Statement to SJSU Lurie College Students from Dean Heather Lattimer | March 17, 2020

Good evening Lurie College Students —

In response to the County of Santa Clara’s shelter-in-place order and President Papazian’s instructions, the Lurie College of Education is now fully virtual.  Although we are now in separate physical spaces, our staff and faculty continue to be very much present in our support for our students.  We care deeply about you, your academic success, and your physical, financial, and emotional well being.

Staying Connected — This sudden move to a “virtual university” is new territory for us too…. We’re working to create virtual spaces for collaboration and connection within and beyond courses (if you have ideas on how to make this happen, please send them our way!).  You can also stay connected by contacting any of the offices listed below.  This information is also listed on the contact page on our website — You may want to bookmark the page for future reference.  We’ve arranged for on-campus phone numbers to be forwarded to staff and faculty cell phones so that we can be available for you at any time.  Please reach out with questions, concerns, or suggestions.  We are here for you!

Getting Help — If you are experiencing concerns about your health and well being, food or housing insecurity, financial stress, or anxiety, you are not alone.  The traumas associate with this global pandemic are real and impact many in our community.  We want to help!
  • Our Lurie College of Education Student Success Center team is available by phone and email.  They are trained in a holistic support model and prepared to respond to a diverse range of concerns.
  • SJSU’s Student Health Center and Counseling and Psychological Services also offer a full range of services remotely.
  • For those experiencing food insecurity, the Spartan Food Pantry remains open (please check hours).
  • For tenants who are worried about being able to pay rent amidst the COVID-19 crisis, the Cities of San Jose and San Francisco have adopted a temporary ban on evictions; Governor Newsom is encouraging cities throughout the state of California to adopt similar policies. Please connect with the Student Success Center or SJSU Cares if you need help pushing back agains a landlord who is threatening eviction.
  • For those who are struggling to pay bills and stay in school, Lurie College offers “Hardship Grants”. These one-time grants can provide up to $500 to cover unanticipated expenses and help you stay on track toward your degree.  Thanks to some generous donors, we’ve been able to increase the amount available this spring.  Please don’t feel that you are alone if you are struggling.  Reach out.  We want to help!

Looking Ahead — There is a lot of uncertainty right now.  In her Monday evening message (below), Pres. Papazian announced that online instruction will continue through the end of the Spring 2020 semester.  We hope to be able open campus back up for face-to-face advising and events before then, but will need to follow the directions of our state and county officials.  We know that many of you, especially graduating seniors and final year graduate students, have been looking forward to commencement.  I’m hopeful that we will be able to celebrate commencement as currently scheduled on May 21, 2020.  You’ve worked hard, experienced much, and the pomp and circumstance of a commencement celebration is a well-earned rite of passage!  Unfortunately, I can’t yet promise that we’ll be able to hold an in-person commencement event on 5/21.  What I can promise however, is that when this is over (and that is a when – not an if), Lurie College will have a full-blown, in person commencement celebration …  and it will be awesome!

Lurie College is a family and we are all in this together!  Thank you for supporting one another over these last weeks and for your bravery in facing the adversity of this moment.  We are here for you. Please reach out and let us know how we can help.

With Gratitude — Heather

Heather Lattimer, EdD
Dean and Professor
Connie L. Lurie College of Education
San Jose State University

Statement to SJSU Lurie College Students from Dean Heather Lattimer | March 14, 2020

Dear Lurie College of Education Students –

Many, many thanks to all of you for your strength, flexibility, generosity, and leadership during these challenging times. I’ve been so impressed by students who have stepped up to help create calm and consistent learning environments in your field placements, offered support for peers learning to navigate online learning platforms, and reached out to faculty and staff with thoughtful questions and suggestions. Your response to adversity speaks volumes about your personal strength and your potential for leadership in our schools, clinics, and communities. Thank you!!!

A few notes as we prepare to re-launch classes during this coming week —

Field Experiences — Many of our field placement sites have closed. Most closures are currently planned for 3-4 weeks. We will continue to work with our placement providers and monitor future placement options.

  • Students in Credential / Licensure Programs — For those in credential and licensure programs that require minimum numbers of hours and/or performance assessments, closures pose particular challenges. We are working with the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) and other licensing agencies to explore options. CTC has told us that it is their intent that everyone who is on target to complete a credential this year be able to do so. Exactly what this will look like is not yet known — Options for completing field experiences could include (1.) returning to placement sites when schools and clinics reopen, (2.) working alongside field experience mentors in online environments if placement sites move to online instruction / therapy, (3.) alternative assignments or simulation activities. We will keep you posted as we know more. If you have questions / concerns about the individual status of your program, please reach out to your program coordinator or department chair.
  • Speech Language Pathology Master’s Students — Some of our private and clinic placements remain open. If you are in the second year of the SLP program, we will work with you individually to determine how best to proceed. Please contact Drs. Mahendra and Quach.
  • Pre-Credential Students — Good news for our undergraduates who are planning to apply to credential programs this year. The Chancellor’s Office has temporarily suspended the required 45 pre-professional hours usually required to apply to a credential program. Saul Ruiz is available to help you navigate the application process. Please reach out to him directly.

Online Learning — Our faculty have spent the last week preparing to move classes online and we are excited about the possibilities ahead. That said, we fully anticipate that there will be challenges with the technology not working as hoped or the lesson not going as planned. It typically takes 6 months to move a class from on-site to online and we are asking faculty to accomplish this feat in 6 days. We are in this together as we all work to ensure that your learning continues and your progress to degree is on pace. Thank you in advance for your patience and persistence. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to your instructors or advisors. We all want you to succeed! Please let us know if you require additional support or modifications due to individual circumstances.

Learning Supports — SJSU’s campus remains open and there are multiple people standing by to support you. Supports to ensure your success include the following:

  • The Lurie College Student Success Center has study space, computers for student use, and advising support available.
    • Both Sweeney Hall 106 (SSC) and 446 (SAC) are open and have been configured to allow for social distancing. We will open additional rooms as needed.
    • Academic advising is taking place in-person and virtually. Please make a note of your location preference in the comments when scheduling your appointment.
    • Upcoming workshops in the SSC will be held virtually! Please visit our calendar for access links.
    • Janene, Krista, Saul, and Annie are also great listeners and problem solvers. Please reach out by email, phone (408-924-2700), or in person if we can help you in any way!
  • SJSU Library’s Student Computer Services has laptops, iPads, headsets, and other tech resources available for take out. The library also provides computer labs and quiet study spaces. In addition, the Clark Hall Computer Lab and the ballrooms in the Student Union will have quiet study spaces available.
  • The Writing Center has suspended in-person tutoring, but is expanding their online options. Students can make appointments for online tutoring here.
  • The Accessible Education Center has staff available to support students with disabilities or learning challenges as we all navigate this new learning environment. If you have concerns, please reach out directly. If you do not yet have documented accommodations and would like to do so, they have designed a process specifically to help students who need support learning online. Learn more at

Additional Student Supports — We recognize that this is a stressful time. In addition to the services listed below, please reach out to faculty, staff, and administrators here in the college if you need support. We are here for you!

Thank you again for all of your care and support for one another and our larger Lurie College community.  We certainly did not expect that Spring 2020 would look quite like this… but thanks to our amazing students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community partners, I am confident we will come through this with strength and resilience!

If you have any additional questions, concerns, or suggestions or if you just need to talk, please email us at

With Gratitude —


Heather Lattimer, EdD
Dean and Professor
Connie L. Lurie College of Education
San Jose State University

Student Success Center Continues to Support Lurie College Students

The Lurie College of Education Student Success Center is still open during normal hours Monday-Thursday, 8am-6pm and Friday, 8am-12pm!  Feel free to stop by Sweeney Hall 106 for advising support, wifi and study space, and more.  Here are a few small changes to our services:

SJSU Lurie College of Education Student Success Center

Statement to SJSU Lurie College Students from Dean Heather Lattimer | March 9, 2020

Good Evening Lurie College Students —

Pres. Papazian recently announced that the university is moving courses to distributed or fully online instruction beginning March 16 and that for the next four days (3/10 – 3/13) we will be suspending in-person classes in order to provide time for faculty and staff to prepare for the transition.  Visit the SJSU Health Advisories webpage for more information.

I wanted to follow up with some additional information specific to the SJSU Lurie College of Education —

Field Experiences: Field experiences are critical components of your academic program and, in many cases, a minimum number of hours are required for credentialing and licensure. We anticipate that most field experiences will continue this week and into the foreseeable future (see details below). Exceptions to this expectation include: (a.) If you have a reasonable concern that participating in a field experience will pose an inappropriate risk to your own health or the health of others. (b.). If you have had any known exposure to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. (c.) If your placement has closed down due to health concerns and/or is limiting access to students. If you believe that you fall into any of these three categories, please contact your supervisor, instructor, and/or program coordinator.

    • Off-campus field experiences will continue — If you are in student teaching, a practicum placement, internship, or other clinical experience as part of your degree or credential program, you are expected to continue in your placement this week and for the foreseeable future. Although the CTC has recently announced that there may be some flexibility if schools close, they continue to expect that students will participate in field experiences as long as schools remain open. I have been in contact with the Santa Clara County Office of Education Superintendent, Dr. Mary Ann Dewan; at this point, she expects schools to continue with normal operations.
    • ChAD lab preschool will continue — The toddler and preschool lab schools operated by the Department of Child and Adolescent Development (ChAD) will continue to operate this week and into the foreseeable future. If you are currently teaching in this school as part of your ChAD degree program, you are expected to continue in this assignment. This experience is an essential part of your learning and the children and families of the school depend on your classroom leadership. Please confirm your continued participation with your instructor(s).
    • CDS Clinics are suspended this week — We will suspend CDS Clinic operations this week while we explore remote delivery options for some of the clinic experiences. Since some of our CDS clinics serve vulnerable populations, including elderly individuals and individuals with compromised immune systems, it is appropriate to explore how TeleHealth services might be utilized to continue to provide services and support CDS student learning. We will also be looking at simulation options and may continue to provide some face-to-face services. More information will be provided later this week.

On-Campus Supports: As noted in the President’s message, the SJSU campus and all services will remain open. Specific supports that may be of assistance include the following:

    • The Lurie College Student Success Center — Janene, Krista, and Saul are here to help! If you have questions about how to access online learning, need access to a computer or wifi, need academic support, need a referral for additional services, or just need a place to hang out, please call or stop by. They will also be continuing with scheduled writing tutor hours, workshops, and drop-in advising. Location: Sweeney Hall (SH) 106 Office hours: Monday – Thursday | 8:00am-6:00pm; Friday | 8:00am-12:00pm Phone: 408-924-2700 Email:
    • Accessible Education Center — If you have specific concerns about being able to access online content as we look ahead to transitioning to remote teaching and learning, please connect with support providers in AEC. Although every effort will be made by instructors to ensure accessibility we know that the speed of this transition may lead to some challenges. Please let your instructor know if you anticipate challenges and take advantage of the resources provided by AEC. Administration Building 110. 408-924-6000
    • Counseling and Psychological Services — A public health concern can lead to feelings of depression, panic, and helplessness. If you are feeling overwhelmed, please know that there are many people in the college and across the university who care and want to help. Please reach out to faculty, staff, and administrators directly or contact CAPS at (408) 924-5910 and

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to respond to evolving conditions. Please know that we are working to balance two very real priorities — We want to protect the health and well being of our students and community, and we also want to ensure that you are continuing to make progress toward your degrees and credentials.

If you have questions or concerns, please reach out at or call 408-924-3600.

With Gratitude — Heather

Heather Lattimer, EdD
Dean and Professor
Connie L. Lurie College of Education
San Jose State University

Student Spotlight | Alejandra Lopez-Flores

Learn about Alejandra Lopez-Flores, a graduate student in the Counselor Education Department at the SJSU Lurie College of Education. Alejandra is also the recipient of the Masterjohn Scholarship Fund for Education fund for the 2019-2020 academic year!

Connect with Lurie College at to receive more news about academic and student life! Video and audio recorded by Brian Cheung Dooley and edited by Sydney Ahmadian. Music by Anno Domini Beats.

2020-2021 Lurie College Scholarships Application Cycle Now Open

All returning and incoming Lurie College undergraduate, graduate, credential, and doctoral students for the 2020-2021 academic year should apply for our scholarships!  For the 2019-2020 academic year, we awarded 111 students a median of $1000 and an average of $2469.  Students can apply by Fri., May 1, at and learn more about all of our scholarship and grant opportunities at  There will be a scholarship workshop on Thu., Mar. 5, from 3:30-4:30pm in the Student Success Center – Sweeney Hall 106.  RSVP to attend the workshop by completing this Google form.

2020-2021 SJSU Lurie College of Education Scholarships

Dine with Lurie College Dean Heather Lattimer!

SJSU Lurie College of Education undergraduate, graduate, credential, and doctorate students – complete this brief Google form for a chance to join Dean Heather Lattimer, a special guest, and a group of students for great conversation and a complimentary meal each month!

Spring 2020 semester meals will take place on the following dates and times:

  • Thursday, February 13, 12:00-1:30pm
  • Monday, March 16, 5:15-6:45pm
  • Monday, April 13, 12:00-1:30pm

Note: Dates and times subject to change based on availability of special guests.

Welcome to the New Lurie College Website!

The moment we’ve been waiting for has arrived – the new SJSU Connie L. Lurie College of Education website,, is officially live!  We’ve significantly improved our navigation and the new SJSU webpage templates are very responsive to different screen sizes such as desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets.  We are currently working on migrating all of the Lurie College department websites –,,,,,, and – and hope that they will go live later this year.  If you have any input about our websites, please contact us at

SJSU Connie L. Lurie College of Education Website Mobile

Call for Lurie College Spring 2020 Commencement Speaker

Video description: Lurie College student Megan Nebesnick – MA, Education, Concentration in Curriculum and Instruction with Multiple Subject Credential, speaks at our Fall 2019 ceremony.

We are looking to select a graduating student to represent and speak on behalf of the Lurie College community at the Spring 2020 Commencement ceremony on Thursday, May 21, at 7:30pm in the SJSU Event Center!  In order to be eligible to apply to become the commencement speaker, you must also be eligible to participate in the commencement ceremony.  Your speech can take any number of approaches, but should be original and should resonate with the commencement attendees, which will be made up of Lurie College students of different academic levels and disciplines, SJSU and Lurie College faculty and staff, and family and friends of all ages and backgrounds.

To apply, submit a 3-5 minute video of you reciting your commencement speech by Sunday, March 1, via this Google form.

Those who are graduating and planning to participate in the Lurie College Commencement ceremony should also save the date for our Lurie College Pre-Commencement Celebration for faculty, staff, graduates, and their guests on Thursday, May 21, from 5-6:30pm in the Sweeney Hall courtyard!

Student Spotlight | Briettny Curtner

Learn about Briettny Curtner, a graduate student in the Department of Counselor Education at the SJSU Lurie College of Education. Briettny is also the recipient of the Lurie College of the Florian and Grace Niemcziek Endowment for the 2019-2020 academic year and Project Coordinator for the Faces of Learning Project!

Watch more student spotlights on the Lurie College blog and connect with Lurie College at to receive more news about academic and student life!  Video and audio recorded by Brian Cheung Dooley and edited by Sydney Ahmadian. Music by The Grand Affair.

Learn about the New Lurie College Strategic Plan

Watch or listen to the conversation below to meet several of the SJSU Lurie College of Education Students who recently participated on the Lurie College Strategic Planning Committee in preparation for the launch of the plan during the Spring 2020 semester!

  • Jessica Doushgounian – Undergraduate student, majoring in Communicative Disorders and Sciences, minoring in Deaf Education
  • Katelyn Mora – Undergraduate student, majoring in Child and Adolescent Development with a community focus, minoring in Early Childhood Special Education
  • Marili Avalos – Graduate student, Counseling and Guidance
  • Paulette Lamonico Bavilacqua – Credential student, Moderate to Severe Special Education

Current Lurie College students, faculty, and staff are highly encouraged to submit an initial proposal for a Strategic Plan Seed Grant for the 2020-2021 academic year by Monday, March 2, 2020.  More details about our strategic plan are available at

Connect with Lurie College at to receive more news about academic and student life! Video recorded and edited by Brian Cheung Dooley. “Adventure” provided royalty free by

Attend the Lurie College Graduate Student Writing Retreat

Lurie College graduate students – our faculty want to support you in your development as academic writers!  Attend the Lurie College Graduate Student Writing Retreat on Saturday, March 21, from 9am-3pm, where you will receive individualized writing support while enjoying coffee, snack, and lunch at no cost – RSVP at

SJSU Lurie of Education Graduate Student Writing Retreat 2020 Spring

Lurie College Counselor Education Students, Alumni, and Faculty Attend Conference

Happy National School Counseling Week!  Check out this tweet from the Lurie College Department of Counselor Education Chair, Dolores Mena, who highlighted all of the counselor education students, alumni, and faculty who recently attended the California Association of School Counselors (CASC) conference.

Join us at the Lurie College Spring 2020 Welcome Event!

SJSU Lurie College of Education Spring 2020 Welcome Event

Lurie College of Education students, alumni, faculty, staff, and friends are invited to join us at our Spring 2020 Welcome Event on Monday, February 3, from 3-5pm at the SJSU Bowling and Billiards Center to connect and network with classmates, peers, clubs, faculty, deans, and staff while enjoying food, games, and a chance to win prizes – RSVP at!

NOTES: Your children / dependents are welcome to attend. The spots for bowling and billiards will be first-come, first-served, but we ask that you share bowling lanes and billiard tables so as many people as possible get to play. We’ll also have other games available such as giant Jenga, giant Connect 4, jumbo Bananagrams, and more!

Welcome (Back), SJSU Lurie College Students!

We’re excited for you to begin the Spring 2020 semester at SJSU and the Lurie College of Education!  Check out this short welcome video on YouTube from Lurie College Dean Heather Lattimer and Student Success Center Director Janene Perez and learn more about some upcoming Lurie College events and opportunities below:

  • Lurie College Bluetooth Speaker Giveaway | Follow the Lurie College Instagram accounts – @sjsulurie and @luriesuccess – for a chance to win a Bluetooth speaker!  READ MORE
  • SSC and SAC Updates | Utilize the resources, upcoming events, and extended hours at the Lurie College Student Success Center (SH 106) and Study and Collaboration Room (SH 446)!  READ MORE
  • Student Research Opportunities | Apply for the SJSU / CSU research competition and Lurie College research grants!  READ MORE
  • Spring Welcome Event | Lurie College students, alumni, faculty, staff, and friends are invited to our Spring Welcome Event on Mon., Feb. 3, from 3-5pm in the SJSU Student Union Bowling and Billiards Center!  READ MORE
  • Dine with the Dean | Enter your name for a chance to join Dean Heather Lattimer, a special guest, and a group of students for great conversation and a complimentary meal each month!  READ MORE
  • Connect with #LurieCollege | Join our Lurie College of Education LinkedIn group, follow our faculty Spotify playlists, and more at!

Utilize the Student Success Center and Study and Collaboration (SAC) Room!

SJSU Lurie College of Education Student Success Center Promise Group

Lurie College students – utilize our Student Success Center resources, which include professional development workshops, mentoring, networking events, and access to university, college, and career resources!

General Academic Advising

In addition to support from their academic departments, Lurie College undergraduate and graduate students can meet with the Student Success Center academic advisors for questions about registration, degree progress, forms/petitions, probation, disqualification, and university policies – make an appointment or stop by Sweeney Hall 106 today!

  • Drop-In Hours | Monday-Friday | 9:00am-11:00am
  • Appointments | Monday-Thursday | 1:30pm-4:00pm

Schedule An Academic Advising Appointment

  1. Go to the Spartan Connect website
  2. Select the blue Get Advising button and then Lurie College of Education from the drop-down menu
  3. Select LCOE Student Success Center as the location for the appointment and the service
  4. Choose a date and time that works for you and confirm your appointment!

Writing Tutor Hours*

  • Wednesdays | 11:00am-1:00pm
  • Thursdays | 1:00-4:00pm

*Additional hours are held at the SJSU Writing Center.

Open Study Hours**

  • Monday-Thursday | 8:00am-6:00pm
  • Friday | 8:00am-12:00pm

**The Student Success Center is unavailable for open study hours during workshops and events – view the Lurie College Student Google calendar for upcoming workshops and events and feel free to register to attend them!

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Apply for the SJSU and CSU Student Research Competition!

SJSU Lurie College of Education Learning Showcase Melody Mann

The SJSU Office of Research in partnership with the SJSU Research Foundation provides undergraduate and graduate research students the opportunity to present their work and compete for selection as SJSU representatives at the annual CSU Student Research Competition. The research presented should be appropriate to the student’s discipline and career goals. Proprietary research is excluded. Each college may send forward a total of four student projects (undergraduate and/or graduate) representing outstanding research or creative activity to the university-wide competition.

To apply, please complete this PDF form and submit it by 5pm on Friday, February 7, to the SJSU Lurie College of Education Dean’s Office in Sweeney Hall 103 or at To learn more about the SJSU and CSU student research competition, visit the SJSU Student Research Competition webpage.  To learn about other Lurie College Research Opportunities, visit

Student Spotlight | Nicole Ellis

Learn about Nicole Ellis, a graduate student in the Counselor Education program at the SJSU Lurie College of Education. Nicole is also the recipient of the College of Education Scholarship Endowment award for the 2019-2020 academic year!

Connect with Lurie College at to receive more news about academic and student life!  Video and audio recorded by Brian Cheung Dooley and edited by Sydney Torrens. Music by LATASHÁ

Spring 2020 SJSU Student Research Competition

SJSU Lurie College of Education Learning Showcase Melody Mann

The SJSU Office of Research in partnership with the Research Foundation provides undergraduate and graduate research students the opportunity to present their work and compete for selection as SJSU representatives at the annual CSU Student Research Competition.  Applications are made to the appropriate college and each college submits their selections to the Office of Research.  The research presented should be appropriate to the student’s discipline and career goals.  Proprietary research is excluded.  Each college may send forward a total of four student projects (undergraduate and/or graduate) representing outstanding research or creative activity.  Applicants should visit for instructions on how to submit their materials to the Lurie College of Education Dean’s Office, SH 103, by 5pm on Friday, February 7, 2020.

ICYMI: Lurie College of Education Commencement Ceremony

In case you missed it in person, check out the video recording of the Fall 2019 SJSU Lurie College of Education Commencement Ceremony and of the Lurie College Student Commencement Speaker, Megan Nebesnick – MA, Education, Concentration in Curriculum and Instruction with Multiple Subject Credential – below!  You can also read her remarks below.

Good evening Spartans,

My name is Megan Nebesnick and as a current graduate of the Teacher Education Department and former graduate of the Humanities Department, I am honored to have been chosen as your speaker of our Fall 2019 commencement ceremony to represent and speak on behalf of both departments. I would like to begin by congratulating each and every one of us for the dedication and commitment to academics that have led us here tonight. Through our experiences here at San Jose State, we have created stronger and better versions of ourselves.  It’s safe to say that this journey has not been easy. We have encountered many sleepless nights, tears, and stress. We have all dedicated a significant amount of time and concern toward one exam or project that would bring us one small but significant step closer to the finish line. Nonetheless, it has prepared us for what is to come.

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Congratulations, Lurie College Graduates!

Congratulations to all of the SJSU Lurie College of Education undergraduate, graduate, and credential students who are graduating from San Jose State University at the end of the fall 2019 semester! Watch this brief message of congratulations from Dean Heather Lattimer and to learn more about the Lurie College Fall 2019 Commencement Speaker, Megan Nebesnick.

Connect with Lurie College at to receive more news about academic and student life! Video and audio recorded and edited by Brian Cheung Dooley.  “Creative Minds” provided royalty free by

Lurie College Students Shine at Learning Showcase

SJSU Lurie College of Education Learning Showcase

Communicative Disorders & Sciences student Avneet Sandhu shares her presentation on colorism.

Sweeney Hall was buzzing with excitement on Friday, December 6, 2019, as hundreds of SJSU Lurie College of Education undergraduate, graduate, credential, and doctoral students shared their academic accomplishments and insights to peers, faculty, staff, family, friends, and community partners during the inaugural Learning Showcase.  The showcase was established to build upon the end-of-semester academic celebrations that many of the Lurie College of Education departments had organized in previous semesters by organizing a college-wide event to demonstrate how the Lurie College of Education and its students are interdisciplinary, community-engaged, culturally-sustaining, and holistic, according to Dean Heather Lattimer.  The event began with a wide range presentation panels such as “Advising Idol – A Friendly Video Competition to Support Student Success” and “Voice Care Workshop for Educational Professionals + Mini Clinic for Voice Screening” before transitioning to poster presentations and other stations such as “Film Making as a Research Method” and “Special Education Lesson Plan Gallery Walk.”  The grand finale of the Learning Showcase was the plenary session, which featured a student or small group of students from each academic department in the Lurie College of Education who spoke to a crowd of about 75 attendees about their academic research, experiential education, and more!  Plenary speakers included:

See more photos from the Learning Showcase below and learn more by visiting

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Present Your Research at the Lurie College Learning Showcase

SJSU Lurie College of Education students, alumni, faculty, staff, partners, friends, and family are invited to attend the inaugural Learning Showcase on Fri., Dec. 6, from 4-8pm in Sweeney Hall!  This event will highlight Lurie College undergraduate, graduate, credential, and doctoral students’ academic accomplishments from the Fall 2019 semester.  Watch the video above to learn more about how to present a poster during the showcase and RSVP to attend the event at

Download Eduardo and Lyle’s handout here.

“How to create a better research poster in less time (including templates)” by Mike Morrison. 

Find out more about QR codes here and here.

Happy poster-making!

Watch the EDCO 289 Advising Idol Team Contestant Videos!

Teams of SJSU Lurie College of Education graduate students in the EDCO 289 seminar in professional counseling focused on Academic Advising Theory and Practice in Higher Education during the Fall 2019 semester and produced one-minute and five-minute videos intended to provide advising related tips to students!  Give them a view and like your favorites – the team with the most impactful content will be named “ADVISING IDOL” at the upcoming Lurie College Learning Showcase on Fri., Dec. 6.

How We Recruit High School and Community College Students to Teaching

Shoutout to Lurie College of Education Student Success Center Director Janene Perez, who was recently featured on the California State University’s Diversity Toolkit blog for highlighting some of the ways in which Lurie College has enhanced its efforts to recruit a diverse range of teaching candidates.  Listen to and read what she had to say below!

SJSU Lurie College of Education Director Janene Perez Podcast

Teacher educators, consider your own journey into education.  Did you come from a family of educators?  Or maybe you had a teacher who left an indelible mark that influenced your decision?  These are inspired reasons to enter the field, but how do we reach those who never considered teaching, who may be the first in their family to attend college, or who didn’t have a teacher they connected with?  Recruiting candidates with a diversity of experiences is absolutely vital to our mission of enhancing the quality of education for all students, but this work takes time, intention, and continuous reflection.

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