Join us for Episode 3 of Emancipatory Education Now

Emancipatory Education Now is a student-led initiative at the SJSU Lurie College of Education that examines what emancipatory education – the critical evaluation of the systems and structures of oppression that maintain the status quo in our educational institutions – looks like in today’s society and advocates for the expansion of emancipatory education research, policies, and practices.

Our co-hosts for the Spring 2021 semester are:

  • Abby Almerido – Graduate student, Educational Leadership
  • Aminah Sheikh – Undergraduate student, Communicative Disorders & Sciences
  • Ana Isabel Hahs – Graduate and credential student, Teacher Education
  • Vaishnavi Sunkari – Undergraduate student, Child & Adolescent Development, Public Health
  • Victor Calvillo Chavez – Graduate student, Counselor Education

In this episode, Victor leads a dialogue around decolonization in education. The co-hosts shared their insights framed by questions such as:

  • What is your initial reaction towards the reading? Do you have an example or question that came to mind after reading the article?
  • How would you describe the topic of decolonization to a student?
  • What would efforts to decolonize education look like?

after reading the article “Decolonization and Education: Locating Pedagogy and Self at the Interstices in Global Times” by Nina Asher prior to the episode.

This episode’s call to action: The effects of colonization can be experienced by the narrow thinking developed in the human mind. As we return to society, we must be more mindful in how we interact with each other. Decolonization begins with decolonizing one’s own mind.

Join us live for our episode 3 on Friday, March 12, at 5:30pm on the Lurie College YouTube channel.  All of the recordings for this series are available at

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