Jen Roberts (Twitter: JenRoberts1), National Board Certified English teacher and adjunct faculty at the University of San Diego, led this conversation.
What we know about teaching writing well has not changed, but the tools we have available for teaching writing have expanded. We will work through the writing process learning about new methods and tools to keep our students moving forward in their writing development. You will gain practical and accessible strategies you can apply to your writing instruction immediately, no matter where your students are in their writing. Classroom tested, teacher approved, I promise these are the tools and strategies worth learning. They will save you dozens of hours over the rest of this school year, and your students will like them too.
The slides for this webinar are available at Join our K-12 Academy Facebook group at
The SJSU Lurie College of Education has established this free K-12 Online Teaching Academy to create resources for teacher candidates and current teachers that discuss how to build equity and employ emancipatory pedagogies in an online environment. Learn more about the academy at
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