Luis Poza’s research investigates how beliefs about language, language learning, race, and nation are embedded in educational practice and policy. He uses qualitative methods, principally ethnography and participant observation, to examine how these ideologies and their curricular and legal manifestations shape students’ experiences in schools. Dr. Poza also draws upon his research in his teaching to support teacher candidates learning how to best serve students from historically marginalized populations. Read Luis’ full profile below and listen to Luis’ personality playlist on the Lurie College Spotify account!
Assistant Professor, Teacher Education
- Ph.D., Sociology of Education + Race, Inequality, and Language in Education, Stanford University
- M.A., Climate and Society, Columbia University
- Preliminary Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential (BCLAD), San Jose State University
- B.A., Latin American Studies, Yale University
Recent Publications
- Poza, L., & Viesca, K.M. (2018). Testing and ideology: policy debates about literacy assessments for Colorado’s bilingual students. Journal of education policy. (Online first). DOI: 10.1080/02680939.2018.1511831
- Poza, L., (2018). “Los dos son mi idioma”: Translanguaging, Identity, and Social Relationships among Bilingual Youth, Journal of Language, Identity & Education, DOI: 10.1080/15348458.2018.1504682
- Poza, L. (2018). The language of ciencia: Translanguaging and learning in a bilingual science classroom. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 21(1), 1-19.
- Poza, L. (2017). Translanguaging: Definitions, implications, and further needs in burgeoning inquiry. Berkeley Review of Education. 6(2). 101-128.
2016 - Poza, L. (2016). Barreras: Language ideologies, academic language, and the marginalization of Latin@ English language learners. Whittier Law Review. 37(3). 401-421.
Recent Presentations
- Poza, L. (2019). Todos juntos/All together: A Role for Social Design Experiments in School Gentrification Research. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Toronto, ON, CAN. Apr. 5,
- Poza, L. (2019) Translanguaging: Definitions, implications, and further needs in burgeoning inquiry. Annual meeting of the American Association of Applied Linguistics. Atlanta, GA. Mar. 11, 2019
- Poza, L. & Stites, A. (2019). Decolonizing the curriculum: Sociocritical literacies and 8th grade social studies. Colorado Association for Bilingual Education winter conference. Boulder, CO. Feb. 7, 2019
- Poza, L., & Brooks, M.D., (2018). “Can I add something?”: Academic literacies and meaning making in the social sciences for pre-service teachers. Annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association. Indian Wells, CA. Nov. 28, 2018.
Noteworthy Grants and Awards
- National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2017-2018
- Outstanding Dissertation Award, Bilingual Education Research Special Interest Group, AERA, 2015
Online Resources
- Twitter account | @luisepoza
Areas of Research Interest
- Bilingual education
- Civil rights
- English Learners
- Education policy
- Language ideologies
- Language policy
- Translanguaging
Recommended Reading
- The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
- The Location of Culture by Homi K. Bhabha
- Genesis (Memory of Fire, Vol. 1) by Eduardo Galeano