K-12 Teaching Academy | Week(s) of Welcome: Intentional, Inclusive Relationships Start Here


  • Rafael Rodriguez | Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Specialist | Santa Clara County Office of Education | Twitter: @SCCOE
  • Jessica Simpson | Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Specialist | Santa Clara County Office of Education | Twitter: @SCCOE


We are at a unique point along the pathway towards rebuilding educational culture. The past year has repeatedly demonstrated that individual educators are pivotal in both the physical and the social-behavioral health and wellbeing of our students and families – what if we could intentionally design activities and strategies that each educator could adapt in order to create more inclusive environments for all students? Participants will have the opportunity to learn how (and why) to incorporate social-behavioral instruction and practice into the initial weeks of school. Participants will also explore how to incorporate identity building, precorrection (both social-behaviorally and academically) and relationship skills with the Positive Greetings at the Door intervention (Cooke, et. al).

Access additional resources and all of our K-12 Teaching Academy webinars at http://sjsu.edu/education/community/k12-academy

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