Meet the Lurie College Faculty | Maria Fusaro

Maria’s research centers on how young children, under age 5, learn from other people, through both verbal and gesture-based communication and through question-answer exchanges. Her recent work examines how preschoolers’ skill in asking questions supports their ability to solve science-relevant problems in innovative ways. Bridging her teaching and research, Maria also studies the preparation of undergraduate students for careers in infant/toddler care and education, and for providing high quality, supportive learning experiences for young children. Read Maria’s full profile below and listen to Maria’s personality playlist on the Lurie College Spotify account !

Maria Fusaro

Associate Professor, Child & Adolescent Development


  • Ed.D., Human Development and Psychology, Harvard Graduate School of Education
  • Ed.M., Mind, Brain and Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education
  • B.A., Education Studies (Human Development) and Public Policy and American Institutions (Education Policy), Brown University

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Meet the Lurie College Faculty | Nadia Sorkhabi

Nadia Sorkhabi studies cultural variations in the effects of parent-child conflict; mothers’ and fathers’ parenting styles and practices; and marital conflict on mental health, academic achievement, social competence, communicative competence, and disclosure to parents of children, adolescents, and emerging adults.  She also study the social cognition and moral reasoning of orthodox Muslims about religious authority, parental authority, equality, and individual rights. Read Nadia’s full profile below and listen to Nadia’s personality playlist on the Lurie College Spotify account!

SJSU Lurie College of Education Child and Adolescent Development Department Faculty Nadia Sorkhabi

Professor, Child & Adolescent Development


  • Ph.D., Human Development, University of California, Berkeley

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