ABSO Travel Cheat Sheet

To provide quick and easy access to essential aspects of the travel policies, ABSO has created a one-page cheat sheet.

What’s Included:

  • Process Overview: A general breakdown of the request and approval process for travel authorization and reimbursements
  • Important Timeframes
  • Best Practices
  • Documentation Requirements: Clear guidance on the necessary documentation
  • Exceptions: Guidance on the procedure for requesting exceptions to the standard travel policy.
  • Expense Allowances
  • Links: CSU, AAD, & SJSU Finance Travel policy websites;  the new SJSU Travel Claim Worksheet (required for reimbursed expenses for trips Jan. 1, 2024, and after).

You can find the cheat sheet on the AA Resource Hub. Go to “Budget and Financial Management”, and scroll down to the Travel section under “Tools & Resources”.

Click on the image below to go directly to the cheat sheet.

Changes to Interagency Financial Transactions (IFTs)_Updated Links

Interagency Financial Transactions (IFTs), formerly known as Cash Posting Orders (CPOs).

Beginning FY 2022/23, departments, colleges, and units will be responsible for processing the faculty payment requests via Special Consultant or Category 2403 for funds provided via IFTs. Please refer to the faculty additional employment website under UP for additional information on these types of payments.

University Personnel Faculty Services (UPFS) has approved IFTs that meet certain criteria to be processed directly via the Special Consultant Payment request, bypassing the pre-approval requirement. This only applies when one of the two items listed below is included as part of the IFT supportive documentation.

  • An approved Faculty Engagement form
  • A memo that includes the faculty name,  the scope of work, and the amount to be paid

A budget allocation will be posted to the faculty’s home department with Class Code 1024 – Chancellor’s Office to help identify IFT funds. A copy of the budget journal will be sent to the college and department for their records.

All departments, colleges, and units will be responsible for tracking IFT activities within their area.

Please refer to the AA Resource Hub for additional information.

New DocuSign Form: Miscellaneous Payment Request

The Miscellaneous Payment Request form is now available in DocuSign! The form is available on the Hub and is ready for use.

Miscellaneous Payment is a bulk process designed to handle multiple faculty stipend payments, bypassing the standard Additional Employment appointment processes. Due to its special nature, departments in Academic Affairs may use this process only for select payment types:

  • College-authorized department workshops and training participation (stipend payment must be in the range of $140 – $300)
  • Fellowship included in a new hire’s offer
  • Other research fellowship payments with a clear outline of work
  • Summer advising (orientation and general stateside summer advising)
  • Award stipends for teaching associates and graduate assistants

All other faculty payments must be processed through Additional Employment.

Please contact abso@sjsu.edu for any questions or concerns.

Professional Program Accreditation Annual Dues

This message is for the department admins who process professional program annual accreditation fee invoices.

A change has been made in how professional program accreditation invoices are processed. Per our previous blog post dated 9/22/21, invoices were to be forwarded to Nikki Mirza in Institutional Effectiveness and Student Analytics (IESA) for processing. Moving forward, please forward these invoices to  IESA’s new mailbox, accreditation@sjsu.edu. Please feel free to reach out to this inbox if you have any questions or require additional information.

FY2021/22 HEERF Expenditure Reports

As mentioned in the AART Meeting this morning, we have been asked to submit a projected expense report of the FY2021/22 Higher Education Emergency Relief Funding (HEERF) support we were allocated. In order to comply with the request, ABSO has emailed out a template with instructions to the colleges that have been awarded HEERF funds (Business, Education, Engineering, and Science). Academic Support Units who have also received HEERF allocations have also been asked to provide expense projections.

Please make sure to move any HEERF expenses currently in Fund 70000 – CSU Operating Fund to Fund 70602 – HEERF II Institutional with Class Code 4716 – Coronavirus COVID-19 Incident and the corresponding Project Code before 12/22/2021. You also need to project future expenses that will be incurred and will be posted in the system by February 28, 2022. Please note: Encumbrance of funds will not count as an expense. We strongly recommend that you submit your requisitions as soon as possible and work with the vendors to process invoices for payment.  

Student Assistants and Instructional Student Assistants (ISAs) will need to report all of their hours by January 31, 2022, in order for their payroll to be posted in the month of February. 

Any HEERF expenses being paid via the ProCard and/or GoCard need to be posted by the dates listed below to ensure the transactions are posted in time for the statement reconciliation process and for Accounts Payable to post the transactions to CFS in February. Note, these are the new dates provided by A/P after our meeting this morning.

  • GoCard: January 12, 2022
  • ProCard: January 18, 2022

The HEERF expense projections are due to our office by Thursday, January 6, 2022

Thank you for your assistance.

Please contact our office if you have questions.