Lurie College Students Recognized as Dean’s Scholars

Over 200 undergraduate Lurie College students in the Child and Adolescent Development and Communicative Disorders and Sciences departments earned a 3.65 or higher grade point average in Spring and/or Fall 2018 semesters and were recently recognized for their achievements at the annual Dean’s Scholars Honors Ceremony!

Dean's Scholars Honors Ceremony attendees

SJSU Lurie College students await their recognition as Dean’s Scholars

SJSU Lurie College Dean Heather Lattimer congratulates a scholar.

SJSU Lurie College Dean Heather Lattimer congratulates a scholar.

SJSU Lurie College Associate Dean Marcos Pizarro congratulates a scholar.

SJSU Lurie College Associate Dean Marcos Pizarro congratulates a scholar.

SJSU Lurie College student Adriana Garcia celebrates their Dean's Scholars honors recognition.

SJSU Lurie College student Adriana Garcia celebrates their Dean’s Scholars honors recognition.

SJSU Lurie College student Sean McKenzie celebrates their Dean's Scholars honors recognition.

SJSU Lurie College student Sean McKenzie celebrates their Dean’s Scholars honors recognition.

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