Reimbursed Time Authorization (RTA) & Reimbursed Salary Authorization (RSA)

In response to the reopening of Cost Recovery Funds 78005 and 78006, the Reimbursed Time Authorization (RTA) and Reimbursed Salary Authorization (RSA) processes have changed.

Reimbursed Time Authorization

Reimbursed Time: Faculty time that is bought out by a grant or donation funding.  SJSU is reimbursed based on the terms defined in an RTA, such as the reimbursement increment, funding source, salary and benefit amounts, etc.


  1. An RTA is routed in DocuSign to collect the appropriate authorization.
  2. The RTA is finalized once UP-FS confirms the released faculty’s workload and compensation rate.
  3. ABSO requests the auxiliary be invoiced based on the information on the RTA.
  4. The reimbursement is posted as revenue in 580095-Release Faculty’s DeptID-78005/6 with the associated foundation project code.
  5. A request to temporarily split the faculty’s salary is sent to Finance Connect.
    For 2022/23, ABSO will process all temporary funding change requests related to RTA.  All corresponding salaries and benefits will be posted in the Released Faculty’s Home DeptID in funds 78005 or 78006 with project code 99999.
    – Beginning 2023/24, departments will process all temporary funding change requests via OnBase.

Reimbursed Salary Authorization

Reimbursed Salary: Faculty stipend that is reimbursed by a grant or donation funding.  SJSU is reimbursed based on the terms defined in an RSA, such as the reimbursement increment, funding source,  salary and benefits amounts, etc.


  1. An RSA is routed in DocuSign to collect the appropriate authorization.
  2. ABSO requests the auxiliary be invoices based on the information on the RSA.
  3. The reimbursement is posted as revenue in 580095-Release Faculty’s DeptID-78005/6 with the associated foundation project code.
  4. The faculty’s home department requests payment to the faculty through Additional Employment.  The RSA form should be attached as a support document.
    – Use a position number that ties to funds 78005 or 78006 with project code 88888.

Non-RTA Release Time/Buyout

A faculty, staff, or student employee whose time is partially or wholly reimbursed by an auxiliary organization on a monthly basis.


There are two ways to ensure the payroll expenses are charged to the appropriate Cost Recovery Fund.

  1. Use Temporary Appointment Funding Change to split-fund the employee if the appointment is for one fiscal year or less.
  2. Create a position that ties to Funds 78005/6 with the appropriate foundation code for appointments that are over a year.
    Please note that all existing foundation positions tied to Fund 70000 have been remapped to either 78005 or 78006.  No actions are required from the departments.

For additional details, please visit the Cost Recovery section in Budget & Finance on the Hub.

If you have any questions, please contact ABSO at

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