Meet the Lurie College Faculty | Ellen Middaugh

Ellen Middaugh’s research is guided by the question, “How do youth become effective advocates for themselves and their communities in the digital age?”  She is interested in how the internet and participatory media enable and constrain civic participation.  Dr. Middaugh conducts research on how youth use social media to express public voice and build community, youth practices as they encounter misinformation and hostility online, and educational interventions designed to help support informed, ethical and empowered civic engagement.  Her research focuses on youth broadly but with special interest in the experiences of those who may be excluded or misrepresented by powerful civic institutions.  Read more below and listen to Ellen’s personality playlist on the Lurie College Spotify account!

SJSU Lurie College of Education Child and Adolescent Development Department Faculty Ellen Middaugh


  • Ph.D., Human Development and Education, UC Berkeley
  • B.A., Psychology, George Washington University


  • Middaugh, E. (2019). More than just facts: Promoting civic media literacy in the era of outrage. Peabody Journal of Education. Published online before print. Doi:
  • Middaugh, E. (2018). Civic media literacy in a transmedia world: Balancing personal experience, factual accuracy and emotional appeal as media consumers and circulators. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 10(2), 33-52.
  • Middaugh, E. & Evans, C. (2018). Did you know?!…Cultivating online public voice in youth. Theory and Research in Social Education, 46, 574-602.
  • Middaugh, E., Schofield-Clark, L. & Ballard, P. (2017). Digital Media, Participatory Politics & Positive Youth Development. Pediatrics, vol. 140, issue supplement 2.
  • Middaugh, E., Bowyer B. & Kahne, J. (2017). U Suk! Norms of online political discourse and the implications for adolescent civic development and engagement. Youth & Society, 49(7), 902–922. DOI: 10.1177/0044118X16655246


  • Middaugh, E. (2019, February). Transformative engagement: Youth remaking their worlds. Report commissioned for and presented at the UNESCO Global Citizenship Education Division’s February, 2019 Experts’ Meeting on Teaching and Learning for Responsible Transformative Engagement in Seoul, Korea.
  • Middaugh, E. (2019, April). Youth Civic Development in an Era of Outrage: Implications for Civic Education. Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association. Toronto, CA.
  • Middaugh, E. (2019, April) Coming of Age in the Era of Outrage: Digital Media and Youth Civic Development. University Scholars Series.



  • Adolescent
  • Civic education
  • Civic engagement, youth
  • Community
  • Critical consciousness
  • Digital media
  • Participatory media
  • Social media


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