Meet the Lurie College Faculty | Cara Maffini

Cara’s research encompasses intersections of culture, mental health, and trauma particularly among adolescents and emerging adults with a focus on underserved populations.  She has three main lines of research: (a) understanding psychosocial, cultural, and developmental protective and risk factors associated with trauma (e.g., violence, victimization, and campus safety); (b) examining refugee experiences and intergenerational transmission of trauma; and (c) examining bicultural and biracial experiences and identity development.  Grounded in her training in counseling psychology, Cara’s research serves to inform campus and community-based intervention and prevention programs.  Read Cara’s full profile below and listen to Cara’s personality playlist on the Lurie College Spotify account!

SJSU Lurie College of Education Child and Adolescent Development Department Faculty Cara Maffini

Associate Professor, Child & Adolescent Development


  • Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, Indiana University
  • M.A., Psychology, Sacramento State University
  • B.A.S., Psychobiology and Dance, UC Davis

Recent Publications

  • West, M. T.,* & Maffini, C. S. (2019). ‘What are you?’ Conceptualizing the complexities of bicultural and biracial college student experiences. Journal of College Counseling, 22, 164-178. doi: 10.1002/jocc.12128
  • Linares, J.,* & Maffini, C. S. (2018). Voces de resistencia: Exploring Salvadoran students’ experiences and needs in higher education. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/1538192718814129
  • Maffini, C. S. (2018). Campus safety experiences of Asian American and Asian international college students. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 9, 98-107. doi: 10.1037/aap0000087
  • Maffini, C. S., & Pham, A. (2016). Overcoming a legacy of conflict: The repercussive effects of stress and intergenerational transmission of trauma among Vietnamese Americans. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 25, 580-597. doi:10.1080/10926771.2016.1182955
  • Maffini, C. S., & Wong, Y. J. (2015). Feelings About Culture Scales: Development, factor structure, reliability, and validity. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 21, 213-224. doi:10.1037/a0037647

Recent Presentations

  • Maffini, C. S. & Jennings, R. (2019, May). Addressing the pervasive legacy of transgenerational trauma. Educational Session presented at the annual California Association for Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors (CALPCC) Conference, Northridge, CA.
  • Maffini, C. S., & Dillard, K. (2018, August). Psychological safety: Exploring racial group differences in violence and safety on college campuses. In C. S. Maffini’s (Chair), Culturally-responsive support for youth of color amidst traumatic experiences. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association (APA), San Francisco, CA.

Areas of Research Interest

  • Adolescents / emerging adults
  • Bicultural
  • Campus safety
  • Communities of color
  • Intergenerational transmission of trauma
  • Psychological well-being / mental health
  • Refugees

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