Congratulations to our Lurie College Strategic Plan Grant Recipients

During the Spring 2020 semester, the SJSU Lurie College of Education adopted a new 3-year strategic plan after over a year of conversations, deliberations, and reflections among faculty, students, and staff.  The strategic plan focuses on 4 priority areas – community engaged, interdisciplinary, culturally sustaining, and holistic.  Faculty, staff, and students were then able to apply for grant funding for projects that aligned with these priority areas.  Congratulations to all of our teams who were awarded funding for the following projects for the 2020-2021 academic year!

SJSU Lurie College of Education Faculty and Staff Group Photo 8x10

“Creating an Inclusive Climate: Queering Our Classrooms and Our Campus”

If you’re hoping to make your class, office, or programming more accessible for and supportive of your queer and trans students and coworkers, be on the lookout for upcoming training sessions and a professional learning community supported by the Strategic Plan Seed Grant. “Creating an Inclusive Climate: Queering Our Classrooms and Our Campus” represents a partnership between the Lurie College of Education and The LGBT Youth Space to offer introductory and advanced trainings at the department and college level around topics like pronouns and vocabulary terms, the hidden curriculum in our classes, and creating opportunities for authentic self-expression. We will also be hosting a Professional Learning Community for faculty and staff who want to more deeply engage in the work of transforming their corner of the campus into a queer-affirming space. For more information, please contact Dr. Robert Marx at

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SJSU Early Childhood Student-Alumni Network (ESAN) & Summer Film Series

The purpose of ESAN is to create an interdisciplinary group of current pre-service San Jose State University students and alumni working in the Early Childhood field and engage students in the Early Childhood Institute’s mission of supporting each and every child from the start. In this video, Lurie College student / ESAN President Julia Doan and Lurie College faculty / ESAN Advisor Andrea Golloher discuss their organization and their Lurie College Summer Film Series discussion.

ESAN is also hosting a discussion about The Raising of America: Early Childhood and the Future of Our Nation on Wed., Jul. 1, 5pm.  To receive to join the discussion, register via this Google form.  To get connected with ESAN, email

For more information about the Early Childhood Institute, visit For more information about the Lurie College Student Organizations, visit

Ask Me Anything – with ChAD Professor, Dr. Ellen Middaugh

This summer, professors from the SJSU Lurie College Departments of Child & Adolescent Development and Communicative Disorders & Sciences will be joining us in conversation and community.  You can learn a little about their background, what inspired them to teach, and ask all of your questions about life at the Lurie College of Education and beyond.  On Tuesday, June 30, at 1pm, chat with Dr. Ellen Middaugh, Assistant Professor in the Department of Child and Adolescent Development.  Register today to receive a Zoom link for this workshop!

SJSU Lurie College of Education Child and Adolescent Development Department Faculty Ellen Middaugh

Educators of Impact | Ashley Lamboley

With the COVID-19 crisis making it abundantly clear the critical role that educators play in our society, Lurie College is recognizing SJSU Educators of Impact who have made a transformative difference in the lives of children, families, and communities.  Learn more about SJSU Alumni Ashley Lamboley below.  To nominate an SJSU graduate who is an Educator of Impact, please complete this brief Google form.

SJSU Lurie College of Education Educator of Impact Ashley Lamboley

“Ashley is a recent graduate and all she talks about is how much she loves and misses the Lurie College of Education.  She still attends as many workshops, conferences, and events as possible.  Since graduating she has been working at the child development center and babysitting.  She is great with children and has a great attitude and positive outlook on life.”

Opportunities for Early Childhood Connections

SJSU Associated Students Child Development Center

If you are passionate about helping young children, under age 5, reach their full potential, here are two chances to connect with your early childhood people this summer and beyond. These opportunities are open to anyone interested in working with young children – as a teacher, therapist, counselor, program director, or any of the other professions committed to young children.

Apply for Early Childhood Connections to get together and cultivate relationships with current students and Spring 2020 graduates from across SJSU Lurie College of Education programs who share career goals related to early childhood. You will engage in six (online for now) networking meetings, starting in August, to build community, learn from alumni and other professionals already in the field, and build your path as you pursue a career involving young children. Participants will have a chance to shape the program as it unfolds, from August 2020 to April 2021 and will earn a $200 stipend for their commitment. Supported by the LCOE and the SJSU Early Childhood Institute, this is an opportunity to learn, grow, lead and most importantly, connect! Questions? Email us at

Join the Early Childhood Student Alumni Network, a recognized student group that is building a broader interdisciplinary network of current San Jose State University students interested in working with young children and alumni currently in the field.

Whether you are graduating this spring or continuing on in your journey through SJSU, we hope one or both of these opportunities is right for you!

Educators of Impact | Elexus James

With the COVID-19 crisis making it abundantly clear the critical role that educators play in our society, Lurie College is recognizing SJSU Educators of Impact who have made a transformative difference in the lives of children, families, and communities.  Learn more about SJSU Alumni Elexus James below.  To nominate an SJSU graduate who is an Educator of Impact, please complete this brief Google form.

SJSU Lurie College of Education Educator of Impact Elexus James

“Elexus gave back to the community during her time at SJSU, and continues to do so now.  She works well with the youth in the community.  Her heart is giving and full of compassion.  She helps others to learn and grow, to truly reach their full potential.”

Statement from Dean Heather Lattimer | June 2, 2020

Last week’s murder of an unarmed Black man was shocking, horrifying, and infuriatingly familiar.  George Floyd and his family have now joined a grievously long list of Black and Brown Americans who have had their lives and their liberties taken away by individuals and systems that perpetuate injustice and inequality.  Eric Garner.  Sandra Bland.  Philando Castile.  Freddie Gray.  Terence Crutcher.  Alton Sterling.  Walter Scott.  Tamir Rice.  Michael Brown.  Ahmaud Arbery.  Breonna Taylor.  The list of names seems endless and the pain behind each one is overwhelming.

So many in our community are hurting.  We’ve witnessed a modern-day lynching and it has brought fresh trauma to those who have suffered personal and generational wounds of injustice, racism, and oppression.  These are not isolated incidents but part of a larger culture which privileges some and oppresses others in ways that manifest in everything from the disproportional rates of COVID-19 deaths in Black and Brown communities to the flagrant abuse of privilege by a white dog walker calling the police and falsely claiming that her life was threatened by a Black birdwatcher who had simply asked her to follow the posted leash laws.

Our college is committed to the preparation of transformative educators, counselors, therapists, school and community leaders.  In the face of such glaring and graphic evidence of the deep roots of racism and the brokenness of our society, this work has taken on even greater importance and added urgency.

Our society needs transformative leaders in education-related fields now more than ever.  We need teachers who recognize the racist and hegemonic roots of our society and seek to understand how that reality impacts the lived experiences of our students.  We need counselors and therapists who believe that an integral part of being an advocate for the children and clients in our care is the willingness to call out discriminatory structures and systems that continue to breed inequity.  We educators who are willing to interrogate our own assumptions and engage in hard conversations about privilege, marginalization, bias, and inequity.  We need leaders who consistently and repeatedly stand with marginalized communities and vulnerable individuals and take bold action to make transformative change happen.

In the midst of heartache and outrage, I take solace in the knowledge that Lurie College is a community that is deeply committed to equity, inclusion, and racial and social justice.  I see strength in the dedication of our faculty, staff, and community partners.  I see hope in the passion and tenacity of our students and alumni.  Together, we will continue to work toward the promise of transformative change and the realization of a more just and equitable society.

Educators of Impact | Amber Atkinson

With the COVID-19 crisis making it abundantly clear the critical role that educators play in our society, Lurie College is recognizing SJSU Educators of Impact who have made a transformative difference in the lives of children, families, and communities.  Learn more about SJSU Alumni Amber Atkinson below.  To nominate an SJSU graduate who is an Educator of Impact, please complete this brief Google form.

SJSU Lurie College of Education Educator of Impact Amber Atkinson

“Amber has been helping at-risk youth, while studying at SJSU and continued to do so after graduating. She has since moved to Washington DC where she is impacting the youth greatly there by mentoring and inspiring them to always work hard to accomplish success. Amber has her own story about overcoming tragedy but she did not let that stop her, she pushed all of the negativity away from her dreams and that is what she shares with these youth. Being relatable to these youth that come from a hard background makes the work she’s doing that much more meaningful and that is why she is an Educator of Impact.”

Educators of Impact | Justine Huynh Vuong

With the COVID-19 crisis making it abundantly clear the critical role that educators play in our society, Lurie College is recognizing SJSU Educators of Impact who have made a transformative difference in the lives of children, families, and communities.  Learn more about SJSU Alumni and current Lurie College student Justine Huynh Vuong below.  To nominate an SJSU graduate who is an Educator of Impact, please complete this brief Google form.

SJSU Lurie College of Education Teacher Eduation Department student Justine Vuong

“With such a rapid shift to distance learning comes equity issues regarding access to online education. Justine has gone above and beyond to ensure that each and every student in her classroom has been provided with the accessibility needed to fully engage in the learning. As a result, 100% of her students have been able to connect in the new online environment.”

Watch the Lurie College Spring 2020 Graduation Celebration

Spring 2020 Graduation Celebration

The Spring 2020 SJSU Lurie College of Education Graduation Celebration took place on Friday, May 22, at 4pm!  The full recording is available above and at  You can also skip to a section of the recording below.

Order of Events

  • 9:56 – Video acknowledgment of Spring 2020 Lurie College graduates (alphabetized by last name) and remarks from Dean Heather Lattimer
  • 13: 29 – Remarks from Associate Dean Marcos Pizarro
  • 18:14 – Remarks from Lurie College Commencement Speaker, Giselle Arellano (undergraduate, child development)
  • 33:17 – Slideshow of collages submitted by graduates (alphabetized by last name)

If you have any questions about the Lurie College Graduation Celebration, please contact

SJSU Spring 2020 Graduate Recognition Websites

SJSU has also created a website to recognize all of the Spring 2020 graduates for the entire university.  Visit the recognition webpage for Lurie College of Education Spring 2020 graduates.

Congratulations, New Lurie College Alumni

SJSU Lurie College of Education Commencement Graduation Counselor Education Department New Alumni

Congratulations to our new SJSU Lurie College of Education alumni.  We have no doubt that you are prepared to be transformative educators, counselors, therapists, school and community leaders!

We would love for you to stay connected with us as you transition into your next chapters.  Visit our Alumni webpage to take advantage of the many opportunities to connect with one another, stay connected with the college, and actively participate in the continued growth of the college.

If you plan to enroll in a graduate program, credential program, or doctoral program in the future, we have numerous opportunities available and our Student Success Center Advisors are happy to assist you with your application process.

Congratulations from Lurie College Dean Heather Lattimer

Congratulations to all of our SJSU Lurie College of Education undergraduate, graduate, credential, and doctoral students for completing a very challenging and unconventional semester! Watch this video for a shoutout from Dean Heather Lattimer.  The transcription of the message is available below.

Congratulations!  You have made it through what has been one of the craziest, most unpredictable, most challenging semesters that I’ve experienced in more than 20 years as a member of a university community.  I hope that you recognize your accomplishment and that you take great pride in the fact that you made it through.

You deserve huge admiration.

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Student Spotlight: Jennifer Villegas Lopez

Learn about Jennifer Villegas Lopez, an undergraduate student in the Child & Adolescent Development program at the SJSU Lurie College of Education. Jennifer is also the recipient of the Florian and Grace Niemcziek Endowment for the 2019-2020 academic year!

Connect with Lurie College at to receive more news about academic and student life! Video and audio recorded by Brian Cheung Dooley and edited by Sydney Ahmadian. Music by Anno Domini Beats.

Educators of Impact | Richard Fuentes

With the COVID-19 crisis making it abundantly clear the critical role that educators play in our society, Lurie College is recognizing SJSU Educators of Impact who have made a transformative difference in the lives of children, families, and communities.  Learn more about SJSU Alumni Richard Fuentes below.  To nominate an SJSU graduate who is an Educator of Impact, please complete this brief Google form.

SJSU Lurie College of Education Educator of Impact Richard Fuentes

“Richard and Right At School, the company he works for, is providing an online bank of resources for families inside and outside of his program. These resources are geared toward providing activities that are engaging and meaningful. Moreover, the goal of these resources are to provide a sense of normalcy and continuity during unprecedented times.”

Educators of Impact | Ashley Messner

With the COVID-19 crisis making it abundantly clear the critical role that educators play in our society, Lurie College is recognizing SJSU Educators of Impact who have made a transformative difference in the lives of children, families, and communities.  Learn more about SJSU Alumni Ashley Messner below.  To nominate an SJSU graduate who is an Educator of Impact, please complete this brief Google form.

SJSU Lurie College of Education Educator of Impact Ashley Messner

“Miss Ashley is a Junior Kindergarten teacher at Moreland Preschool. Miss Ashley has worked hard to engage the students in the program through the use of FlipGrid. She creates interactive read aloud videos that focus on topics such as social emotional learning, number sense, and reading foundation skills. Not only does Miss Ashley engage her students prior to reading, but she often includes visuals such as anchor charts and props to help her students understand and connect with the text. Beyond the videos, there are extension activities to keep our little learners busy and also help them find joy amidst the SIP orders. Miss Ashley is an educator at impact, because she knows how much her students miss connecting with their teachers and friends, she is committed to helping students feel the community that she and the other teachers at Moreland Preschool have worked hard to create!”

Lurie College Set to Celebrate Spring 2020 Graduates

SJSU Lurie College of Education Spring 2020 Graduation Celebration

Although the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted so many facets of society over the past couple of months, that’s not stopping the Lurie College of Education at San Jose State University from organizing a live graduation celebration to recognize its more than 500 Spring 2020 graduates (and soon-to-be alumni)!

This is an incredibly significant moment for our graduates, their support networks, our Lurie College of Education community, and our society as a whole. College commencement ceremonies are a rite of passage for students every year who have worked tirelessly to prepare themselves for the next chapters in their lives. While we are saddened that we are not able to celebrate with our graduates in person at this time as a result of COVID-19, we are proud of how our entire Lurie College community of students, faculty, and staff have responded and persevered during this pandemic, and so it’s our priority to celebrate virtually with our graduates to acknowledge their accomplishments and bring some closure to their academic experiences with us.  We look forward to welcoming our graduates back to campus and celebrating in person together at the Fall 2020 or Spring 2021 Commencement events. – Dean Heather Lattimer

The Lurie College Graduation Celebration will take place online on Friday, May 22, at 4pm and begin with a college-wide ceremony that will include remarks from Dean Heather Lattimer, Associate Dean Marcos Pizarro, and student speaker Giselle Arellano, who is graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Child and Adolescent Development.

It feels really special to be the graduation speaker, especially during these times.  When I was first selected as the speaker, it was more of an ‘I did it’ moment as a first-generation student of an immigrant family and someone who is representing that small percentage of graduating Latinas all over the world.  Now it feels like I am the person who is able to voice what I’m hearing from my fellow classmates, my friends, from those who are graduating from other departments.  Many of us are feeling the same sadness about not being able to celebrate in person, but we still feel very accomplished and made it to a point where, even though the odds may not be in our favor right now, we still can celebrate and know that ‘we did it’! – Giselle Arellano

Each Spring 2020 graduate will also be recognized during the college-wide ceremony.  Lurie College graduates, faculty, and staff have been invited to attend the event live and family and friends are invited to watch the ceremony live on the Lurie College YouTube channel.

After the college-wide ceremony, each Lurie College department – Child & Adolescent Development, Communicative Disorders & Sciences, Counselor Education, EdD Leadership, Special Education, and Teacher Education – is hosting an online reception to include remarks from faculty chairpersons, individualized slideshows, and socializing among graduates, faculty, and staff to close out the academic year.

Since this year’s experience is entirely digital, Lurie College has created some other digital items to enhance the experience, such as:

San Jose State University as a whole is honoring and celebrating all Spring 2020 graduates by launching graduate recognition websites, which will go live on Friday, May 22.  Learn more about the San Jose State University graduate recognition websites on the SJSU Newsroom website.

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s faces and feeling that overall sense of relief in knowing that, while this journey seemed daunting at first, I’m finally able to say ‘I’m a graduate’ and complete something that I’ve been working towards for so long.  Overall, this all feels very surreal and amazing! – Giselle Arellano

SJSU Lurie College of Education Child and Adolescent Development Student Giselle Arellano

Giselle Arellano, SJSU Lurie College of Education Graduation Speaker

Conversation with Fulbright Scholar Dr. Armen Mkrtchyan

Watch the Lurie College Department of Child and Adolescent Development’s conversation with Fulbright Scholar Dr. Armen Mkrtchyan. During the conversation, he discussed Armenian teenagers and aspects of their behavior (eating, risk, sexual), health, socio-emotional habits, and mental health. Dr. Mkrtchyan is a lecturer at Yerevan State Medical University in Armenia.

Connect with Lurie College at to receive more news about academic and student life!

Educators of Impact | Tiffany Lo

With the COVID-19 crisis making it abundantly clear the critical role that educators play in our society, Lurie College is recognizing SJSU Educators of Impact who have made a transformative difference in the lives of children, families, and communities.  Learn more about SJSU Alumni Tiffany Lo below.  To nominate an SJSU graduate who is an Educator of Impact, please complete this brief Google form.

SJSU Lurie College of Education Educator of Impact Tiffany Lo

“Tiffany is a Junior Preschool (Toddler) Lead Teacher at Gateway Child Development Center — an offsite program of the YMCA of SF. She is one out of the handful YMCA of SF staff who has been providing emergency child care services to those in need during this pandemic. I believe she is not only an amazing teacher but I consider her a front liner as well. She is waking up every morning ready to welcome the children of essential workers and take care of them while their parents take care of us and the community. She ensures that the children and staff that is at our Y Pop – Up Care is well taken care of and is in a safe, clean and healthy environment. She is truly making a big impact to our community as a front line educator!”

Join us for a Conversation with Fulbright Scholar Dr. Armen Mkrtchyan

You’re invited to join the Lurie College Department of Child and Adolescent Development on Friday, May 15, at 12pm for a conversation with Fulbright Scholar Dr. Armen Mkrtchyan.  During the conversation, he will discuss Armenian teenagers and aspects of their behavior (eating, risk, sexual), health, socio-emotional habits, and mental health.  Dr. Mkrtchyan is a lecturer at Yerevan State Medical University in Armenia.  Join the webinar on the day of at

This event is co-sponsored by the SJSU Armenian Students Association and the Lurie College of Education Department of Child & Adolescent Development.

Conversation with Fulbright Scholar Dr. Armen Mkrtchyan

Watch the Lurie College President’s and Dean’s Scholars Recognition

Congratulations to our 88 undergraduate President’s Scholars (4.0 GPA) and 218 undergraduate Dean’s Scholars (3.65 GPA or above) from the Spring 2019 and/or Fall 2019 semesters!

Connect with Lurie College at to receive more news about academic and student life!  Video edited by Brian Cheung Dooley. “Adventure” “Going Higher” “Once Again” and “Summer” provided royalty free by

Educators of Impact | Derica Malaca

With the COVID-19 crisis making it abundantly clear the critical role that educators play in our society, Lurie College is recognizing SJSU Educators of Impact who have made a transformative difference in the lives of children, families, and communities.  Learn more about Derica Malaca below.  To nominate an SJSU graduate who is an Educator of Impact, please complete this brief Google form.

SJSU Lurie College of Education Educator of Impact Derica Malaca

“Derica is helping families and individuals stay certain during this uncertain time through her work as an administrator for the YMCA of SF and as a Financial Educator for World System Builder.  Her work at the YMCA of SF has really helped the organization as they set up Pop – Up Child Care Services for our essential workers in the community.  She is going out of her way to ensure that families in her community are staying connected and informed with the different newsletters that she sends out weekly!  She offers a hand when needed as a front-line teacher as the Y welcomes more kids at their centers while their parents are out helping the community.  As a financial educator, she works night and day to ensure that everyone’s financial future is taken care of.  She has been holding daily Zoom conferences educating families and individuals about their personal finances and doing what she can to share her knowledge and give clarity to those who have lost their jobs, wealth and security.  Derica is an educator of impact by helping all walks of life, one day at a time.”

Watch the Faces of Learning Student Researcher Panel

During the Fall 2019 and Spring 2020 semesters, a group of SJSU undergraduate student researchers met with students across campus to get a deeper understanding of their learning experiences and then utilized photography and narrative to shine a light on those students’ learning experiences.

Watch this virtual Student Researcher Panel to learn from those who were most involved in this project and visit to view their student-curated exhibition.

Sensemaking During COVID-19 | Melissa Hernandez: Episode 4

We asked a couple of our SJSU Lurie College of Education student leaders to practice sensemaking – the process of making sense of or giving meaning to something, especially new developments and experiences – in our new environment as a result of COVID-19. This week, Melissa Hernandez reflects upon how she’s practiced self-care. What self-care practices have been helpful for you?

Video and audio edited by Brian Cheung Dooley. “Little Idea” by Scott Holmes provided royalty free by

SJSU Faces of Learning Project | Meet Co-Researcher Isabel

The Faces of Learning Project is an arts-based research initiative designed to elicit student voices to provide insights into learning experiences at SJSU. Huge thanks to undergraduate student Isabel Rangel Hernandez for sharing her experience with us!  When asked what one of her biggest takeaways from the project was, she said “listening to other students’ stories and learning how different their experiences were.”

Visit to view the student-curated photo exhibition and RSVP to attend our student panel on Thu., Apr. 30, at 12pm.

SJSU Faces of Learning Isabel Rangel Herhandez

– Name: Isabel Rangel Hernandez
– Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
– Year and Major / Minor: 5th year, Child and Adolescent Development with a Preparation into teaching major
– Fun Fact / Hobby: I’ve been dancing Folklorico for over 10 years.
– What motivated you to participate in this project? I learned the process of conducting qualitative research: learning how to be respectful and authentic to my friends who are also the participant and how to honor their narrative and their experience.

Connect with Lurie College at to receive more news about academic and student life.  Audio edited by Syney Ahmadian.

Upcoming Scholarship and Grant Application Deadlines

  • Scholarships:  Watch this recording to learn from staff in the SJSU Scholarships Office and faculty on the Lurie College Scholarship Review committee about the 2020-2021 Lurie College scholarship application process.  More details about all of the Lurie College scholarship and grant opportunities are available at  The deadline to apply for SJSU and Lurie College scholarships is Friday, May 1, 2020, so start your application process as soon as you can!
  • Student-Research Awards:  Supports students to be mentored by a faculty mentor on a student-initiated research project.  Students can receive an award of $2,000 per semester and $4,000 a year.  The deadline to apply for these awards for the 2020-2021 academic year is Thursday, April 30, 2020, at 4pm via this Google form.  Learn about research projects by Department of Special Education graduate student Monica Gonzalez and Department of Communicative Disorders and Sciences student James Chow who each received a student-research award for the 2019-2020 academic year.

SJSU Faces of Learning Project | Meet Co-Researcher Edith

The Lurie College Faces of Learning Project shines a light on SJSU students’ learning experiences – huge thanks to undergraduate student Edith Urbano for sharing her experience with us!  When asked what she learned about herself during this project, she said “I really enjoyed hearing my fellow peers and other students’ stories.  As a fellow student myself, it was reassuring to know that we all go through the same struggles and experience our own little victories.”

Visit to view the student-curated photo exhibition and RSVP to attend our student panel on Thu., Apr. 30, at 12pm.

SJSU Faces of Learning Edith Urbano

– Name: Edith Urbano Ixta
– Pronouns: she/her
– Year and Major / Minor: Child and Adolescent Development major,  Sociology of Education minor
– Fun Fact / Hobby: Fun fact: I am left-handed. Hobby: I love going thrifting with my friends.
– What motivated you to participate in this project? I was motivated to be part of this project to bring the stories of students to life and put faces to the statistics that come from the school.

Connect with Lurie College at to receive more news about academic and student life.  Audio edited by Syney Ahmadian.