Lurie College Faculty Present at Bilingual Education Conference

Shoutout to SJSU Lurie College faculty Eduardo Muñoz-Muñoz, Marcella McCollum, and Matt Love, who recently presented their interdisciplinary work on the development of dual language programs in California at the National Association of Bilingual Education Conference!

SJSU Lurie College of Education Faculty Eduardo Munoz-Munoz Marcella McCollum Matthew Love

Student Spotlight | Luz Nicacio and Liliana Adler

The SJSU Lurie College of Education provides a range of grants to students to support their academic endeavors to become transformative educators, counselors, therapists, and leaders.  We spoke with Department of Child and Adolescent Development students Luz Nicacio and Liliana Adler, who received support to attend the Latinx Leads conference, to learn more about their experiences and how they have shaped them going forward.  Listen to Luz and Lily’s insights below!

SJSU Lurie College of Education Child and Adolescent Development Department Students Luz Nicacio and Liliana Adler

“I think it’s important that everyone knows that there’s people who grow up a lot differently than you do and have different values than you do, so it’s important to educate yourself about those kinds of values and be an open ear and an ally to people who may not look like you.”

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Student Spotlight | Monica Gonzalez

The SJSU Lurie College of Education provides a range of grants to students to support their academic endeavors to become transformative educators, counselors, therapists, and leaders.  We spoke with Department of Special Education student Monica Gonzalez, who has received a grant to pursue a special research project, to learn more about her experiences and how they have shaped her going forward.  Listen to Monica’s insights below!

“My motivation for pursuing this research project is the lack of research available on differentiated instruction for English language learners with mild-to-moderate disabilities. When I was conducting my literature review, I noticed that there was specific research on English language learners, specific research on children with autism, specific research on children who have a specific learning disability, but not a lot of research on English language learners who have autism or English language learners who have a specific learning disability.”

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Learn about the New Lurie College Strategic Plan

Watch or listen to the conversation below to meet several of the SJSU Lurie College of Education Students who recently participated on the Lurie College Strategic Planning Committee in preparation for the launch of the plan during the Spring 2020 semester!

  • Jessica Doushgounian – Undergraduate student, majoring in Communicative Disorders and Sciences, minoring in Deaf Education
  • Katelyn Mora – Undergraduate student, majoring in Child and Adolescent Development with a community focus, minoring in Early Childhood Special Education
  • Marili Avalos – Graduate student, Counseling and Guidance
  • Paulette Lamonico Bavilacqua – Credential student, Moderate to Severe Special Education

Current Lurie College students, faculty, and staff are highly encouraged to submit an initial proposal for a Strategic Plan Seed Grant for the 2020-2021 academic year by Monday, March 2, 2020.  More details about our strategic plan are available at

Connect with Lurie College at to receive more news about academic and student life! Video recorded and edited by Brian Cheung Dooley. “Adventure” provided royalty free by

Bilingüismo y Justicia: Bilingual Cafecito

Come learn about SJSU’s Critical Bilingual Authorization Program from Lurie College of Education faculty!  The CBAP leads to a bilingual authorization, which enables the holder to teach in bilingual or dual immersion classrooms.  Please RSVP for this event at

SJSU Lurie College of Education Critical Bilingual Authorization Program Bilingual Cafecito

Lurie College Faculty Publishes Policy Report

Congratulations to Teacher Education Department faculty member Eduardo Muñoz-Muñoz, who recently published “English Language Learners and the Local Control Funding Formula” in collaboration with Pivot Learning and Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE)!  Give the report a read at

SJSU Lurie College of Education Teacher Education Faculty Eduardo Munoz-Munoz

Lurie College Faculty Featured in SJSU MLK Library Newsletter

Shoutout to Child and Adolescent Development faculty Robert Marx, who was recently highlighted in the SJSU MLK Library newsletter for moderating the SJSU Bay Area Pride panel event during the Fall 2019 semester! Watch the video message from University Library Dean Tracy Elliott at️

SJSU Lurie College of Education Child and Adolescent Development Department Faculty Robert Marx Bay Area Pride

SJSU Lurie College of Education Child and Adolescent Development Department Faculty Robert Marx Bay Area Pride 2

SJSU Lurie College Students Praise Their Faculty

We recently asked our students “Which of your classes or professors has been the most exciting for you this semester??” on our Instagram account – @sjsulurie – and were excited to see so many students give shoutouts to their faculty.  Check them out in the Instagram post below!

What do you envision the future of learning will include?

SJSU Lurie College of Education Future of Learning Summit Arun Ramanathan

Listen to Arun Ramanathan, CEO of Pivot Learning, discuss his vision for a world without labels during his speech at the SJSU Lurie College Future of Learning Summit!  To learn more about the Future of Learning Initiative, visit and the #SJSUFutureLearn hashtag thread on Twitter.

Connect with Lurie College at to receive more news about academic and student life! Audio recorded by the SJSU Student Union Theater and edited by Brian Cheung Dooley and Katelyn Zamarron.

What do you envision the future of learning will include?

SJSU Lurie College of Education Future of Learning Summit Ocala STEAM Academy Sabrina Dao

Listen to Sabrina, 7th grade student at Ocala STEAM Academy, discuss preparing for the future, challenging stereotypes, and more during her speech at the SJSU Lurie College Future of Learning Summit!  To learn more about the Future of Learning Initiative, visit and the #SJSUFutureLearn hashtag thread on Twitter.

Connect with Lurie College at to receive more news about academic and student life! Audio recorded by the SJSU Student Union Theater and edited by Brian Cheung Dooley and Katelyn Zamarron.