Congratulations from Lurie College Dean Heather Lattimer

Congratulations to all of our SJSU Lurie College of Education undergraduate, graduate, credential, and doctoral students for completing a very challenging and unconventional semester! Watch this video for a shoutout from Dean Heather Lattimer.  The transcription of the message is available below.

Congratulations!  You have made it through what has been one of the craziest, most unpredictable, most challenging semesters that I’ve experienced in more than 20 years as a member of a university community.  I hope that you recognize your accomplishment and that you take great pride in the fact that you made it through.

You deserve huge admiration.

You’ve navigated through unpredictable field experiences, through assignments that might have taken a very different direction than what you originally anticipated, through online platforms that may have been unfamiliar, and through often very challenging life circumstances as jobs, families, and housing situations all changed pretty dramatically in a very short period of time.

You deserve to take a step back and admire the fact that you have persisted thus far.

I also want to express my gratitude to each of you.  The caring and compassion that you’ve shown to one another, your students, your clients, and your field placements even after those field placements ended, and to your faculty and staff and administrators as we’ve all tried to figure this out together.

You’ve been very patient and very supportive and we are exceedingly grateful.

The care, the persistence, the grit, the determination, the compassion that you’ve shown is exactly the hallmark of the transformative educators, therapists counselors, school and community leaders that we’re preparing in the Lurie College of Education.  It gives me great hope for the future to see how incredibly well you have navigated through all of this.

With that, I want to wish you a very happy summer.  I know that many of you have jobs and coursework and internships that are lined up that you’re looking forward to, but I hope before all that begins that you give yourself some time to decompress, and unwind relax a little bit.

It’s been a very busy semester and you deserve that opportunity to take care of yourselves.

I also hope that you’ll stay in touch in the coming weeks.  We are having some very exciting events and activities that we’re planning for over the summer and we’d love to stay in touch with you.  Additionally, our advisors, Student Success Center, and academic programs are still available.  If you have any questions or concerns please do reach out.

Thank you again for all that you’ve done this semester.  Thank you for your persistence and your perseverance.  We look forward to welcoming you back to campus as soon as we can.  In the meantime, take good care and stay safe.

Lurie College Dean’s Office | |


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