021 Ed.D. Leadership Program Dissertations Published

SJSU Lurie College of Education EdD Leadership Program Class of 2021

Photo credit: Anne Tran

Students from our fifth cohort of the Lurie College Ed.D. Leadership program who have successfully defended their dissertations during the Spring 2021 semester now have their dissertations published on the SJSU Scholarworks website!  Check them out at

Learn more about each of their dissertations below. If you would like to attend an upcoming dissertation defense, please email your request to

Previous Dissertation Defenses

Nikki Dang | Thu., Feb. 18, 11am

  • Dissertation: “When ASCA and MTMDSS Merge: A Case Study on Counselor Capacity and the Implementation and Monitoring of Tier Two Interventions”
  • Committee: Dr. Rebeca Burciaga, Dr. Dolores Mena, and Dr. Brooke Chan

Jennifer Izant Gonzales | Mon., Feb. 22, 11am

  • Dissertation: “The Effectiveness of California’s System of Support, Specifically the Dashboard and Differentiated Assistance, as Perceived by the County Office of Education, Court and Community School Administrators”
  • Committee: Dr. Senorina Reis, Dr. Arnold Danzig, and Dr. Jennifer Ann

Anne Tran | Mon., Mar. 1, 3pm

  • Dissertation: “The Impacts of Cell Phones and Social Media Usage on Students’ Academic Performance”
  • Committee: Dr. Robert Gliner, Dr. Colette Rabin, and Dr. Dotty McCrea

Carrie Bosco | Fri., Mar. 5, 10am

  • Dissertation: “Administrator Stress and Wellbeing: Lessons Learned from Retired Administrators”
  • Committee: Dr. Arnold Danzig, Dr. Robert Gilner, and Dr. Joseph Rudnicki

Richard Ruiz | Mon., Mar. 29, 6pm

  • Dissertation: “Unresolved Issue in Education: Disproportionate Disciplining of Hispanic Students in Education”
  • Committee: Dr. Senorina Reis, Dr. Rosalinda Quintanar, and Dr. Robert Bravo

Gerald Nwafor | Thu., Apr. 1, 12pm

  • Dissertation: “Corporal Punishment in Eastern Nigeria”
  • Committee: Dr. Robert Gliner, Dr. Emily Slusser, and Dr. Analiza Filion

Mara Hofmeister Williams | Mon., Apr. 5, 11am

  • Dissertation: “The Effects of Academic Performance, Demographic Characteristics, and Work and Personal Experiences on Admissions to a Clinical Laboratory Science Training Program”
  • Committee: Dr. Grinell Smith, Dr. Colette Rabin, and Dr. Suzanne Campbell

Tricia Ryan | Tue., Apr. 6, 10am

  • Dissertation: “Subaltern Leadership Epistemologies: A Phenomenological Study of Filipinx Administrative Leaders in Higher Education”
  • Committee: Dr. Bradley Porfilio, Dr. Eduardo Muñoz-Muñoz, Dr. Lauren Hoffman

Taunya Jaco | Fri., Apr. 9, 11am

  • Dissertation: “Fidelity at the Forefront: The Fight for Ethnic Studies”
  • Committee: Dr. Robert Gliner, Dr. Roxana Marachi, and Dr. Theodorea Berry

Joseph Bosco | Thu., Apr. 15, 10am

  • Dissertation: “An Analysis of Job Stress as Experienced by Public School Site Administrators”
  • Committee: Dr. Arnold Danzig, Dr. Robert Gliner, and Dr. Joseph Rudnicki

Ivan Alcaraz | Thu., Apr. 22, 4pm

  • Dissertation: “Closing the Gaps: Understanding and Disrupting Deficit Thinking and Exclusionary Discipline Practices in a Latinx School”
  • Committee: Dr. Marcos Pizarro, Dr. Noni Reis, Dr. Joe Jaconette

Michael Mansfield | Mon., Apr. 26, 3:30pm

  • Dissertation: “The Impacts of Self-Efficacy and Academic Mindset on Middle School Math Achievement for At-Promise Youth: An Explanatory Study”
  • Committee: Dr. Brent Duckor, Dr. Roxana Marachi, and Dr. Cheryl Roddick

Register for our Free K-12 Teaching Academy Webinars

SJSU Lurie College of Education Summer 2021 K-12 Teaching Academy

We established our free K-12 Teaching Academy in Summer 2020 to support current teachers, teacher candidates, and community partners in transitioning to online teaching as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, our webinar recordings have been viewed nearly 25,000 times and our series has been highlighted on ABC7 News, EdSource, and the COVID-19 CA website.

Join us from Monday, June 28 – Thursday, July 8, for our free Summer 2021 K-12 Teaching Academy webinars, which will feature teachers, administrators, professors, and other practitioners and focus on relevant topics regarding returning to a “new normal” in classrooms in Fall 2021. Sessions include:

  • Week(s) of Welcome: Intentional, Inclusive Relationships Start Here
  • The Discussion-based Classroom
  • Talk as Transformation: Building Equity, Agency and Joy in the Elementary Classroom
  • Reimagining K-16 (Science) Teaching and Learning During a Time of Crisis: Transforming Learning Environments Through Justice-Centered Instructional and Pedagogical Design
  • Centering Humanity Through Identity-Informed Collaborative Notebook Activities
  • Better Together: Partnering with Families and the Community for Student Success
  • Considering Community and Trauma
  • The Next Normal: Reimagining Next Year’s Classroom
  • Bringing Our Humanity to the TK-5 Classroom Through an Ethnic Studies Stance
  • Queering the Classroom to Foster a Safe and Inclusive Environment: Lessons from Research and Practice
  • Freedom Dreaming: Ethnic Studies Teaching in the Secondary Grades
  • Bring it Back to the Classroom: What Did We Learn From a Year of COVID?
  • Building Culture and Community One Story at a Time

Learn more about each session and RSVP for as many as you’d like at

Join us at the Lurie College Deans’ Welcome

SJSU Lurie College of Education Summer 2021 Deans Forum

Lurie College students, join Dean Heather Lattimer and Associate Dean Marcos Pizarro for a conversation on Thursday, June 17, from 8:45-9:45am to discuss what’s next in education following the election results!  The Zoom link will be emailed to all Lurie College students’ via a Google calendar invitation.

Lurie College Student Shares Insights Following VTA Shooting

EdD Leadership Program student, SJSU faculty member, and licensed therapist Leslye Tinson was asked to share her insights and expertise with regard to how to support one another, address miseducation around mental health diagnoses, and more following the recent shooting at the VTA rail yard.  Watch and listen to the interviews with KRON4, ABC7, and KQED below.

Watch the Lurie College Spring 2021 Graduation Celebration

Congratulations to all of our Spring 2021 SJSU Lurie College of Education graduates who earned their bachelors, masters, credentials, or doctorates!  Watch the recording of our Graduation Celebration above.

  • 0:00 – Welcome to the Lurie College Graduation Celebration
  • 7:29 – Remarks from Dean Heather Lattimer and Marcos Pizarro, video recognition of Lurie College graduates
  • 20:58 – Remarks from Janeth Canseco (MA, Counselor Education Department)
  • 27:22 – Remarks from Charline Tenorio (MA, Communicative Disorders and Sciences Department)
  • 37:40 – Slides from our Spring 2021 graduates

SJSU has also created a website to recognize all of the Spring 2021 graduates for the entire university. Visit the SJSU Commencement website to access the recognition websites.

Congratulations from Lurie College Dean Heather Lattimer

Congratulations to all of our SJSU Lurie College of Education undergraduate, graduate, credential, and doctoral students for completing a very full and uniquely challenging semester!  Watch this video message from Dean Heather Lattimer or read the transcription of the message below.

Congratulations!!  We have made it to the end of a very full and uniquely challenging semester.

You have persisted through multiple hurdles, thrived while taking on new experiences, and consistently demonstrated your leadership, tenacity, and commitment in your classes, field experiences, and relationships with peers and mentors.

You truly are the transformative educators, counselors, therapists, school, and community leaders that we aspire to prepare here at Lurie College. We are so very proud of you!

I look forward to celebrating with our soon-to-be graduates during SJSU’s virtual and on-campus commencement activities this week.  I’ll be greeting graduates on the blue carpet on Thursday afternoon and celebrating virtually with our Lurie College family on Friday evening.  I hope you’ll join us.

For those of you who are continuing, I can’t wait to welcome you back to campus in August for the Fall 2021 semester.  After over a year of seeing you only through Zoom, I am so excited to be able to greet you in person in Sweeney Hall.

Over the summer we’ll be offering a range of programming for current students, recent alums, and community partners.  Featured activities include our STEM+C Teacher Institute and our K12 Teaching Academy which, this year, will include webinars to support classroom teachers as they work to build community, relationships, and healing following the COVID-19 pandemic.  Please check out our website to stay connected and learn more about these and other opportunities.

As we celebrate your success this year, I want to also take a moment to recognize the friends, family, faculty, and staff who have gone above and beyond to support our students throughout the pandemic.  I have been inspired and humbled by the creativity, commitment, generosity, and love that has been shown by our Lurie College community.  If you have someone who has been particularly inspirational or supportive during this time period, please take a moment to express your gratitude.  As a former school teacher, I can tell you that nothing is better than receiving an unsolicited note of heartfelt appreciation from your students.

I wish you a fantastic summer ahead and hope that you are able to take time to unplug, celebrate your achievements, reflect on your learning, and recharge for the work ahead.

Take good care and congratulations!